Powerpuff Girls and Love Live! exhibition announced for Parco Museum Japan
Date: 2015 November 13 19:57
Posted by Eeeper
Shibuya-based musuem opens celebratory exhibition for Cartoon Network show's Japanese broadcast anniversary and launches tie mash up with fan favourite anime idol franchise.
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To celebrate The Powerpuff Girls début on Japanese TV over 15 years ago, Parco Museum in Shibuya, Japan are holding an exhibition showcasing the series along with a five year retrospective on the Love Live! franchise. Why are we talking about this?
Because it's called "Love Live! ~μ's meet The Powerpuff Girls", a celebratory mashup and, of course, they're selling merchandise for it. T-shirts, comics, keychains, plushies and more, showing that truly there nothing that can't be a toy in Japan. With a reported reboot of the US version of Powerpuff Girls coming in 2016 and the Love Live! series showing no signs of slowing after two seasons, a movies, games and a new version called Love Live! Sunshine!! coming soon, this is a great time to check out the exhibition if you're in town in Japan.
If not, given the popularity of both franchises, both to Japanese and Western fans, now might a good idea to make friends in Japan and see if they'll order some of these goodies for you when they come up for ordering!
The show will run in Parco in Shibuya from November 20th to December 7th 2015, then moving to Hiroshima (December 12th to 27th 2015), Sapporo (January 22nd to February 7th 2016) and Nagoya (February 11th to 28th 2016).
Source: Crunchyroll News