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Happy Giri Choco Day!

Date: 2006 February 14 12:18

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Romance is in the air! It's Valentines day! With most card shops selling all sorts of Valentines day cards, including ones from your cat, you can't help wondering if things have got a bit too commercial. Well it's the same in Japan according to BBC News, since Valentines day is a day where women traditionally give chocolate to their significant others, and also to their bosses, as obligation demands. This isn't an ancient tradition, Giri choco was only started 40 years ago by the Japanese confectionary companies (who would have guessed?). Unsurprisingly 70% of Japanese women want this tradition to end, while Japanese men are happy to keep things the same. The confectionary companies are fair though as White Day a month later is when Japanese men have to buy white sweets for their loved ones.

Source: BBC News
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