Category > Current Affairs
Every week, a planetarium in the Aichi prefecture in Japan screens a show made for children and their parents. Word of mouth has made the show popular and is beginning to prove even more successful at pulling people in.
The show features questions about space asked by ordinary people of the Aichi region. The questions are then answered by the shows very own original characters Chris and her robot dog Beebo. In addition to the shows educational qualities, Yui Harue, a respected voice actress who has given her talents to the characters Tohru Honda (Fruits Basket) and Naru Narusegawa (Love Hina), also provides the voice for Chris. As a result Yui Harue has attracted many men in their 20s and 30s to see this exhibit.
Souce: Akadot
Ghibli fans with children will be pleased to hear about the Barbican screening's of three Ghibli films for an anime season. For three weeks, their Saturday specials will be:
Saturday 1 July - My Neighbour Totoro U, 11.00am
Saturday 8 July - Kiki's Delivery Service U, 11.00am
Saturday 15 July - Spirited Away PG, 11.00am
Please note that adults will have to be accompanied by children, so otaku parents this is an event to take your children to!
Studio Ghibli films always look fantastic on the big screen, and are worth watching and are enjoyable for Children and adults alike.
It's not clear from the release if the movies will be screened in English, or in Japanese with subtitles. We believe since the target audience for these screenings are 5 to 11 year olds, then chances are it will be dubbed in English.
Read More... | Souce: Barbican Family Film Club
Category > Events
The anime & manga events calendar is becoming increasingly full, last week saw the third London Expo to feature a dedicated 'anime village' we were of course there to report back. I attended the expo which included a large amount of Konoha ninjas, a handful of prize wining manga artists and several Oban Star racers.
Read More... | Souce: Otaku News
Category > Events
Those nice people from ADV Films UK have sent us some details about the London Expo, which runs on the 27th and 28th of May. ADV highlights include discounted DVDs at £15 each, along with the Anime Cosplay Competition that they are sponsoring. They'll also be having a free prize draw each day. So why not go along and say hello to the nice folks over at ADV Films UK?! ^_^
Read More... | Souce: ADV Films UK
Category > Anime
Treat your young and upcoming anime fan of a baby brother or sister to the Animate! event at the Barbican in London this year, with noteably Steamboy and the classic Pom Pomo both playing on the 27th this Saturday.
For the hands-on, there's also a few workshops going on subjective to character design, animation, as well as an anime-based workshop all about Ghibli! There are also the non-anime treats aswell, and a costume workshop.
Spread the fan-love, help turn your kiddies into future otaku this week!
Runs until the 29th May, this Sunday.
Souce: Barbican Website
Category > Events
After lots of rumours and the tell tale booking of Naruto's dub Va Maile Flanagan, Eyeonanime have spotted confirmation of the companies involved with the series UK release via a London Expo download. It appears Jetix and Manga Entertainment will make the presentation together at 1pm, which will feature a Q & A with Flanagan and the premiere of the first episode.
We'll have to wait for the Expo to be sure but we imagine Manga will distribute DVDs and Jetix will air the show. We can only hope this will include uncut versions like the US release.
Souce: Eye on Anime
Category > Anime
Manga Entertainment announces a bunch of new titles for release at Anime Central.
Read More... | Souce: Anime News Network
Category > Events
Those good people at Tomo-Dachi have just sent us there latest press release, it contains more details about the Northern Irish convention set for 7th July to 9th July. Highlight's include US guests Tiffany Grant and Matt Greenfield, they'll both provide an interesting insight into the anime industry. Unfortunately, due to personal reasons anime and manga expert Jonathan Clements had to pull out, but has promised to attend the 2007 Tomo-Dachi.
The convention also promises a great selection of panels, workshops and other cool anime events. They'll also be playing a selection of traditional Japanese games such as Go and Shogi . Booking closes on May 30th, so get moving if you're interested! ^_^
Read More... | Souce: Tomo Dachi
Category > Gaming
Even before even the main doors open the main players were fighting to get news out first. There's a lot to go through as the next gen battle finaly heats up.
Read More... | Souce: IGN
The nice folk from the UCL Bloomsbury Theatre in London have sent us details of a screening of Grave of the Fireflies they will be running on 10th June, at 3pm. The Ghibli feature will be in Japanese with English subtitles and we recommend you watch it on the big screen, although be warned, it is a powerful film that shows the harsh reality of war.
Read More... | Souce: UCLU Anime Society
Category > Events
It's a busy time for J-music fans in the UK! Not only is J-Pop Go a regular event but there are also numerous other things happening. This includes a benefit performance for Mika Bomb's drummer Ergi on the 15th of May and the It came from Japan, Japanese music showcase which is running across England from the 16th-20th May.
Read More... | Souce: J-Pop Go Forums
Category > Events
Emily has sent us a friendly reminder about Cosplay Cafe at Cafe Manga in London this Sunday from 2pm-5.30pm, and the first 10 cosplayers who arrive will receive some goodies from a lucky dip. It sounds like great fun, so get your costumes ready and head to Westminster!
Read More... | Souce: Cafe Manga
Category > Events
The nice folks from J-Pop Go, have sent us their latest news, the last event raised over £200 for Ergi. They've also go a nice selection of events lined up in the future, J-Pop July is set to have a Magical Girls and Boy's theme (here's hoping for naked transformation sequences). We're really looking forward to Ninja's vs Pirates Night, since the battle has been going on for ever, although we all know that Ninja's have real ultimate power. October is set to be Halloween themed, and as you can imagine December is set to be J-Pop Ho-Ho-Ho with a Christmas theme.
Read More... | Souce: J-Pop Go
Category > Events
CLAMP makes their first US appearance at Anime Expo.
Read More... | Souce: FUNimation Entertainment
Dragon from the London Anime Club has sent us the following message -
"I know it's short notice but there is a Japanese film crew in town over the weekend filming for JTV. Although they are concentrating on Japanese Games in the West (the programme is sponsored by the creators of Naruto) they want as many fans as possible. So if you happen to be in the vicinity of Cafe Manga on 11am on Sunday morning then you are very welcome. And if you could also pass this info along to anybody else who you think might be interested."
So if you can get to London on Sunday 9th April (and head to Cafe Manga which is near the London Eye), you'll get a chance to be on Japanese TV. Naruto cosplayers get extra bonus points!
Souce: London Anime Club
Category > Events
Our chum Sonia has just sent us details of Sweatdrop's appearance at the Bristol Comics Expo on May 13th - 14th.
Read More... | Souce: Sweatdrop Studios
Category > Events
Emily has just sent us some details about an event she's organising in London next month, Cosplay Cafe at Cafe Manga. Aimed at Cosplayers kameko (photographers) and their chums. It's set for Sunday 23rd April, 2pm-5.30pm, and includes fun activities like a photoshoot, a talk/workshop, a quiz, anime and live action screenings, along with a swap table. They'll even have goodies to give away too! ^_^
Read More... | Souce: Cafe Manga
Category > Events
London J-Pop fans should get out their Sailor Suits and Gakuran and head over to J-Pop Go this Saturday, where they'll be having a Japanese School Disco theme at the Cafe Manga Venue. The nice folk at ADV Films UK are sponsoring the events and as an appropriate tie in will be promoting Cromartie High School. The venue opens at 7pm and the party goes on to 1am. It sounds like fun and will certainly make a great anime weekend, with the London Anime Club the next day.
Read More... | Souce: J-Pop Go
While our US readers where treated to the DVD release of Howl's Moving Castle last week, our UK and Australian readers might want to take a look at our review of Howl's Moving Castle. Optimum and Madman really have put a nice lot of extras on this release, and it's good to see that along with a sub and a dub version they've also supplied subtitles for the English Language track.
The gap between the Japanese and US/UK release of this title was less than 5 months instead of 2 years compared to the UK DVD release of Spirited Away, it really shows you how much more mainstream anime has now become! It's also impressive to note that the US/UK/AU DVD releases are in the same two weeks, a first for a Ghibli English language DVD release! UK fans might want to hunt around for cut price bargains online and also consider that Amazon UK have an exclusive cover.
Souce: Otaku News Howl\'s Moving Castle Review
Category > Events
The good folks from ADV Films UK and Cafe Manga have sent us details of their special anime screenings which will be running throughout March. They'll be showing both subbed versions of Noir, Last Exile and Kino’s Journey at the Central London venue starting from Thursday 9th March. The Manga cafe also inform us that they've introduced happy hours during 6pm to 7pm where they'll be offering 25% discount off all drinks, note that if the staff are in doubt they will ask for ID. All titles screened are rated 12 and are uncut.
Read More... | Souce: ADV Films UK
Category > Manga
Following my recent report on Ottaker's promotional push on the manga scene, I've gotten hold of a small list of other branch locations where a Manga Evening is taking place. If your branch isn't on there, I've been told to keep checking and/or asking away. Areas probably differ in consciousness with manga, and are likely to hold a Manga Evening too, if they know there is a demand.
Read More... | Souce: Ottaker\'s
Category > Events
We've got some details regarding the next J-Pop Go Event, it'll be on the April 1st, yes, that's April's fools Day, however it should be safe of pranks, since it'll be in the evening, and if you do try to pull a prank on April Fool's day after midday, you're the fool! ^_-
They're lastest mailing also has some rather said news regarding Ergi of Mika Bomb, who is belived to have meningitis.
Read More... | Souce: J-Pop Go
Category > Events
Café Manga will be screening Elfen Lied and Boogiepop Phantom on Monday 27th February with a repeat screening on Tuesday the 28th February.
Read More... | Souce: ADV Films UK
Category > Events
The nice folks from J-Pop go have just sent us the details for their February event, this time it's at a new venue, the Cafe Manga (near to the London Eye, which is a great location). Set for Saturday February 11th tickets are available via the J-Pop Go Website. It seems they've also teamed up with evil games company Ubisoft, "Why are they evil we hear you cry?", well the answers simple Ubisoft distribute the most addictive game ever on the PSP - Lumines, a game so truly hypnotic it will suck days of your life in the blink of an eye. ^_- They've also teamed up with ADV Films UK for some goodies
Read More... | Souce: J-Pop Go
Category > Events
Here at Otaku News we keep our eyes peeled on your behalf, we've noticed many of the branches of cinema chain Cineworld are now advertising Howl's Moving castle for only £1 as part of its Saturday movies for juniors promotion. Please note that over 12's need to be accompanied by a child to qualify for the offer!
Ghibli movies are always a treat especially at the cinema - so if you haven't seen Howl big screen yet go now!
Souce: Cineworld
Category > Events
The Japanese Embassy in Piccadilly, London is hosting a free to enter exhibition focusing on the production of manga from the rough through to the finished work. The exhibition focuses on the work of manga artist Kiriko Kubo.
It runs from 30 January - 24 February 2006 and is open Monday - Friday 9.30 am - 5.30 pm.
Souce: Japanese Embassy
Category > Events
As goes the message I got in the mailing list this morning...
The London MCM Expo is very happy to announce a pure Anime, Manga & Japanese Culture event for the UK to place in London, UK during July 2007 called 'Anime London'.
The ever growing London MCM Expo which takes place at Excel in London twice a year will still heavily feature ‘Anime Village’ bringing fans the best of Anime & Manga along with the many movie and TV related areas that it covers.
We now feel that it is time to bring a different kind event to the UK that will address the needs of the pure Anime, Manga & Japanese Culture
fan, this will not take away from existing Anime conventions or the
London MCM Expo but compliment them.
We have added a section to the London MCM Expo message board for you to
discuss the ‘Anime London’ event.
A website is currently being designed for the event and will go live within the next few weeks.
We look forward to hearing from you with regards to the event.
London MCM Expo
Now isn't it about time someone made the brave attempt of holding a major anime event in London town!
Souce: London MCM Expo
Category > Events
The folks from Tomo-Dachi have just sent us their latest press release, which reveals that Matt Greenfield will be one of the guests. Matt Greenfield is best known to anime fans as the co-founder of ADV Films, and has directed the dubbing of Neon Genesis Evangelion (making sure that "Father I hate you!" sounds just right! ^_-).
Read More... | Souce: Tomo-Dachi
Category > Events have just published an article with the attendance figures for the top 10 largest anime conventions in the US. This year Anime Expo gets the number 1 spot with 33,000 attendees including attendees, guests, staff, dealers etc). Otakon get place with 22,000 paid attendees., while third place goes to A-Kon with 10,000 paid attendees, which is a drastic difference from the top two places. What makes this article better than the average website post is that actually go to the effort of explaining the figures, and how they got them, which allows you get a better idea of what each convention is counting. They also have a nice disclaimer stating that biggest does not always equal best, it just means that more people went.
Category > Manga
NewType USA to serialize Seven Seas Entertainment's Aoi House starting with January 2006 issue.
Read More... | Souce: Anime News Network
Category > Current Affairs
The Mainichi Daily News are currently running a story about a ninja skills roadshow taking place in Taiwan next month. Experts are from Iga in Mie, an area famed for the ninja art. The event is planned by the Iga tourist association aims to give demonstrations at hotels and department stores with blowgun darts and ninja starts. Apparently the ninjas will then use their skills to infiltrate further afield including South Korea, America and Europe. We have yet to hear if these ninjas will be wailing on their guitars, as this would be totally cool and by that we mean totally sweet. ^_-
Souce: Mainichi Daily News
Category > Events
We've got news of a new anime convention in Northern Ireland, at the University of Ulster's Magee Campus in Londonderry. Tomo-Dachi is set for 7th 8th and 9th of July 2006 and looks like it's going to be great! With guests including veteran voice actress Tiffany Grant and writer, translator and man of many talents Jonathan Clements. The convention is the first of it's kind in Northern Ireland and has some really nice touches like anime related presents in everyone's room! We reckon it's worth going to for the "What Stupid People Say About Anime" segment alone, since we've heard many people say stupid things about anime! So clear your calendars for that week and get over to Londonderry! ^_^
Read More... | Souce: Tomo-Dachi
Category > Events
Those nice folks at J-Pop Go have sent us the details for their next event, which will take place on December 7th. They've got a real Christmas treat with Rie Fu, who will be performing live, resident DJs, DJ Take Off and DJ Kyukyusha will play a selection of top J-Pop and J-Rock tunes throughout the night as well. Cosplayers get a discount too! So be sure to turn up to their regular venue Fluid in London, for some Japanese music themed fun.
Read More... | Souce: J-Pop Go
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, have just published a press release revealing the long list of ten films to compete for the Animated Feature Oscar. Three of the top films on the list will then go on to be nominated for the Oscar. Anime fans should be cheering for Howl's Moving Castle and Steamboy.
It's clear to see that the competition is very tough this year, with Madagascar, Tim Burton's Corpse Bride, and Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit; also in the running.
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Category > Events
Those nice people over at Sweatdrop have sent us a press release for their appearace at the Comic Expo in Brighton. Tokyopop and Letraset will be there too. It's certainly worth a vist if you like your comics or want to be more active in the independent UK comic scene.
Read More... | Souce: Sweatdrop Studios
Category > Events
The winners of this years IMAF have been announced. Michiru Morikawa's manga "Advent" and Sumito Sakakibara's animated film "Kamiya's Correspondence" will share the grand prize. Special congratulations go to our very own Voxie for wining the Student Children’s Character Design category.
Read More... | Souce: IMAF
Category > Events
The Mainichi Daily News has some great photos from the Akihabara Entertainment Festival. It's set to promote Japanese cultural items like anime and video games! Apparently Sony was also showing off the PS3 there too, although it's rumoured that it was not a working version, but a mock-up. Pikachu made an appearance too!
Souce: Mainichi Daily News
Otaku News have just discovered that the London Children's Film Festival will feature at least two excellent Miyazaki productions. My Neighbour Totoro, which is a simply magical feature that all children should watch will be screened on Sunday 13th November 2.15pm. Totoro was so popular, it because Studio Ghibli's logo, and is one of the most loved icons of Japan.
The Crimson Pig (better known as Porco Rosso in anime circles), is a film showing Miyazaki's love of aircraft and pigs. Much has been said about this excellent film. Younger children will enjoy it's light hearted comedy elements, while older children and adults will notice more in depth side of the story about a man sick of war and the rise of fascism. Porco Rosso will be screened on Saturday 12th November at 1:30pm, Sunday 13th at 2pm and Wednesday 16th at 4pm. For more in depth details on each film check out
Souce: London Children\'s Film Festival
Category > Events
Music otaku should note that October marks a double feature for J-Pop Go, which will be held at Fluid, their regular venue on Wednesday October 19th and also at the London Expo on Saturday October 29th.
Read More... | Souce: J-Pop Go
Category > Current Affairs
A trader was evicted from an Australian anime convention on charges of bootlegging, harassment, and misleading prices.
Read More... | Souce: Anime News Network
Category > Events
The London Expo is nearly upon us (29th & 30th October 2005), and announcements are still being made regarding events, both ADV Films UK and Garner’s Manga hair will be back.
Read More... | Souce: ADV UK
Category > Anime
For all those lucky otaku who are planning to go to Japan there will be an interesting Gundam art Exhibit called "Kitaru Beki Mirai no Tame ni," which has already been displayed in Osaka.
The Exhibit will be open from November 6th till the 25th December and will be held at the Ueno Royal Museum in Tokyo. The three main themes covered in Gundam on which the exhibit will be focused are war, evolution, and life. For pictures of items that will be exhibit visit:
Souce: Anime News Network
Category > Events
It's almost time for SAND 2005, Swansea Animation Days, "a prestigious, international digital animation event that is establishing Wales as a premier location for leading animation business". Anime fans will be interested to know that Jonathan Clements will be there giving a talk entitled "Wrong About Anime"
The Western world has "discovered" anime half a dozen times since the 1960s. Jonathan Clements examines the history of our tempestuous relationship with Japanese animation, from hidden imports and secret deals, through the video nasty controversy, corporate subterfuge at toy corporations and political intrigues at the Oscars.
We've been to Jonathan's Newtype Anime Talk before and found it well worth attending.
Souce: Swansea Animation Days
Category > Events
Author and anime expert Jonathan Clements has sent us details of the SOAS Japanese Manga and Cultural Politics Lecture and Discussion in London. This is due to take place at 7pm Tuesday 11th October, with free admission at the The Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre, SOAS. Since it's hosted by The School of Oriental and African Studies, you know it should be good.
Read More... | Souce: SOAS
Category > Events
With the competition deadline edging ever close, the nice folks at IMAF have sent us some more details for their London event.
Highlights include Sweatdrop Studios, a special screening of Millennium Actress, along with the Europe Premiere of Streetfighter - Alpha Generation. Even Garnier will be their with its Manga haircare range. The IMAF is certainly worth attending to see the wonderful range of entrants.
Read More... | Souce: IMAF
Category > Events
The Mainichi Daily News are running an interesting story about the last few days of the Aichi Expo in Nagoya. As covered previously on Otaku News the Expo features the house from Totoro, along with Japanese companies showing off their robotic technology. The Expo has proved so popular that people are willing to queue overnight to enter. This Saturday 34,500 people queued outside the expo before it opened at 8:20 am. Some people have even been more than 50 times! With attendance like this it's clear to see that the Expo has proved hugely successful.
Souce: Mainichi Daily News
Category > Fandom
UK Anime Magazine Neo, are currently taking votes for their first Neo Awards "the only UK awards ceremony to celebrate the best in Asian Pop Culture" which will be held on Saturday 29th October.
Neo rightly point out that what makes the awards important is that the winner of each category is voted by the fans.
To vote all you have to do is download this PDF file, print it out, fill it out and post it to the address on the form. All voting forms have to be sent in by Friday 7th October to be counted.
Please note that the form is in PDF format, so if you have problems printing the file try downloading Adobe Acrobat.
Souce: Neo
Category > Fandom
With the Tokyo Games Show well under way, so are the cosplayers that have invaded the event. The Mainichi Daily News has some excellent photos of the people there, including some really good Final Fantasy Advent Children and Naruto Cosplayers.
Souce: Mainichi Daily News
Category > Gaming
It’s that time of year again when Otaku go all misty eyed- the Tokyo game show. So far the biggest announcement has to be from Nintendo, who has finally revealed the design of the Revolution's controller. It looks like a remote control but is totally wireless; games are controlled by pointing at the screen- and curiously will also work sideways when playing NES games. Sony disappointed though, as no PS3 games were yet playable.
Souce: Gamespot
With Howl's Moving Castle being launched in the UK from September 23rd every British anime fan is counting the days until they can see it on the big screen. It's already had a few special art house and festival showings in the UK, but these sold out ridiculously quickly. For our UK readers in the Hertfordshire area, we've managed to get exclusive preview screening tickets.
The good people at Cineworld in Stevenage have decided that Otaku News readers can come to this advanced screening for free! All you have to do is download this flyer, and be able to get to Stevenage Cineworld on Wednesday 21st September 2005 for 8:15pm. Present the flyer to the Cineworld staff to attend the screening. Please note that seats are subject to availability so turn up early if you really want to see Howl's Moving Castle!
Please note that the flyer is in PDF format, so if you have problems printing the file try downloading Adobe Acrobat.
Souce: Cineworld Stevenage
Category > Events
Paul from J-Pop Go has sent us the latest details for the event. Apparently it looks like the date for the next London J-Pop Go is going to change. -
"Unfortunately the premiere of the new Ghost In The Shell film is on the same day (I only discovered this today) so the 28th is unlikely to happen."
They plan to push back until October, making sure the event doesn't clash with anything else.
Additionally J-Pop Go will also be providing music at the party for the forthcoming London Expo. - "Following on from the success of last year's event, this year's Expo continues to be a celebration of a variety of pop culture interests including film and TV. The Expo will see special guest stars, displays and a dealer's section. The event will also house a special Anime Village featuring a Cosplay Masquerade and exclusive big screen presentations. The Expo runs on the weekend of 29th/30th October".
It's good to see that the J-Pop Go Organisers are aware of other anime events and are proactively avoiding any calendar conflicts.
Souce: J-Pop Go