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Defending Anime Fans

Date: 2006 October 06 03:46

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The trouble with being an anime fan is that people often get the wrong idea, and then start talking about stereotypical stuff about how crazy people are in Japan. Dragon who is the president of the London Anime Club and has also written a shopping guide to anime and electronics in Tokyo has posted a good defence to being called an otaku:

I got into an "arguement" with somebody at work over the term Otaku. They accused me of dressing up in costume and being obssively knowledgeable about the subject. "Fine," I said. "Just like the rest of the perverts who you see dressed up in strange costumes and hanging round in parks on Sundays, or that gather in huge crowds dressed in outlandish gear singing stupid songs and generally idolising over their obessions. Who spend huge amounts of money buying all the latest things. They have pictures on their bedroom walls. They follow the latest news and interviews very great glee. They seek out fellow fanatics and discuss the latest events. Such obsessives like you. Only in this country they are known as football fans."

So note down the otaku are just the same as football fan strategy and use it next time people call you weird for liking those strange Japanese cartoons! ^_-

Source: London Anime Club
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