Category > Retail
Charlie from Crazy Ninja has sent us a the details about NEO Magazine. Neo Mag's publicity states that they are the UK's only newsstand magazine dedicated to Anime, Manga, videogames, gadgets, and all things Japanese.
Their market overview text states "Anime and Manga have been popular in the UK for over 10 years now, and the market has never had a dedicated quality publication which appeals to the core fan, and also provides for the broader mainstream markets". I always thought that this was part of Manga Mania / Max's brief.
Neo Magazine is due out on 25th November, with a Dead Leaves Cover and features articles on the American remake of The Grudge, Tekken, also interviews with Chiaki Kuriyama (of Battle Royal and Kill Bill fame), and voice actress Monica Rial.
Souce: Crazy Ninja
Category > Anime
British anime fans will like to know that Channel 4 are currently running votes on the 100 Greatest Cartoons. Akira as always is present along with Pokemon, as is Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke, and (rather worryingly) Legend of the Overfiend. Each person gets to vote for their top 10 favourite shows, so head over there and vote!
This show should be interesting to watch I wonder who they will get in to talk about anime when it's broadcast, and who would admit to enjoying hentai on national TV?
Souce: Channel 4
Category > Anime
We've just got a press release from a group called IMAF, who will be holding an international competition to find the best manga and anime talent in the world, entrants stand a chance to win big bucks with a total prize fund of $75,000!
The entrants work will be shown at London County Hall from 16th - 19th December. Judges include Koike Kazuo who is best known for writing Lone Wolf and Cub and Crying Freeman.
Read More... | Souce: IMAF
UK anime fans will want to take a look at ADV UK's October Newsletter. If you read Otaku News regulary you already know pretty much everything there already. Still it's better to read the same information twice than not at all! ^_-
Souce: ADV UK
Category > Events
We've got a tip off from one of our Welsh readers who suggests we take a look at the Swansea Animation Days 2004 Festival. Apart from covering the nuts and bolts of the animation industry, Jonathan Clements will be giving a speech under the SAND Film strand on "A History of Anime". A few otaku will know that Jonathan has given talks on this subject before and that they have gone down very well with attendees.
Souce: Swansea Animation Days 2004
Category > Anime
The good folk at Newtype USA have sent us a press release regarding their second anniversary. To celebrate the popular anime magazine will bring back it's free DVD insert, which became a subscriber only bonus item. We've heard that Newtype USA stopped the free DVD due to retail issues, original store clerks removed the free DVD to pass on to friends, this in turn meant that the opened issue could not be sold. It seems that the people at Newtype have been listening to their readers. We welcome the return of the DVD since it means more free anime! ^_^
Read More... | Souce: Newtype USA
Category > Culture
We've just got details in from Ridgeback Press, apparently they will be launching Samurai History Papers, a quarterly newsletter from Romulus Hillsborough (whose research on the history of the Meiji Restoration spans over twenty years). It focuses on the facts behind many samurai anime series, such as the Shinsengumi (central to Peacemaker Kurogane and Rurouni Kenshin).
Read More... | Souce: Ridgeback Press
Category > Websites
Jonathan Clements, writer, translator, co-author of the Anime Encyclopedia, The Erotic Anime Movie Guide, The Dorama Encyclopedia and I Love My Tamagotchi (under the name of Bronwen Komatsubara), has just e-mailed with some details regarding his new website -
"Don't know if this counts as news or not, but if it does, there is much anime goodness to be found at my website, including the English version of my Afterword to the deluxe edition of Akira, the unpublished Afterword to the Anime Encyclopedia, and several anime columns from Newtype and the Sci Fi channel."
Considering how much Jonathan Clements has done in the anime industry, I think it does count as news, so go on and have a look at his website. I'm off to find Schoolgirl Milky Crisis.
Souce: Jonathan Clements
Category > Events
It seems at almost exactly the same time, both AyaCon and AmeCon have officially announced more details regarding their next conventions!
It was announced at AyaCon 2003 that there would be no AyaCon in 2004, but now they've updated their website saying that "We are currently planning to stage our latest event, AyaCon Five, in Summer/Autumn 2005. We're aiming to make AyaCon bigger and better than ever!" As yet, they haven't revealed a venue for the convention.
AmeCon have also just updated their website. Stating that "The Convention will not be running in 2005, but will be running at Aston University, Birmingham, in 2006. Registrations for 2006 will open shortly."
Read More... | Souce: AyaCon / AmeCon Websites.
Category > Websites
Successful UK anime website Animejin is to be suspended indefinitely.
Animejin is one of the oldest UK anime websites that is still currently running, it's been around since 1993 in print form and then in 1995 made the transition to a website. For a long while it was the primary news source of UK Anime fans on-line. Animejin also posts regular news bulletins on Usenet and to e-mail subscribers.
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Category > Fandom
I've just got back from AmeCon! Gosh, I was busy! I'll try and get a full write up done tomorrow.
The convention was popular and everyone had a good time.
Monica Rial proved to be an excellent guest, signing panties (and other things), chatting away to all the con goers and even converting a few hardcore sub only zealots to English dubs!
Read More... | Souce: Otaku News
Category > Fandom
Paul Bates over at Anime UK News has just posted an interview with Will Blewitt about AmeCon which is set to be a very large and funpacked convention. It makes a good read since it shows how mad running a convention can be!
I even get a mention in the interview because I've sent them a special printed version of the Pirate Anime FAQ to help out, plus I'm running a panel there too! So if you're going to AmeCon go to my panel, please ^_^;;
Souce: Anime UK News
It's that time of the month again, ADV UK have sent us their press release. September looks like an interesting month with the the following titles:
- Hellsing: The Collection
- Mazinkaiser vol.1
- New Cutey Honey vol.1
- Rune Soldier vol.2
- Final Fantasy: Unlimited vol.4
- Pretear vol.4
- Slayers Gorgeous
We recommend Slayers Gorgeous and Hellsing: The Collection.
Read More... | Souce: ADV Films UK
Category > Anime
Bandai have just announced that they have joined forces with Manga Entertainment to release Ghost in the Shell Standalone Complex on DVD and TV.
Read More... | Souce: Bandai Entertainment