Category > Events
The organisers for Northern Irish anime convention Tomo-Dachi have sent us more details for their 2007 convention. Set to run at The University Of Ulster's Magee campus from Friday 24th to Sunday 26th August 2007. This year's guest of honour is Mike McFarland English language dub director of Full Metal Alchemist. Other guests include Stuart Claw, Hugh David, Sonia Leong and Emma Vieceli.
The convention is still open for registration, and we suggest you book as soon as possible to avoid any disappointment.
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Category > Events
If you're a young, budding creative into all things manga, anime and even music, you might want to hit Cambridge next week. The BBC's Blast on Tour will be swinging by Cambridge with their mobile studio, the "Blast truck", and hosting many different activities to get young people aged 13-19 more hands on with the creative scene...
And there's activities on manga and animation included!
Read More... | Souce: Blast in Cambridge
Trailers ruining on Jetix UK reveal game based anime Viewtiful Joe will air on the channel from July 2nd. The story follows Joe who is dragged through the cinema screen, into a Captain Blue action film. Once there he gains the power to become Viewtiful Joe.
Souce: Jetix UK
Category > Anime
SFX has released its second anime special magazine. Featuring articles on GitS:SAC Solid State, how anime is incorrectly perceived, Guyver, CGI in anime and more. Plus a cover bonus of a set of GitS:SAC fridge magnets.
Read More... | Souce: SFX UK
Category > Anime
For anime fans with the animator in them, the online community site Bebo are inviting users to invent the ending to a volume of Guyver, the clip can be seen on thewir website.
Souce: Bebo \'U DIRECT\' Guyver Competition
Category > Anime
Our readers who like podcasts or can tune into Resonance 104.4 fm, a radio art station in London will want to listen in Thursday evening at 10.30 PM BST (9th May 2007), to catch an interview with anime expert Helen McCarthy. She'll be talking on Alex Fitch's show "I'm ready for my close-up", where they'll be covering anime in general, Helen's current anime season at the Barbican and hopefully the Anime Encyclopedia too. The podcast will be put on-line on Friday 10th May.
Souce: Resonance 104.4 fm
Category > Anime
We've received details regarding a book signing in London. Jonathan Clements and Helen McCarthy will be signing copies of the new updated version of the Anime Encyclopedia next week on Tuesday 24th April 2007 at Farringdons book store in the Barbican from 19:00-19:45. Then from 20:30, Helen will be giving a talk, on "Urban Mythmaking Tokyo Style", followed by a screening of Karas: The Prophecy.
So if you want to get a signed copy of the Anime Encyclopedia and meet the authors then swing by.
Souce: Barbican
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo just started this weekend on Jetix. It follows the adventures of Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo a hero who can talk to hair. It' s odd, very odd.
There are new episodes every day at 11:30am and 19:00.
Souce: Jetix
We've got the details from the Sci-Fi-London regarding their anime all-nighter. The line up looks to be the best yet. The anime all nighter is set to run on Saturday 5th May from 11pm. The line up is as follows:
Ghost in the Shell: Solid State Society
Le Chevalier D'Eon
Highlander: Search for vengence
Full Metal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shamballa
We're excited to see the new follow up to Ghost In the Shell: Stand alone complex - Solid State Society, and it's worth going for that alone. However Paprika by Satoshi Kon (the director behind Tokyo Godfathers, Perfect Blue, Millennium Actress and Paranoia Agent) is another must see title. We're really impressed that they'll be showing them both on the same screening. The other titles are worth watching too. We suggest you make it a weekend of anime, go along to the anime all nighter, and then go to the London Anime Club the following day.
We also advise you book soon to avoid disappointment they sold out within 10 days last year.
Friday 4th May 2007, will show the UK Premiere of Ghost In the Shell: Solid State Society.
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Category > Events
Our chum Dragon's sent us details about the London Anime Club's 2007 trip to Japan. Let's face it, if you are a huge anime fan what better way to go to Japan than with a group of like minded fans! ^_^
Details as follows:
Registrations for the LAC Japan 2007 Trip now open
Registration for the London Anime Club's annual trip to Japan is now open. This trip is timed to coincide with the first Japanese World Scince Fiction Convention. The trip is from Friday 24th of August until Friday the 7th of September and includes all flights, hotel, and transfers to/from the airport. There are side trips and special events planned for the more discerning Otaku. Further details about the WorldCon can be found at Nippon 2007.
Souce: London Anime Club - Japan 2007
Category > Events
We've been sent the details of the Bristol International Comic Expo Film Night on May 11th at 10pm at the Ramada Plaza Hotel, Bristol. Anime fans will want to catch Highlander: Search For Vengeance along with the fan produced title with cult appeal AMV Hell: 3.
Read More... | Souce: Bristol International Comic Expo
Category > Anime
We've been sent a press release from the folks at Titan Books. They'll be releasing a new updated edition of the Anime Encyclopedia for the UK on 27th April 2007. This edition has a black cover, along with over 40% new material. The Anime Encyclopedia is a must for otaku, as it's a accurate and well researched guide to the subject unlike a few other books which are nowhere near as good. Jonathan Clements and Helen McCarthy know their stuff and we highly recomend this guide. Hunting around on will produce a bargain price below the suggested retail price. You'll save money by reading about the type of anime you'd want to avoid, but the only trouble is you'd want to watch more of the titles you've discovered by reading it.
Read More... | Souce: Titan Book
Category > Anime
New Naruto episodes are airing starting today at 6.30pm and sees the introduction of Jairya. Interestingly the Japanese theme music makes a welcome entry to the TV edit. Hooray!
Souce: Jetix
Category > Events
We've received details from the good folks at Alcon, the Leicester based convention has had to change it's dates from 14th-16th September to 7th-9th September due to a date clash with the Midlands MCM Expo in Telford.
Souce: Alcon
Category > Events
The good folks from Leicester UK convention AmeCon 2007 have sent us more details regarding registration and guests at the convention. Following our earlier story about the convention being open for registration it seems that a lot of people have now registered with more than 673 fans registering for the convention, this means that half of their capacity has been filled in 4 days! They have a total capacity of 1,300 which once filled will not be extended due to insurance and tax issues. We suggest you book now to avoid any disappointment.
Guests this year are voice actors Monica Rial and Chris Patton, who also attended last years AmeCon and proved to be popular guests.
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Category > Events
Anime fans will be pleased to know that Leicester based UK anime convention AmeCon 2007 is now open for registration. So book now to avoid disappointment. The convention is scheduled for 10th-12th August 2007 and is the third convention held by the AmeCon crew.
Souce: AmeCon
Category > Events
We've received details about the London Anime Club having to cancel their March meeting due to the venue being refurbished later than planned. The London Anime Club meet up on the first Sunday of each month (except January). The next LAC is scheduled to take place on Sunday 1st April.
Read More... | Souce: London Anime Club
Anime fans in the UK who can get down to Exeter will want to go to Animated Exeter from 12th - 24th February 2007, which is spread across several venues including Exeter Phoenix and Exeter Picturehouse.
They'll be showing all sorts of animated fun, we suggest the following anime titles:
Souce: Animated Exeter
Category > Events
We've been sent some details about a new UK anime convention Alcon at De Montfort University, Leicester City Campus. Scheduled for 14th-16th September 2007, it looks promising for a first time convention. Current sign up rates are valid until March 31st, so book now to get a lower sign up fee. We wish the Alcon crew the best of luck for their first anime convention!
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Category > Events
The Tomo-Dachi committee have sent us a press release about their next convention in Northern Ireland. It's set to run from Friday 24th to Sunday 26th of August at the University of Ulster’s Magee Campus in Londonderry. This years guest of honour is ADR director, scriptwriter and voice actor Mike McFarland, who's done ADR work on Fullmetal Alchemist, Trinity Blood and Dragon Ball, as well as a selection of voice acting roles. Too-Dachi is now open for pre-registrations, so book early to avoid disappointment.
Read More... | Souce: Tomo-Dachi
Category > Events
We've received an e-mail from an "anonymous tip". As such we can't say how true this is, it could be a hoax, it could be a genuine anonymous tip, or on the other hand someone could be trying to do a spot of astroturfing for their anime convention, we don't really know.
It's about an anime convention called Kanacon. The e-mail mentions the MCM Expo and JapanEX, so which may imply that they are running it, on the other hand they may not be. It then states that London "has yet to have a full blown Anime & Manga convention", which is wrong, as London has had Shin nen kai before.
The release concludes suggesting that it might be intended to get some hype going. Is this hoax, or real? Who knows, I guess we'll have to find out in 2008, one thing for sure, running an UK anime convention anywhere is tricky and a logistical nightmare, with venue bookings to worry about, insurance, events, support from fandom and millions of other factors, choosing London to run a convention is a bold move because of cost implications. So lets wait and see. We've already spoken to representatives from two major anime companies who have not heard about this convention, we're wondering who in the industry has been contacted.
We hope the people who tried to launch the disastrous KyuuCON are not involved.
Read More... | Souce: Strange \"Anonymous Tip\"
Just a quick reminders to our viewers in the UK, BBC 2 will be airing Spirited Away, the first and only anime movie to win an Oscar. Make sure you catch Hayao Miyazaki's masterpiece at 5:15pm on Saturday December 30th 2006. From what we can gather it's the dubbed version.
Souce: BBC Two
Just a quick note to let everyone know that new episodes of Naruto are showing on Jetix at 6.30 pm each day. If you've missed the start of the new episodes all you need to know is Shino likes bugs.
Souce: Jetix
Category > Anime
FUNimation's UK titles will be switching from MVM to Revelation Pictures. The move has been made by Nevarre , FUNimation's parent company who already use Revelation for other releases.This will involve series such as Full Metal Alchemist and Fruits Basket. MVM will still continue with a range of anime it's licenced independently from FUNi.
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Category > Press Releases
The friendly guys over at ADV Films UK have sent us details of their latest acquistion from Production IG, Le Chevalier D'Eon. Currently they haven't set a release date which is a bit of a pain, not even a rough time frame is mentioned, however it does say that they have UK Video, TV and Video on Demand rights.
Read More... | Souce: ADV Films UK
Anime fans who can get to Leeds in November are in for a treat. They'll be holding the 20th Leeds International Film Festival. Highlights include the UK Premiere of Paprika by Satoshi Kon (responsible for Paranoia Agent, which they'll be screening the complete series in the Festival). Other features include the rather strange selection from Kawasaki Minoru - Executive Koala, Calamari Wrestler and The World Sinks Except Japan.
All tickets cost £6.00 or £4.50 for conessions, they also do tickets for the whole festival. It's well worth going for the Satoshi Kon features alone!
Souce: 20th Leeds Film Festival
Oban Star Racers started in the UK on Sunday October 1st, and will then confusingly run on weekdays at 5:30pm, with the first episode being aired again on Monday 2nd October. Having caught the first few episodes at last London expo it comes highly recommended.
Naruto fans might be eager to hear that Jetix are advertising new episodes at 6:30. Today's episode was actually a repeat set at the start of the Chunin written exams, the new episode adverts may indicate that Jetix will progress to the practical part of the exams after the written and therefore genuine new episodes, instead of looping back to episode one.
Souce: Jetix
Rapture TV one of the few channels showing anime in the UK will be launching a new show called Anime Nation on the 25th of September.
As of yet no times have been announced, but we sincerely hope that they put more effort in than the latter Saiko Exciting episodes!
Souce: Rapture TV
Category > Events
We've been sent some details from the Tomo-dachi Crew about their next convention, set for Friday, August 31st - Sunday to September 2nd, 2007 at the UU Magee Campus in Londonderry, Northern Ireland. Bookings before March 31st are £25 and £30 after. As of yet, they've not released a guest list, however if the last Tomo-dachi is anything to go for they'll have some good industry guests.
Read More... | Souce: Tomo-dachi
Category > Anime
London based anime fans will want to head over to the Japan Foundation for their free event Bringing Pictures to Life - Japanese Animation and the World of Koji Yamamura. It's set to run on October 16th at 6:30pm, although it's free, booking is essential (if you do book don't forget to mention you found this through Otaku News). Anime expert Helen McCarthy will also be giving a talk about Japanese animation.
It's good to see that the Japan Foundation will be doing this, and hopefully they'll be having other events like this in the future.
The Japan Foundation is near Russell Square Tube station, a short walk from The British Museum and Gosh comics, which is known to stock a nice selection of manga.
Read More... | Souce: Japan Foundation
Category > Events
Those nice partying folk at J-Pop Go will be having the final ultimate showdown (of ultimate destiny) to decide who really does rule, ninjas or pirates. The popular London J-Pop event is set to run on Saturday September 23rd at their regular venue of Cafe Manga.
Who will win on pirates versus ninja night? Otaku News will be betting on the ninjas to win, being favourites by far as they have real ultimate power! Although we wouldn't put it past the underdog pirates of having some chance of beating the sneaky ninjas, however ninjas would only lose to trick the pirates into a false sense of security before flipping out and killing all the scurvy sea dogs! ^_-
Souce: J-Pop Go
The new season of One Piece will start on Monday at 4:30 on Toonami in the UK. So get that grog (or juice since this is the dub) ready for everyone's favourite stretchy pirate anime.
Souce: Toonami
Category > Gaming
After searching we've noticed that a release date for the PS2 Naruto game Ultimate Ninja has been given as 03/11/2006. Better sharpen your kunai and get practicing then.
Category > Anime have spotted that Sony have registered Anime + as a channel in in the UK. Doing some digging here at Otaku News we've spotted that this seems to be part of a move on Sony's part to widen it's AXN, Animax and Sony Entertainment Television brands. It follows the apointment of Tom Davidson to vice president of international networks in May. It's probably quite important to note that according to this press release Mr Davidson is based in the London Sony headquarters!
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Category > Anime
UK viewers will no doubt have noticed that the UK airing of Naruto has been further cut down from the US Toonami cut. There has been much discussion regarding the poor quality of edits, such as the use of static low resolution screen shots or editing out entirely of important shots rather than relying solely on the toned down Toonami edits.
A forum user at got the following response after e-mailing Jetix:
"Jetix UK aims to provide exciting and entertaining content for our audience whilst being a responsible kids broadcaster. We therefore must ensure the content of our programmes is suitable for our target audience and we follow strict OFCOM regulations to ensure that these standards are adhered to. Where certain content from the original has been deemed unsuitable for our younger viewers it has been edited from the version which Jetix will be broadcasting. These edits are subtle and we don't believe alter the quality of the viewing experience. If Jetix fans in the UK wish to view the uncut version of Naruto Manga is releasing the DVD of the first 13 episodes, entitled Naruto Unleased, on 21 August. The next 13 episodes will be released on DVD at the end of November."
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Category > Anime
We're sure most of you know that Naruto starts on Jetix on the 22nd, but fans might be also pleasantly surprised to hear that the Pucca animated series is also showing. Pucca is a Korean mascot character, whose face is plastered across a huge range of merchandise much like Hello Kitty, and come to think of it a certain boy Ninja.
Naruto is being shown at 8pm, set those Sky Plus reminders!
Souce: Jetix
Category > Events
The good people from the East Midlands Anime Group have arranged a convention for Friday 19th October to Sunday 21st October 2007. FuyuCon has capacity for 500 members and will be based at the Britannia Hotel Nottingham. Full weekend membership costs £40.
Anime expert Helen McCarthy will be the guest for FuyuCon, it will be her first UK anime convention appearance in a while. Helen regularly attends US conventions such as A-Kon.
FuyuCon is a welcome addition to the UK anime convention calendar. Since the capacity is 500, we suggest you book as soon as possible to avoid any disappointment.
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Following on from our news about Children's anime screenings, it seems that the London Barbican have gone Japanese cinema crazy! Not only will they be showing some great bits of anime, they'll also holding a Toru Takemitsu season featuring films the composer has scored.
Selected shows will be introduced by anime expert Helen McCarthy, I've been to past events at other venues, and often they get so called anime experts to introduce shows, or give talks, and it's clear they don't know what they're talking about, Helen however is a real anime expert, having written numerous high quality books on the subject and many magazine articles.
Anime wise they'll be showing:
Saturday, 8 July at 1.45pm: Akira
If you haven't seen this film on a big screen yet, then get over to London and see the anime classic.
Saturday, 8 July 4.15pm: Tokyo Godfathers
Satoshi Kon's superb film about three homeless people's adventures at Christmas. This charming feature is an all time favourite of the Otaku News crew.
Sunday 9 July, 1.45pm: Paranoia Agent: Episodes 1 To 4
Satoshi Kon's TV series, which proves to be very thought provoking, as a special bonus the series will be introduced by Helen McCarthy. We've got a review of Paranoia Agent here.
Sunday 9th July, 3.45pm: Makoto Shinkai Triple Bill
Shinkai became famous for producing anime from home using his computer! They'll be showing the cute She and Her Cat, along with Voices of a Distant Star (influenced by shows like Gunbuster), with a special UK Premiere of The Place Promised In Our Early Days. The triple bill will also be introduced by Helen McCarthy and is worth attending to hear what insight she has throw on director and his work.
In all cases we suggest you book now to avoid disappointment.
Read More... | Souce: Barbican
We reported some time ago that UK company CPLG was listing Inu Yasha as a property that it was representing. AUN are new reporting that Play have listed a Season one UK box set of the anime at only £28, with a September release date.
Considering the length of this series and the time fans have had to wait, the news that Inu Yasha is being released at such a reasonable price is great news. There's no news yet as to which company will be handling it's UK release.
Souce: Anime UK News
Category > Anime
Treat your young and upcoming anime fan of a baby brother or sister to the Animate! event at the Barbican in London this year, with noteably Steamboy and the classic Pom Pomo both playing on the 27th this Saturday.
For the hands-on, there's also a few workshops going on subjective to character design, animation, as well as an anime-based workshop all about Ghibli! There are also the non-anime treats aswell, and a costume workshop.
Spread the fan-love, help turn your kiddies into future otaku this week!
Runs until the 29th May, this Sunday.
Souce: Barbican Website
Category > Events
After lots of rumours and the tell tale booking of Naruto's dub Va Maile Flanagan, Eyeonanime have spotted confirmation of the companies involved with the series UK release via a London Expo download. It appears Jetix and Manga Entertainment will make the presentation together at 1pm, which will feature a Q & A with Flanagan and the premiere of the first episode.
We'll have to wait for the Expo to be sure but we imagine Manga will distribute DVDs and Jetix will air the show. We can only hope this will include uncut versions like the US release.
Souce: Eye on Anime
Category > Events
Those good people at Tomo-Dachi have just sent us there latest press release, it contains more details about the Northern Irish convention set for 7th July to 9th July. Highlight's include US guests Tiffany Grant and Matt Greenfield, they'll both provide an interesting insight into the anime industry. Unfortunately, due to personal reasons anime and manga expert Jonathan Clements had to pull out, but has promised to attend the 2007 Tomo-Dachi.
The convention also promises a great selection of panels, workshops and other cool anime events. They'll also be playing a selection of traditional Japanese games such as Go and Shogi . Booking closes on May 30th, so get moving if you're interested! ^_^
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Category > Events
Emily has just sent us some details about an event she's organising in London next month, Cosplay Cafe at Cafe Manga. Aimed at Cosplayers kameko (photographers) and their chums. It's set for Sunday 23rd April, 2pm-5.30pm, and includes fun activities like a photoshoot, a talk/workshop, a quiz, anime and live action screenings, along with a swap table. They'll even have goodies to give away too! ^_^
Read More... | Souce: Cafe Manga
Category > Events
London J-Pop fans should get out their Sailor Suits and Gakuran and head over to J-Pop Go this Saturday, where they'll be having a Japanese School Disco theme at the Cafe Manga Venue. The nice folk at ADV Films UK are sponsoring the events and as an appropriate tie in will be promoting Cromartie High School. The venue opens at 7pm and the party goes on to 1am. It sounds like fun and will certainly make a great anime weekend, with the London Anime Club the next day.
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Category > Events
The good folks from ADV Films UK and Cafe Manga have sent us details of their special anime screenings which will be running throughout March. They'll be showing both subbed versions of Noir, Last Exile and Kino’s Journey at the Central London venue starting from Thursday 9th March. The Manga cafe also inform us that they've introduced happy hours during 6pm to 7pm where they'll be offering 25% discount off all drinks, note that if the staff are in doubt they will ask for ID. All titles screened are rated 12 and are uncut.
Read More... | Souce: ADV Films UK
Category > Events
Café Manga will be screening Elfen Lied and Boogiepop Phantom on Monday 27th February with a repeat screening on Tuesday the 28th February.
Read More... | Souce: ADV Films UK
Category > Anime
Released on Monday 27th February are three editions of Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence.
Read More... | Souce: Manga Entertainment
Category > Events
As goes the message I got in the mailing list this morning...
The London MCM Expo is very happy to announce a pure Anime, Manga & Japanese Culture event for the UK to place in London, UK during July 2007 called 'Anime London'.
The ever growing London MCM Expo which takes place at Excel in London twice a year will still heavily feature ‘Anime Village’ bringing fans the best of Anime & Manga along with the many movie and TV related areas that it covers.
We now feel that it is time to bring a different kind event to the UK that will address the needs of the pure Anime, Manga & Japanese Culture
fan, this will not take away from existing Anime conventions or the
London MCM Expo but compliment them.
We have added a section to the London MCM Expo message board for you to
discuss the ‘Anime London’ event.
A website is currently being designed for the event and will go live within the next few weeks.
We look forward to hearing from you with regards to the event.
London MCM Expo
Now isn't it about time someone made the brave attempt of holding a major anime event in London town!
Souce: London MCM Expo
Category > Events
The folks from Tomo-Dachi have just sent us their latest press release, which reveals that Matt Greenfield will be one of the guests. Matt Greenfield is best known to anime fans as the co-founder of ADV Films, and has directed the dubbing of Neon Genesis Evangelion (making sure that "Father I hate you!" sounds just right! ^_-).
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Category > Anime
Paul over at Anime UK has sent us the low down on a very interesting article they've just put on-line. Getting the views from the major players in the UK anime industry, the article recaps 2005 and gets various companies views on 2006. It's interesting to see all their separate takes on the achievements of the last 12 months.
The Otaku News Crew consider 2005 a very important year for the UK anime industry since it's the year that anime really went in the public eye, with more stores willing to stock it, more news papers writing positive and factually correct articles. Even Howl's Moving Castle got good fair write coverage too, while manga continues to be more easy to obtain in the UK. Taking into account where the UK anime scene was 3 or 4 years ago things have really progressed.
Souce: Anime UK
Studio Ghibli have officially announced their next movie, which is due to hit Japan in July 2006. Gedo Senki (Gedo War History) is based on Ursula K. Le Guin's Tales from Earthsea Collection. Controversially Hayao Miyazaki son, Goro Miyazaki will be directing the film.
Read More... | Souce: Studio Ghibli