AmeCon 2007 registration and guest details
Date: 2007 March 01 02:59
Posted by Joe
The good folks from Leicester UK convention AmeCon 2007 have sent us more details regarding registration and guests at the convention. Following our earlier story about the convention being open for registration it seems that a lot of people have now registered with more than 673 fans registering for the convention, this means that half of their capacity has been filled in 4 days! They have a total capacity of 1,300 which once filled will not be extended due to insurance and tax issues. We suggest you book now to avoid any disappointment.
Guests this year are voice actors Monica Rial and Chris Patton, who also attended last years AmeCon and proved to be popular guests.
Full Story
Press release as follows:
Phenomenal response during first week of registrations.
LEICESTER, UK, 28 February 2007 - The AmeCon committee are proud to announce that registrations are currently being accepted for AmeCon 2007, to be held on the weekend of 10 - 12 August 2007 at the Main Campus of the University of Leicester in England, UK. The initial response to this, the third anime convention under the successful AmeCon banner (following events in 2004 and 2006), indicates a strong chance of AmeCon 2007's attendance numbers living up to its record-setting predecessors; a total of 673 registered members have signed up at time of press since registrations opened on 25 February 2007.
Further details regarding pricing, accommodation and guests can also now be confirmed.

Convention Venue Details
AmeCon 2007 will be run at the University of Leicester’s Main Campus (University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH). In addition to such fantastic facilities as working lifts this year (or so we're told, keep your fingers crossed folks), the University also offers large screening rooms with tiered 'theatre style' seating for a great anime viewing experience, as well as multiple events rooms, spacious socialising facilities and the 1,500-person capacity ‘Venue’, within the Students’ Union (please feel free to prop yourself up at the bar so that our Ops Officer doesn't stumble over weary bodies when he joins you for a pint!)
Convention Dates
AmeCon 2007 will begin on the morning of Friday, August 10th, and the convention will run until late evening on Sunday, August 12th. If you are staying in on-site accommodation, you are welcome to stay in them until Monday morning, after which time you don't have to go home, but you can't stay here.
Convention Accommodation
By popular demand, en suite accommodation will be provided for con attendees at AmeCon 2007. Opal Court is located right next to the venue. In addition to en-suite facilities, there is also a late-opening convenience store. There are no free parking spaces available at Opal Park, although there is a pay-and-display car park nearby and free parking is available at Nixon Court. In total, 191 rooms are available at a cost of GBP 37.50 per person per night.
For additional on-site accommodation, Freeman's Common is a series of 3-floor accommodation blocks, with shared kitchens and bathrooms. Just don't leave your ever-important shower until the last night. There is a car park available, with an overflow carpark at Nixon Court. In total, 290 rooms are available at a cost of GBP 24.50 per person per night.
Once you have registered, you will receive details of how to book your on-site accommodation in your confirmation e-mail. Further details, along with a list of nearby hotels and guest houses, are also available on the AmeCon 2007 website (
Convention Registration Rates
AmeCon 2007 opened registrations on 25 February 2007. Pricing for a weekend convention pass (excluding accommodation) will be GBP 40 (payable by cheque only). You can register online at
AmeCon regrets that it is currently unable to offer one-day passes for the 2007 event. Watch for more information on the AmeCon website in the run-up to the event.
Guest Announcements
Monica Rial
The AmeCon committee is pleased to announce the return of Monica Rial to England in time for AmeCon 2007. A voice-actor for ADV Films and FUNimation Studios, as well as an ADR Script Writer, Monica Rial has provided the voice for such fan-favourite anime characters as Kirika Yumura (Noir), Lumiere (Kiddy Grade), Hyatt (Excel Saga) and has recently been announced as the voice of Sakura in CLAMP's Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE. Following well-received appearances at both AmeCons 2004 and 2006 (the latter of which she provided the voice for our very own mascot, Ame-chan!), Miss Rial will be giving several panels and signing everything from DVDs to Nintendo DS's to the *ahem* 'well-toned' stomachs of fanboys and goodness knows what else!
Chris Patton
The AmeCon committee is pleased to announce Chris Patton as a guest at AmeCon 2007. Joining Monica Rial on her jaunt over the pond to AmeCon 2007, Mr Patton is a fellow voice-actor who has worked for ADV Films and FUNimation Studios. A regular face on the Houston theatre scene, and co-frontman of an electropop band, Mr Patton is best known over here for being the English language voice of Greed (Fullmetal Alchemist), Sousuke Sagara (Full Metal Panic!) and Joshua Christopher (Chrono Crusade). Chris Patton will also be attending panels and doing signings. Whether or not he is asked to sign items as bizarre as Monica has in the past however is probably best left up to fate.
Additional guests and a list of the events scheduled for AmeCon 2007, along with updates on every other area of the convention, will shortly be available on the website, so watch that space!
In the meantime, should you wish to offer any comments or suggestions for AmeCon 2007, feel free to visit the popular AmeCon Forum (, where you can also meet and greet fellow anime fans in The Lounge and find answers to any questions you may have, and some you may not have thought of. To start you off, here's one that the AmeCon 2006 attendees can relate to:
When the sky turns dark, stay out of the park.
Hope to see you there!
- Jay Moss.
AmeCon 2007 Publicity Officer/Forum Moderator.
About AmeCon:
AmeCon is a convention dedicated to the celebration of Japanese animation and comics. Following some successful one-day events, several committee members of the Leicester Anime and Manga Club (LANMA – decided to run a small, residential event in 2004. This event, through no fault of their own, became the largest anime convention to be hosted in the British Isles to date. The follow-up event, AmeCon 2006, surpassed even that lofty claim and AmeCon 2007 promises to be a further improvement on its predecessors – as long as the weather holds up!
Source: AmeCon