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Anime director Satoshi Kon passes away

Date: 2010 August 26 12:53

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Acclaimed anime director Satoshi Kon passed away 2 days ago on 24th August 2010. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer on 18th May 2010.

Satoshi Kon has directed several popular films which generally have a cerebral dream like element to them, where the imagination, dreams and reality all mix together. He directed the films Perfect Blue, Millennium Actress, Tokyo Godfathers, Paprika and the TV series Paranoia Agent. Satoshi Kon was working on a feature film called Yume-Miru Kikai, which is unofficially known as Dream Machine in English.

News of death spread like wild fire on the internet, with many anime fans expressing their sadness of his death.

Prominent food and bento blogger Makiko Itoh has translated Satoshi Kon's last words.

The New York Times also have a detailed obituary.

Anime expert Helen McCarthy points out that "at that age Miyazaki hadn't finished Totoro, Tezuka hadn't created Black Jack, Kurosawa hadn't made Yojimbo."

The Anime News Network have details from his wife.

The Guardian also has a good write up.

Source: Anime News Network
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