No sooner than we had recived details for July's DVD releases, our chums at ADV Films UK had sent us the details for their August DVD line up:
- Saiyuki: Requiem
- Cromartie High School Volume 3
- Elfen Lied Volume 4 (Final)
- DNAngel Volume 7 (Final)
- Get Backers 8
There's something for everyone this month! So check out the DVD Review Section for more details about Cromartie High School, Elfen Lied, DNAngel and Get Backers.
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Those nice folks from ADV Films UK have sent us details of their July DVD releases. The following is due to hit the stores:
- Gilgamesh Volume 2
- MADLAX Volume 3
- Full Metal Panic?! FUMOFFU Volume 4 (Final)
- Peacemaker Volume 6
All four releases this month are worth looking at, however we highly recomend Full Metal Panic FUMOFFU as it's the end of the excellent series, along with Peacemaker as we like Shinsengumi! ^_^
Read More... | Souce: ADV Films UK
Ghibli fans with children will be pleased to hear about the Barbican screening's of three Ghibli films for an anime season. For three weeks, their Saturday specials will be:
Saturday 1 July - My Neighbour Totoro U, 11.00am
Saturday 8 July - Kiki's Delivery Service U, 11.00am
Saturday 15 July - Spirited Away PG, 11.00am
Please note that adults will have to be accompanied by children, so otaku parents this is an event to take your children to!
Studio Ghibli films always look fantastic on the big screen, and are worth watching and are enjoyable for Children and adults alike.
It's not clear from the release if the movies will be screened in English, or in Japanese with subtitles. We believe since the target audience for these screenings are 5 to 11 year olds, then chances are it will be dubbed in English.
Read More... | Souce: Barbican Family Film Club
Those nice people at ADV Films UK have sent us the details of their June releases which include the following:
- Cromartie High School Volume 2
- Elfen Lied Volume 3
- DNAngel Volume 6
- Get Backers Volume 7
Normally we'd recomend a single title, but ADV have got something for everyone this month. If you like ultra violence (that is sugary cute and gratuitous), go for Elfen Lied. If Comedy is more your thing, go for Cromartie High School.
Read More... | Souce: ADV Films UK
Category > Events
Those good people at Tomo-Dachi have just sent us there latest press release, it contains more details about the Northern Irish convention set for 7th July to 9th July. Highlight's include US guests Tiffany Grant and Matt Greenfield, they'll both provide an interesting insight into the anime industry. Unfortunately, due to personal reasons anime and manga expert Jonathan Clements had to pull out, but has promised to attend the 2007 Tomo-Dachi.
The convention also promises a great selection of panels, workshops and other cool anime events. They'll also be playing a selection of traditional Japanese games such as Go and Shogi . Booking closes on May 30th, so get moving if you're interested! ^_^
Read More... | Souce: Tomo Dachi
The slopes and turns of Mount Akina have long been the haunts of local illegal racing teams, using a technique called 'drifting' to slide round corners at top speed and jousting with opposing teams for the honour of being the top team. The teams enjoy a status of being the envy of young wannabe drivers everywhere until one day during a race an unknown driver storms the course leaving the pros in his wake, just who is this 'Akina Racing God' and where did he come from? The driver is in fact local boy Takumi 'Tak' Fujiwara making a tofu delivery run for his father who would rather spend time with his love interest Natsuki than worry over cars or races, but how will he react when his new secret identity is revealed...
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Category > Events
The good folks from ADV Films UK and Cafe Manga have sent us details of their special anime screenings which will be running throughout March. They'll be showing both subbed versions of Noir, Last Exile and Kino’s Journey at the Central London venue starting from Thursday 9th March. The Manga cafe also inform us that they've introduced happy hours during 6pm to 7pm where they'll be offering 25% discount off all drinks, note that if the staff are in doubt they will ask for ID. All titles screened are rated 12 and are uncut.
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The good folks at ADV Films UK have sent us the details of their April 2006 DVD releases. The following titles are due to hit the highstreets:
- Cromartie High School: Cromartian Rhapsody (1 of 4)
- Elfen Lied - Vector Two (2 of 4)
- DNAngel: The Darkside Of Love (5 of 7)
- Parasite Dolls
We recommend Cromartie High School, for a taste for something totally different. If you like something a very bloody, then go for Elfen Lied.
Read More... | Souce: ADV Films UK
March marks an important month for UK Ghibli fans. Howl's Moving Castle, Hayao Miyazaki's latest film gets a very swift UK DVD release, we're really impressed at how quickly it took for Optimum to bring this title to market, especially since it was only released on DVD in Japan in November 2005, previously there has been a great gap between Ghibli DVD releases outside of Japan. Optimum will be releasing a two disc set packed with extras.
Many more anime fans will be excited to hear that My Neighbour Totoro finally gets an official UK DVD release, after many years of waiting. The film was a great success in Japan and as a result became Studio Ghibli's mascot and was incorporated into their logo. It's an excellent film and one of my all time favourite anime titles. It's a charming feature of children and adult alike, one of those real rare gems of a movie and a must have for any anime fan.
Read More... | Souce: Optimum Releasing
Category > Fandom
Those artistic people from Sweatdrop Studios have dropped us a line to tell us about their new on-line shopping system. They take Paypal too, which is useful for those who don't have or want credit cards. We recommend you grab a copy of Sugardrops if you haven't already, since it contains artwork from a selection of the Sweatdrop Crew. The press release they sent us also has a discount coupon. ^_-
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The Folks at Manga Entertainment UK have sent us a press release about an anime special South Bank Show, which is due to air on Sunday 19th of February. Some researchers for the South Bank Show even made the steps of visiting the London Anime Club to get the low down from British anime fans. Interestingly enough the press release also has some details about Jonathan Ross' recent Asian Invasion, stating that it got over 310,000 viewers, a BBC4 record (it's now clear however if this figure is for just the first screening of the show, or if the repeat screened later in the week is included too).
ITV4 will also be screening the original Ghost In The Shell movie on Saturday 4th March (we belive it's the dub version), so if you haven't seen it yet catch it!
Read More... | Souce: Manga Entertainment UK
The nice folks from ADV Films UK are out to bankrupt British otaku as in February they'll be releasing the following titles:
Neon Genesis Evangelion - Platinum Edition Volume 7 (Final Volume)
Elfen Lied - Volume 1
DNAngel - Volume 4
Boogiepop and Others (Live Action)
Boogiepop Phantom - Complete Collection
The final volume of the Special Platinum Edition of Evangelion is tempting. Elfen Lied, is shocking to say the least, if not the most graciously violent show we've seen in a very long time, it makes other shows look very tame by comparison, not something to show your grandma, especially if she was expecting something like Hello Kitty. The fact that the BBFC passed Elfen Lied uncut with a 15 Certificate shows that times have indeed changed and we're certinally curious to see if late volumes will also get a rated 15, or if they'll get rated 18 instead.
We hear that the live action Boogiepop features supposed to be good, but we haven't seen it yet, so can't confirm it.
Read More... | Souce: ADV Films UK
Category > Events
As goes the message I got in the mailing list this morning...
The London MCM Expo is very happy to announce a pure Anime, Manga & Japanese Culture event for the UK to place in London, UK during July 2007 called 'Anime London'.
The ever growing London MCM Expo which takes place at Excel in London twice a year will still heavily feature ‘Anime Village’ bringing fans the best of Anime & Manga along with the many movie and TV related areas that it covers.
We now feel that it is time to bring a different kind event to the UK that will address the needs of the pure Anime, Manga & Japanese Culture
fan, this will not take away from existing Anime conventions or the
London MCM Expo but compliment them.
We have added a section to the London MCM Expo message board for you to
discuss the ‘Anime London’ event.
A website is currently being designed for the event and will go live within the next few weeks.
We look forward to hearing from you with regards to the event.
London MCM Expo
Now isn't it about time someone made the brave attempt of holding a major anime event in London town!
Souce: London MCM Expo
Category > Events
The folks from Tomo-Dachi have just sent us their latest press release, which reveals that Matt Greenfield will be one of the guests. Matt Greenfield is best known to anime fans as the co-founder of ADV Films, and has directed the dubbing of Neon Genesis Evangelion (making sure that "Father I hate you!" sounds just right! ^_-).
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Otaku News have teamed up with the generous folks from ADV Films UK who are giving our readers the chance to win the complete series of Last Exile or the complete series of Divergence Eve on DVD.
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Category > Events
We've got news of a new anime convention in Northern Ireland, at the University of Ulster's Magee Campus in Londonderry. Tomo-Dachi is set for 7th 8th and 9th of July 2006 and looks like it's going to be great! With guests including veteran voice actress Tiffany Grant and writer, translator and man of many talents Jonathan Clements. The convention is the first of it's kind in Northern Ireland and has some really nice touches like anime related presents in everyone's room! We reckon it's worth going to for the "What Stupid People Say About Anime" segment alone, since we've heard many people say stupid things about anime! So clear your calendars for that week and get over to Londonderry! ^_^
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The good people from ADV Films UK have sent out the details for their January DVD releases. They really do want to start the new year with a bang quite literally by releasing the latest incarnation of Full Metal Panic!, entitled Full Metal Panic? FUMOFFU, this 12 episode spin off series focuses more on Sousuke's and Kaname's adventures at high school and is based around the FMP "light novels".
In January 2006 ADV Films UK will be releasing the following:
- Full Metal Panic? FUMOFFU: Full Metal Pandemonium! (1 of 4)
- Peacemaker: Gunning For Trouble (3 of 7)
- Chrono Crusade: Devil's Advocate (6 of 7)
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Those nice folk from ADV Films UK have sent us the details of the December DVD releases.
They'll be releasing the following:
- Divergence Eve Volume 3 (Final)
- DNAngel Volume 3
- Neon Genesis Evangelion - Platinum Edition 0:6
- Last Exile Volume 7 (Final)
Read More... | Souce: ADV Films UK
Category > Events
Those nice people over at Sweatdrop have sent us a press release for their appearace at the Comic Expo in Brighton. Tokyopop and Letraset will be there too. It's certainly worth a vist if you like your comics or want to be more active in the independent UK comic scene.
Read More... | Souce: Sweatdrop Studios
Fans of anime games should be pleased to hear about Atari and Bandai's Christmas game line up. They've got the following for PS2:
- Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi
- One Piece: Grand Battle
- Digimon World 4
Along with Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors 2 for Nintendo DS and Ghost in the Shell®: Stand Alone Complex for PSP.
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UK fans of the Ghost In The Shell Standalone Complex Series should be pleased to hear that a game based on the anime will be released on PSP this Friday. Atari have sent us the details. The game sounds really good, not only do you get to play as the main cast members, each with different abilities, but you also get to command Tachikoma, that is surely worth the price of the game alone! You even get to train and customize them (*hums Tachikoma themetune* ^_-).
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We've just been sent the UK DVD release details for the next two months from Manga Entertainment and Beez (Bandai).
It's a busy release period indeed! A few years ago UK anime fans could only dream of this sort of release schedule.
November 14th looks really promising with Cowboy Bebop being released across two DVD boxesets, Ghost In The Shell: Standalone Complex (1st Gig) also gets a boxset release. This is sure to break the wallet of many otaku, so it's best to hunt around your favourite real world and on-line retailers for good deals.
We're also looking forward to the release of Wolf's Rain because it's got great music from Yoko Kanno, along with a great storyline and character development to match.
The Manga Entertainment release of Appleseed should not be confused with the more recent 2004 CGI Feature film (released by Optimum Releasing), but is in fact the 1988 version.
Read More... | Souce: Manga Entertainment / Beez
Category > Events
Music otaku should note that October marks a double feature for J-Pop Go, which will be held at Fluid, their regular venue on Wednesday October 19th and also at the London Expo on Saturday October 29th.
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Category > Events
Author and anime expert Jonathan Clements has sent us details of the SOAS Japanese Manga and Cultural Politics Lecture and Discussion in London. This is due to take place at 7pm Tuesday 11th October, with free admission at the The Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre, SOAS. Since it's hosted by The School of Oriental and African Studies, you know it should be good.
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Category > Events
With the competition deadline edging ever close, the nice folks at IMAF have sent us some more details for their London event.
Highlights include Sweatdrop Studios, a special screening of Millennium Actress, along with the Europe Premiere of Streetfighter - Alpha Generation. Even Garnier will be their with its Manga haircare range. The IMAF is certainly worth attending to see the wonderful range of entrants.
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The folks from new UK Station Rapture TV have sent us their latest press release with details of their first anime title - Wolfs Rain which will be screened on Thursday 17th November (and repeated on the 20th). What the press release doesn't mention is that the fantastic Yoko Kanno provided the music for Wolfs Rain (along with music for Cowboy Bebop and Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex).
Rapture will also reveal another anime title at the MCM Expo at the end of October. There is much speculation in fandom over what this title will be, if it will be another Bandai/Beez title or something else from another distributor.
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With Howl's Moving Castle being launched in the UK from September 23rd every British anime fan is counting the days until they can see it on the big screen. It's already had a few special art house and festival showings in the UK, but these sold out ridiculously quickly. For our UK readers in the Hertfordshire area, we've managed to get exclusive preview screening tickets.
The good people at Cineworld in Stevenage have decided that Otaku News readers can come to this advanced screening for free! All you have to do is download this flyer, and be able to get to Stevenage Cineworld on Wednesday 21st September 2005 for 8:15pm. Present the flyer to the Cineworld staff to attend the screening. Please note that seats are subject to availability so turn up early if you really want to see Howl's Moving Castle!
Please note that the flyer is in PDF format, so if you have problems printing the file try downloading Adobe Acrobat.
Souce: Cineworld Stevenage
With Studio Ghibli excellent Howl's Moving Castle being released in the UK next week, we thought it would be a nice idea for you to take a look at some of the media trailers available.
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Category > Events
Paul from J-Pop Go has sent us the latest details for the event. Apparently it looks like the date for the next London J-Pop Go is going to change. -
"Unfortunately the premiere of the new Ghost In The Shell film is on the same day (I only discovered this today) so the 28th is unlikely to happen."
They plan to push back until October, making sure the event doesn't clash with anything else.
Additionally J-Pop Go will also be providing music at the party for the forthcoming London Expo. - "Following on from the success of last year's event, this year's Expo continues to be a celebration of a variety of pop culture interests including film and TV. The Expo will see special guest stars, displays and a dealer's section. The event will also house a special Anime Village featuring a Cosplay Masquerade and exclusive big screen presentations. The Expo runs on the weekend of 29th/30th October".
It's good to see that the J-Pop Go Organisers are aware of other anime events and are proactively avoiding any calendar conflicts.
Souce: J-Pop Go
Those nice people at Optimum Releasing have sent us the details for the UK DVD release of Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind and The Cat Returns, both of which are due out on 26th September just in time to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the ground breaking Studio Ghibli and just after the 23rd September release of their brilliant cinema release of Howl's Moving Castle.
Both DVDs have their fair share of extras include storyboards, original Japanese Theatrical trailers, Studio Ghibli trailer reel, the Cat Returns DVD has a making of featurette, while Nausicaa has a birth of Studio Ghibli Featurette. Since both titles are Studio Ghibli titles, they're a must see, but if you're strapped for cash and can only get hold of one, go for Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, since it's truly epic Sci-Fi. Both movies have profiles on fansite
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Jonathan Clements has sent us details of the Firecracker Showcase 2005 in London, which will be screening Studio Ghibli's excellent Howl's Moving Castle, Appleseed, along with a Sonny Chiba triple bill featuring the live action version of Golgo 13 too (otaku will know Sonny plays Hattori Hanzo in Kill Bill).
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Those nice people from Optimum Releasing have sent us the press release for the UK release of Appleseed the movie, the recent CGI version of Masamune Shirow's popular manga title. The DVD version will be available in a limited edition steel tin as well as conventional DVD from 19th September and also on UMD for the Sony PSP from 31st October.
The press release also mentions a cinema release from 19th of August, we suggest that our readers who can get to the UGC Shaftesbury Avenue and UGC Glasgow check the film out while they can.
Read More... | Souce: Optimum Releasing
Category > Press Releases
UK Travel company Japan Journeys have sent us details of their package holiday Japan Manga Tour a package departing from London to Tokyo. The highlights include a visit to the fantastic Ghibli Museum, the historical Meiji Shrine, the fashionable Harajuku and the Aladdin's cave of an anime store that is Mandarake.
All of the above places are worth visiting for one reason or another from the cultural value, to the outright wacky. The Otaku News Crew suggest you add the locations to your list of places to visit, for when you're in Tokyo next! ^_-
Read More... | Souce: Japan Journeys
Category > Anime
With AyaCon about to kick off in a few weeks, the AmeCon Crew have sent us the details of their Leicester based convention. Set to run from Friday 11th August to late on Sunday 13th in 2006 the convention looks like it's going to be good. The press release they've sent us has the full details and covers pretty much all the questions you could ask at this stage. It's great to see they've got the details sorted out even a year before the events set to run.
The guests include Monica Rial who was a real hoot at last years Amecon and interviewed really well, along with fellow voice actor Greg Ayres.
The AmeCon Crew have also decided to host a Cosplay Ball, which sounds exciting and attendees are advised to wear cosplay or formal wear (which basically means cosplay as Tuxedo Mask ^_-). The Otaku News Crew were at the first AmeCon and we've already paid the deposit for next years.
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Those nice people at Optimum Releasing have sent us the press release for Barefoot Gen, which gets a UK DVD release on Monday 1st August. We delayed the publication of this press release so we could write a Barefoot Gen DVD Review for you to enjoy. Please note that since the details were sent out the BBFC gave Barefoot Gen a 12 rating.
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It's always nice when you mention events before the press release is sent out, as we did with the Japanese Animation: Manga to Miyazaki season at the National Film Theatre.
The films selected are all a real treat, and anime who can get to London are spoilt for choice this August, Satoshi Kon's work is great and almost everyone would have heard about Hayao Miyazaki's superb films.
The Otaku News Crew will be attending a few of the screenings too, so if you see us (and know what we look like ^_-) don't be afraid to come up to us and say hello!
Read More... | Souce: National Film Theatre
Category > Anime
ADV Films UK has sent us their press release concerning their September UK releases. This includes a special edition of Spriggan, which will include a soundtrack CD and new commentaries. September also sees the start of the UK release of Peacemaker. The September releases are as follows:
- Spriggan Special Edition
- Peacemaker Volume 1
- Mezzo Volume 2
- Aquarian Age Volume 2
- Chrono Crusade Volume 4
- Gad Guard Volume 5
- Get Backers Volume 5
The Otaku News Crew recommend Peacemaker if you like samurai anime (with pigs in) and Chrono Crusade since we're finding it enjoyable.
Read More... | Souce: ADV Films UK
Category > Art
This years IMAF has just launched. They're looking for international talent in the form of artists and animators to identify the best. Entrants have a chance to win some of the $75,000 prize fund which is divided between the categories. The best overall entry will win a generous $30,000!
The Otaku News Crew advise that our talented readers get to work, you've got until the 30th September 2005 to get your entries in!
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Category > Manga
Gollancz Manga have sent us the details for their UK Manga releases. Starting August they'll be releasing manga on the first Monday of every month. Gollancz entered into an exclusive arrangement with VIZ to publish their titles in the UK. The titles available will include Yu-Gi-Oh!, Fushigi Yugi, Dragon Ball and Case Closed.
Many UK manga fans would have already got these titles from certain retailers offering the American import versions, but since these are the official UK versions it means that they'll be more easily available. Libraries for example will be able to order manga if they so wish through their distributors. The Otaku News Crew are excited to hear about this and look forward to seeing even more manga in the UK.
Read More... | Souce: Gollancz Manga
To remind our readers about the UK 8th July release of Sky Blue (the English name for Korean animation Wonderful Days), we're hosting a little eCard for you to feast your eyes on.
Read More... | Souce: Sky Blue UK Movie Website
Those nice folks over at ADV UK have sent us the release details for their August titles. The following should be hitting the shelves:
- D.N.Angel 1
- Divergence Eve 1
- New Fist of the North Star 3
- Gravion 2
- Neon Genesis Evangelion Platinum Edition 4
- Last Exile 5
Hopefully we'll have reviews of the above titles soon. In the meantime, the Otaku News crew recommend Volume 4 of the Eva Platinum Series (because it is Eva after all) and also DN Angel 1.
Read More... | Souce: ADV Films UK
Category > Events
Sonia Leong over at Sweatdrop Studios has just sent us some details about a special discount at The Artists & Illustrators Exhibition (21-24 July, Business Design Centre, London, UK). For more details read the full press release.
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Category > Press Releases
Following on from last year’s competition, IMAF have announced a 2005 event and competition. The event part will this time will run for 5 days. The details have yet to be confirmed please click ‘ Read More’ for the press release.
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Category > Manga
TokyoPop has announced that they will launch a new branch of their successful Cine-Manga line. This July, they will release the first of the new Jr. Cine-Manga books that will, they predict, revolutionize the children’s book market by bringing beloved characters and storylines from the screen to an original exciting visual format.
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Category > Events
The popular UK anime convention AyaCon have announced that their guests for this year will be visual kei band Blood. The last AyaCon had MegaTokyo artist Fred Gallagher who proved to be an excellent choice (a detailed report can be found here).
This seems like an interesting choice for guests, since Blood do not have a direct connection to Anime fandom, unlike MegaTokyo which is read by many anime fans. The Otaku News Crew wonder if more Visual Kei, J-Pop and J-Rock fans will register for the convention, who have no real interested in anime, with just over 300 places left at the time of writing this article AyaCon is selling out fast normally the last 200 or so places tend to go very quickly. We also wonder if the popular J-Pop/Rock party at AmeCon last year had any influence on the committee members.
It's good to see that UK anime conventions are experimenting with the type of guests they have and also take the standard anime convention in a new direction. This is the fifth AyaCon, and based on our previous experiences there the convention is normally very well run and certainlly well worth attending.
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We've just received some very exciting news about Interaction, the 63rd World Science Fiction Convention, which will be previewing Howl's Moving Castle. It's the long awaited latest movie from Studio Ghibli director Hayao Miyazaki, who is also responsible for Spirited Away (the first anime film to have won an Oscar).
They'll also be showing anime musical Interstella 5555, with music from Daft Punk, it's directed by Leiji Matsumoto & Kazuhisa Takenôchi, and has the distinctive Matsumoto character designs, even if they are blue aliens instead of humans! The convention are even screening Appleseed, a CGI movie based on the popular manga by Masamune Shirow (who is best known for Ghost In The Shell).
It appears that the event coordinator David 'Dragon' Cotterill has been a busy man, not only has he helped to secure the film screenings, but he has also managed to get leading anime experts like Jonathan Clements (co-author of the Anime Encyclopedia and the Dorama Encyclopedia: A Guide to Japanese TV Drama since 1953), to step onboard to run panels and discussions.
The Otaku News Crew are pleased to report that this makes the convention worth while for anime fans, since the film line up is interesting, and being the first to see Howl's Moving Castle in the UK makes it worth the visit alone! It's also refreshing to see that they've got established and experienced anime experts who actually know what they are talking about, more recently we've noticed that there are quite self declared experts appearing at smaller events who have only really got into anime because it's "cool", in reality such people jumping on the bandwagon know little and often turn events into disasters. We've seen Jonathan at previous events and found him to be entertaining and informative.
Read More... | Souce: Interaction
Category > Anime
With the London Expo this weekend, the anime village is beginning to sound more exciting the more we hear about it. Sweatdrop will be there, and ADV Films UK have just revealed that they will screening some of their titles in exclusive first showings! This includes Gravion, DNAngel and Mezzo.
Read More... | Souce: ADV Films UK
ADV UK DVD Releases For June 2005
Those nice people at ADV Films UK have sent us the details for their June DVD releases.
They've got a good selection this month with:
- Gravion: Divine Steel (1 of 3)
- New Fist Of The North Star Volume 2: The Forbidden Fist (2 of 3)
- Neon Genesis Evangelion - Platinum Edition: 03 (3 of 7)
- Last Exile: Breakthrough (4 of 7)
- Azumanga Daioh: Graduation! (6 of 6)
- Puni Puni Poemy
The Otaku News suggest you get your hands on Last Exile and the concluding volume of Azumanga Daioh. If you really liked Excel Saga, then you'll want to see Puni Puni Poemy, however we cannot be held accountable for what it does to your brain. ^_-
Read More... | Souce: ADV Films UK
Category > Events
Sonia Leong from UK manga style art group Sweatdrop Studios has just sent us the details of a Manga Art Competition which will be held at the London Expo this weekend. The competition is sponsored by Letraset who will be giving the winners some highly desirable colour professional Letraset Tria Marker collections, worth over £70 each.
So if you can draw and will be at the London Expo then why not give it a shot? ^_^
Read More... | Souce: Sweatdrop
Category > Culture
We know Otaku News readers are a very cultured group, which is why we've just been sent details about the Yellow Earth Theatre, who will be performing Typhoon 4 - International East Asian Playreading Festival. Billed from Tuesday 17th to Saturday 21st May 2005 at the Soho Theatre in London, it looks like an entertaining showcase for fans of the Far East.
Read More... | Souce: Soho Theatre
Category > Manga
Following on from our earlier story Tokyopop are to offer a chance for UK creators to earn prizes and receive a chance to have their own Graphic Novel.
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