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The 16th Manga Jiman Competition Results

Date: 2023 April 01 10:35

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The Embassy of Japan in the UK revealed the winners of The 16th Manga Jiman Competition. The awards ceremony for the prestigious competition was held at the Japanese Embassy in London on Friday 24th March 2023.

This years first place went to C M Kevin Li for Jonathan in Agony!, while Ewan Gallagher took second place withAUX. Third place went to Alex Brennan-Dent with Signal.

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Winners as follows:

Manga Jiman 2022 Winners

PositionTitle of MangaEntrant
1stJonathan in Agony!C M Kevin Li
2ndAUXEwan Gallagher
3rdSignalAlex Brennan-Dent
4thThat Mobile LifeAndrew Attwell
5thAbellaJoshua Sims
6thFamilyKyle Charlton
7th「GLHF」Agatha Roud
8thLooking for a Missing PieceYue Guan
9thInterplanetaryHanna Gwynn
10thCan You Hear Me?Samuel Dewick
Youth PrizeFlower of LindoOtsu Yurika
Yonkoma 14+Beyond the A:/Patrick Gordon
Yonkoma YouthThe Paper PeopleCornelius Brandreth

Source: Embassy of Japan in the UK
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