Date: 2008 August 10 17:50
Posted by Joe
I've just got back from AmeCon. Some of the the other Otaku News Crew are still there, having a great time.
We've got a few juicy bits of information that will make some excellent articles once we type them up.
Spike's just sent us details directly from the closing ceremony. Apparently, there won't be an AmeCon next year (2009), there'll be an AyaCon instead, with AmeCon taking a break for a year, while they plan to return for 2010.
To summarise, it was an enjoyable and successful convention to say the least, with lots of work put in by various members of the anime community. With artists supplying artwork, tons of fans in cosplay, plenty of fans volunteering to run panels and others helping out as gophers. Also don't forget dealers supplying eager otaku with goods (yay for merchandise), and a well organised convention committee putting in a lot of effort in behind the scenes making sure everything runs smoothly.
We'll be interested to hear your convention stories from AmeCon 2008, and will publish the best ones if you e-mail them to us. ^_^