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Leeds Tanabata Festival 2011

Date: 2011 January 30 16:05

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Japanese culture fans in Leeds might be interested to know that a Tanabata Festival is being held at Leeds University Student's Union 11-12th February 2011.

Festival Events will include 1000 crane origami challenge, calligraphy and putting on Kimono. Entry is free.

Full Story

Event info from the website:
"Tanabata Matsuri, the Star Festival, is a traditional Japanese festival that celebrates
the coming together of two star lovers (Altair and Vega). Come and see the story brought
to life through theatre, be enchanted by sound of traditional music and try your hand at
calligraphy, origami and putting on kimono."

Event time/location is as follows:

Japanese Star Festival
Riley Smith Hall
Leeds University Union
11th-12th February 2011
12pm-5pm (tbc)
Free entry

Source: Leeds Tanabata
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