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GLAY Ticket Give-away CA - September 2009

Date: 2009 August 31 17:17

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Here at Otaku News every now and then we're able to offer some great competitions. Today is no exception.

US based fans of J-Rock, who can get to a few choice venues in California, will be pleased to hear that we've got some tickets to give away to some great upcoming GLAY gigs.

Full Story

Details as follows:


We have 2 tickets to give away on each of the following dates at each of the following venues:
The Fillmore Wednesday September 9th 2009 San Francisco, CA
House of Blues Sunset Strip Friday September 11th 2009 (West Hollywood, CA)
House of Blues Sunset Strip September 12th 2009 (West Hollywood, CA)

To enter all you have to do is e-mail, with your name and postal address, along with the preferred date/venue. You also have to be able to get to the venue yourself.

Terms and conditions
The winners will be selected at random from the entrants and contacted via e-mail.
No cash alternative.
Editors decision is final.
This competition is open to US residents only.
Your details will only be used for this competition and deleted afterwards, they will not be used for any other purpose or passed onto third parties. Otaku News and GLAY staff, correspondence and associates are not eligible for this competition. Competition Closes on Monday 7th September 2009.

Source: GLAY
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