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Animejin Suspended

Date: 2004 September 19 09:12

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Successful UK anime website Animejin is to be suspended indefinitely.

Animejin is one of the oldest UK anime websites that is still currently running, it's been around since 1993 in print form and then in 1995 made the transition to a website. For a long while it was the primary news source of UK Anime fans on-line. Animejin also posts regular news bulletins on Usenet and to e-mail subscribers.

Full Story

On Friday, Jonthan Weeks the editor / creator of Animejin posted:

"Due to circumstances entirely within my control, work on Animejin has been suspended.

I have recently started working full time for, which creates both a conflict of interests, and too much work to do anything else.

In the mean time, here is a list of alternative UK anime news website to fill the gap:"

The Otaku News crew wish Jonathan the best of luck with his new career at

Source: Animejin
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