Date: 2006 January 04 10:44
Posted by Jeremy
Anime News Network has announced that a new book containing essays on anime will be due this May from publisher Palgrave Macmillan. Titled Cinema Anime, the book will contain nine essays with an overall theme of dismantling the distinction between high and low culture and offering compelling arguments for the value and importance of the study of anime and popular culture as a key link in the translation from the local to the global, according to Palgrave's website.
The nine essays featured in the new book will have such titles as "The Americanization of Anime and Manga: Negotiating Popular Culture"; "Excuse Me, Who Are You? Reality and Fantasy in the Anime of Kon Satoshi" (anime director Kon is the mastermind behind such films as Perfect Blue, Millenium Actress and the television series Paranoia Agent); and "The Robots from Takkun’s Head: Cyborg Adolescece in FLCL". A hardcover version of the book will be published at £25.00. No details for a softcover version have been announced.