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Doujin shooter game QLIONE out now for download

Date: 2009 August 29 09:13

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Fans of Doujin shooter games will be pleased to hear that Rockin' Android's QLIONE is now available to download for $9.99 from and

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Press release as follows:



LOS ANGELES ­ August 28, 2009- Indie game studio, Rockin' Android, does it again with the launch of the 1-2 player 2-D shooter PC game QLIOINE (Rated 13+) available for download on and for only $9.99. More information can be found at

With psychedelic vector backgrounds, gorgeous, splashy explosions and enemy projectiles coming from all directions constantly moving, bending, shape-shifting and flowing in the most unconventional ways while offering players a challenging and visually stunning experience like no other!

"Perhaps one of the most visually imaginative titles ever to emerge onto the doujin game scene," states Rockin' Android President Enrique Galvez, "QLIONE is one of those games you must actually see to appreciate the aesthetic beauty of its overall look."

The OFFICIAL QLIONE game trailer can be found at:

Release Date: August 25th, 2009
Platform: PC Game
Format: Digital Download
Rating: Rated 13 & up
Language Availability: English & Japanese
Players: 1-2 Players
Genre: Shoot Em-Up / Fighting
Retail Price: $9.99

Acceleration of QLIONE Minimum System Requirements
OS ­ Windows 2000 /XP/Vista
CPU ­ Intel Pentium 1.2GHz System RAM ­ 512MB
Video Card ­ Direct 3D / Direct X 9.0c compliant video card with 128MB RAM
Sound Card ­ Direct Sound X 9.0c compatible sound card
Hard disc space ­ 1GB free space
Publisher Rockin' Android

© 2009 Rockin' Android, Inc. All rights reserved.

Perhaps one of the most visually imaginative titles ever to emerge onto the doujin game scene, QLIONE (previously released as QUALIA) is one of those games you must actually see to appreciate the aesthetic beauty of its overall look. In a strange other worldly liquid space environment that's somewhat akin to watching colonies of microbes flagellating underneath a microscope, combined with the geometric entities reminiscent of the shooter game TEMPEST, this game will have you marveling at the overall designs while at the same time dodging constant enemy assault at every stage.

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Direct2Drive (D2D) is IGN Entertainment's digital download store ( and Launched in October 2004, D2D allows consumers to conveniently purchase and download the latest premium PC games, comics and anime titles directly from the Web to their desktops. D2D's AAA roster of leading game publishers includes Atari, Activision, Blizzard Entertainment, Electronic Arts, NCsoft, Rockstar Games, SEGA, Sony Online Entertainment, THQ, 2K Games, Ubisoft and Vivendi Universal Games.

About Rockin' Android
Headquartered in Los Angeles, CA, Rockin' Android is a newly formed electronic entertainment publisher specializing in doujin videogames and online downloadable games that feature a combination of highly stylized anime visuals and stunning character designs with easy-t-follow interface controls. Rockin' Android launched in 2009 with the PC game release titled SUGURI PERFECT EDITION as well as with downloadable games, including titles such as GUNDEMONIUM, FLYING RED-BARREL-A DIARY OF A LITTLE AVIATOR-, GUNDEMONIUM and CHELSEA AND THE SEVEN DEVILS. More information can be found at

Source: Rockin\' Android
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