Anime Limited licenses Garden of Words for UK/ROI release
Date: 2013 September 27 15:00
Posted by Eeeper
UK licensor announces theatrical and home video release for latest Makoto Shinkai film.
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Glasgow based anime distributor Anime Limited have announced they have acquired the CoMix-Wave produced animated film, The Garden of Words, for a limited theatrical and home video release.
The movie, which had been licensed for release in other territories such as the United States, will be released in the UK, Ireland and the Isle of Man. No release date for the Makoto Shinkai film has been given for its home video debut but it will shown at the Scotland Loves Anime festival in October 2013. Anime Limited are also releasing two of Shinkai's other films, Voices of a Distant Star and The Place Promised In Our Early Days in late 2013/early 2014.

Press release as follows:
Garden of Words set for UK release by Anime Limited
Glasgow, UK September 27, 2013 - Anime Limited are thrilled to announce the acquisition of Garden of Words for the UK, Ireland and the Isle of Man.
Garden of Words is the latest film offering from the talented up-and-coming Makoto Shinkai, director of Voices of a Distant Star and The Place Promised in Our Early Days. Released in Japan earlier this year (2013), Garden of Words will be making its UK debut as part of the Scotland Loves Anime festival and on home video.
The film follows the story of a young high school student, Takao, who wants to follow his dream of designing and making footwear. While absconding from school, he encounters and befriends a young woman name Yukari. As the story unfolds, we soon discover that as their friendship deepens, the consequences will put their friendship to the ultimate test.
Beautifully shot and with a tremendous amount of fine detail, Garden of Words really stands out as one of the most visually stunning anime films of the year.
In addition to the limited theatrical release, Garden of Words will be released digitally and on homevideo alongside Shinkai’s other titles licensed by Anime Limited (Voices of a Distant Star and The Place Promised in Our Early Days).

Andrew Partridge, founder and president of Anime Limited says: ‘Makoto Shinkai’s work has gone from strength to strength over the years and remains one of the top must-watch directors coming out of Japan. Garden of Words is an excellent example of this strength and is a sweet and beautiful film. We’re very happy to be able to introduce the UK to such a new director. We expect to see great things from Shinkai-san in the future’.
Based out of Glasgow, Scotland - Anime Limited brings a fresh approach to distributing the best in anime direct from Japan. As an independent company the emphasis is both breathing new life into much loved classics and introducing the cutting edge of theatrical offerings. With a focus on bringing more anime to the big screen, releasing beautifully packaged collector’s editions and trying new ways to reach fans digitally, Anime Limited is committed to offering a wide range of experiences for UK audiences.
Source: All The Anime