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First Ever UK Tokyopop 'Rising Stars Of Manga' Competition

Date: 2005 April 28 17:09 | Posted By:

Category > Manga

Following on from our earlier story Tokyopop are to offer a chance for UK creators to earn prizes and receive a chance to have their own Graphic Novel.

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IMAF Announce Winners

Date: 2005 April 19 13:51 | Posted By:

Category > Events

The International Manga and Anime Festival have just announced the winners of their first international competition. The London based event started last year as a trial run and has proved very successful indeed. The entrants work was displayed in London County Hall in December. This was a very high profile event, located near the famous London Eye, with a $75,000 prize fund which even ran adverts in national newspapers. We covered the story originally here.

The Otaku News Crew would like to congratulate all the winners in this competition, especially talented artist Wing Yun Man, who is well known in UK anime fandom as part of the Sweatdrop Team, she is also a member of the Otaku News Crew and finds time post the occasional story and draw lovely artwork for us!

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Gollancz Announces Manga Deal

Date: 2005 April 08 07:39 | Posted By:

Category > Manga

Following on from our story about Viz being distributed in the UK, we now have the offical press release from Gollancz.

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ADV UK DVD Releases For May 2005

Date: 2005 April 06 12:22 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > DVD

Those nice people over at ADV Films UK have sent us the details for their May DVD releases. They plan to release the following:

- Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 Collection
- Chrono Crusade Volume 2
- Gad Guard Volume 3
- Get Backers Volume 3
- Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi Volume 4
- Rune Soldier Volume 6

The Otaku News Crew recommend the Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 Collection, since it's it's good to watch, plus it's the whole series at a reasonable price along with Chrono Crusade Volume 2, since some of us just can't get enough of Nuns and Guns. ^_-

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Sweatdrop At London Expo

Date: 2005 March 24 12:14 | Posted By:

Category > Press Releases

UK manga style art group Sweatdrop Studios has announced that they will be attending the London MCM Expo and will be running the artists alley section of the 'anime village'. The MCM Expo is running on the 14 & 15th May.

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Sweatdrop Studios Mini Comics Feature on Artists & Illustrators Magazine

Date: 2005 March 06 18:10 | Posted By:

Category > Manga

Sonia Leong from UK manga style art studio Sweatdrop has sent us some details regarding an exciting collaboration with Artists & Illustrators Magazine. The March issue heavily features manga style artwork in the form of two full colour cover-mounted mini comics and a make your own manga tutorial, covering details such as sketching, inking and using colour markets to produce authentic looking illustrations.

The Sweatdrop crew will also be representing the UK manga community at the Artists & Illustrators Exhibition 2005 event.

Artists & Illustrators Magazine is the UK's best selling magazine for practising artists. You can grab a copy of the Sweatdrop Planet Manga mini comic with the March Edition of the magazine, which is available from 4th March.

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Ghost In The Shell SAC - Volume 3 UK DVD Details

Date: 2005 February 27 19:02 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > DVD

Manga Entertainment have sent us the details for the UK release of Ghost In The Shell Standalone Complex - Volume 3. It's due out on 25th April 2005 and features more fun and games from the Laughing Man.

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Bondi Nami Hits London's Barbican Screen

Date: 2005 February 21 16:46 | Posted By:

Category > Events

We've just got details in about the London Australian Film Festival screening of Bondi Nami, what's that you cry? Otaku News is supposed to be "News For Fans Of Japan", not "News For Fans of Down Under", well the more clever otaku readers (which is about 99% of our readers) will know that this film is being marketed as "The first Japanese Road Movie in Australia". So if you're in London or can get there, get down to the Barbican Cinema Centre for 9pm Saturday 5th March.

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Shadow Hearts 2 UK PS2 Release Details

Date: 2005 February 19 08:55 | Posted By:

Category > Gaming > Consoles

Midway have sent us the details for the UK PS2 release of Shadow Hearts 2. It's due out on 11th March and RPG fans will know that it's been developed by former SquareSoft employees.

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Sci-Fi-London Anime On Tour

Date: 2005 February 14 18:57 | Posted By:

Category > Events

Following on from the successful Sci-Fi-London Festival at the beginning of this month, the UK's only international sci-fi and fantasy film festival will be on tour throughout February and March.

Lucky otaku in Edinburgh, Liverpool, York and Exeter will get a chance to see the anime all nighter which includes Parasite Dolls and the RahXephon Movie.

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London MCM Expo Celebrates Anime - Manga & Cosplay

Date: 2005 February 13 17:18 | Posted By:

Category > Events

The folks over at the London Expo Event have sent us details of their anime and manga lineup. Not only will they have Cosplay events on both days, but they've also arranged sponsorship from MVM and Neo Magazine.

Guest wise, the Expo has Teryleryl Rothery who plays Dr. Janet Frasier in Stargate SG-1 and has been a voice actress in Dragon Ball playing Agent Mai in the 1995 dub and Raven in the first Dragon Ball Movie. She's also played A-ko Magami in Project A-Ko and Kodachi Kuno in various Ranma ½ features.

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Ghost In The Shell UK Manga Release Details

Date: 2005 February 10 08:42 | Posted By:

Category > Manga

We've got details from Titan Books regarding the UK release of the new edition of the groundbreaking manga Ghost In The Shell. This is Masamune Shirow's best known work and has been reprinted in a smaller format now uncensored. Titan will also be releasing the new manga Ghost In The Shell 2: Man Machine Interface. The sequel to the original manga has lots more CG art that Shirow has become known for in his popular Intron Depot artbooks.

Both books have been translated by Frederik L. Schodt and Toren Smith, which otaku know are famed for the quality of their translation work. Both books hit the shelves on 25th February and retail for £19.99, which is reasonable considering the page count and the amount of colour artwork in both books.

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Win A Case Of Kirin Ichiban

Date: 2005 February 08 15:43 | Posted By:

Category > Cuisine

The Otaku News Crew have teamed up with the folks from Kirin to offer our UK readers the chance to win a case of Kirin Ichiban. That's right, free beer!

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ADV UK DVD Releases For March 2005

Date: 2005 February 04 14:06 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > DVD

ADV Films UK have just sent us details of upcoming UK releases for Febuary. A fantastic month of anime including:

- Lady Death: The Motion Picture
- Chrono Crusade volume 1
- Gad Guard volume 2
- Get Backers volume 2
- Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi volume 3
- Rune Soldier volume 5
- Final Fantasy: Unlimited - Phase Seven

The Otaku News Crew like the look of the next installments of the hilarious Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi and Get Backers.

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Anime All Nighter In London

Date: 2005 January 19 18:03 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > Film

Lucky otaku who can get to London in the first weekend of February are in for a real treat. The Sci-Fi-London event will be running an anime all nighter with support from Redbull and Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream (make mine Chocolate Fudge Brownie) and with free Tea and Coffee everyone's sure to stay awake from the midnight starting time until 9:30 am the next day!
They'll be screening:

- Lady Death
- Parasite Dolls
- Sky Blue (a Korean animation also known as Wonderful Days)
- RahXephon The Movie.

We suggest that hardcore otaku go to the London Anime Club afterwards for a total weekend of anime!

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Galerians: Rion DVD To Hit The UK

Date: 2005 January 12 18:12 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > DVD

The folks over at Revolver Entertainment have sent us the details for Galerians: Rion, a CG film based on a PlayStation horror game Galerians, I've also wondered, would 3D CGI be classed as anime? Even if it is Japanese? Or is it one of those blurrily borderline questions? Anyway, it's out on the 24 of January, the same week as Cowboy Bebop Volume 1 and 2 are due to hit the stores in the UK.

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Sweatdrop At The Artists & Illustrators Exhibition 2005

Date: 2005 January 09 15:16 | Posted By:

Category > Events

We've just got news from the nice people at UK manga style art studio Sweatdrop that they'll be representing the UK manga community at the Artists & Illustrators Exhibition 2005 event and also provide workshops, and four 90 minute long presentations covering aspects of Manga-styled art and it's creation.

The event is scheduled for July 21st - 24th at London's Business Design Centre, last years event attracted over 14,000 visitors!

The Sweatdrop crew can be seen regulary at UK anime events, such at the London Anime Club and other UK anime conventions like AyaCon and AmeCon. Recently Sweatdrop also ran a stall at the London Comic Festival, with great success. Regular readers of Otaku News, will also remeber some of our lovely Christmas Desktop Wallpaper created by Sweatdrop artist Wing Yun Man.

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ADV UK DVD Releases For February 2005

Date: 2005 January 07 20:03 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > DVD

Those nice people at ADV Films UK have sent us the details for their February releases. The selection looks very promising as always with:

- Neon Genesis Evangelion: Platinum Edition vol.1
- Last Exile Volume 2
- Mahoromatic - Automatic Maiden Volume 3 (Final)
- Kino's Journey Volume 3
- Azumanga Daioh Volume 4
- Angelic Layer Volume 6
- RahXephon-The Motion Picture: Pluralitas Concentio

The Otaku News Crew feel like their spoilt for choice this month, we recommend Eva Platinum Edition Volume 1, if you haven't already got Evangelion on DVD, Last Exile Volume 2, Azumanga Daioh Volume 4 and RahXephon The Motion Picture. Normally we tend to suggest two titles a month, but it's too hard to pick this time around!

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Japonisme - Cultural Crossings between Japan and the West

Date: 2005 January 07 15:02 | Posted By:

Category > Culture

Phaidon Press have sent us details of a new book they are publishing - Japonisme: Cultural Crossings between Japan and the West, by Lionel Lambourne. It focuses on the history of Japanese of the West's extraordinary love affair with Japan. It's due out in May and sounds like an interesting read.

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Kirin Ichiban Now Prime Marketing Focus For Kirin Brand

Date: 2005 January 05 19:09 | Posted By:

Category > Cuisine

Since all Otaku News readers are sophisticated and as a result eat and drink Japanese food and drink at every opportunity, we're certain that they'll be interested in some Japanese beer news for this year.

Kirin Ichiban is to become the prime focus of marketing, promotional and sales activity for the Kirin brand in the UK. In other words, the company in charge of Kirin in the UK would like you to make Kirin Ichiban your beverage of choice.

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ADV UK DVD Releases For January 2005

Date: 2004 December 19 16:52 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > DVD

Those nice people at ADV UK have sent us details for their January releases.
The list is as follows:

- Get Backers Volume 1
- Gad Guard Volume 1
- Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi Volume 2
- Rune Soldier Volume 4
- Final Fantasy: Unlimited - Phase 6
- Slayers Premium

Interestingly Get Backers has been rumoured for UK release since AmeCon, when the dub was given an official preview screening. So for the January ADV list the Otaku News Crew recommend Get Backers and Slayers Premium since the Slayers range is always popular with fans.

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AyaCon Five: Launch Announcement

Date: 2004 December 14 18:40 | Posted By:

Category > Events

I've just received the details for AyaCon 5, the next edition of the successful UK anime and manga convention which always proves popular. AyaCon 5 will be held from 19-21 August 2005. Their venue will be the Warwick Arts Centre (University of Warwick near Coventry).

The convention will have use of the entire Arts Centre and extra faclities including a bar, restaurant and additional conference rooms, along with the full nightclub facilities in the nearby Students' Union for two parties on the Friday and Saturday evenings.

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ADV UK DVD Releases for December 2004

Date: 2004 November 28 16:45 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > DVD

On Friday the good folks at ADV UK sent us their press release for their December releases.

Anime wise they have the following:

- Last Exile Volume 1
- Kino's Journey Volume 2
- Mahoromatic Volume 2
- Azumanga Daioh Volume 3
- Angelic Layer Volume 5
- Generator Gawl: The Collection

They're also releasing Gun Crazy 2: Beyond The Law for fans of live action stuff. The Otaku News Crew highly recommend Last Exile, the UK edition's packaging will be similar to the Madman Entertainment's Australian release, and not the shiny US Edition from Geneon/Pioneer, which means you can clearly see the lovely artwork on the UK edition. We also recommend Azumanga Daioh since everyone needs to see the mishaps of Chiyo-chan and Osaka! ^_-

Read More... | Souce: ADV Films UK

NEO Magazine UK

Date: 2004 November 09 17:46 | Posted By:

Category > Retail

Charlie from Crazy Ninja has sent us a the details about NEO Magazine. Neo Mag's publicity states that they are the UK's only newsstand magazine dedicated to Anime, Manga, videogames, gadgets, and all things Japanese.

Their market overview text states "Anime and Manga have been popular in the UK for over 10 years now, and the market has never had a dedicated quality publication which appeals to the core fan, and also provides for the broader mainstream markets". I always thought that this was part of Manga Mania / Max's brief.

Neo Magazine is due out on 25th November, with a Dead Leaves Cover and features articles on the American remake of The Grudge, Tekken, also interviews with Chiaki Kuriyama (of Battle Royal and Kill Bill fame), and voice actress Monica Rial.

Souce: Crazy Ninja

Otaku News UK DVD Reader Survey

Date: 2004 November 07 19:32 | Posted By:

Category > Fandom

With your support Otaku News are keen to compile a definitive survey for 2004 about what anime titles our readers would like to see released onto DVD in the UK. This can include TV series, film, OAV old and new. We are not going to do a web based poll, since that would limit the options, we are going to do an open survey to hear what you really want to be released in the UK. To take part please email your suggestions to

Your e-mail address will only be used for this survey and once the results have been collated your details will be deleted. They will not be passed on to a third party for any reason. This survey will run until the 24th of December.

Souce: Otaku News

Bandai and Atari Announce Release for GITS:SAC

Date: 2004 November 01 12:39 | Posted By:

Category > Gaming > Consoles

For all you Playstation 2 owners out there, Bandai and Atari have announced the EU release of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. The game follows a similar format to the television series of the same name allowing the player to play as Motoko Kusanagi, Bateau, or the Tachikoma combat robot working for the mysterious 'Section 9' anti-terrorist division.

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International Manga and Anime Festival Launches

Date: 2004 October 27 18:20 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

We've just got a press release from a group called IMAF, who will be holding an international competition to find the best manga and anime talent in the world, entrants stand a chance to win big bucks with a total prize fund of $75,000!

The entrants work will be shown at London County Hall from 16th - 19th December. Judges include Koike Kazuo who is best known for writing Lone Wolf and Cub and Crying Freeman.

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ADV UK October Newsletter Out Now

Date: 2004 October 26 18:25 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > DVD

UK anime fans will want to take a look at ADV UK's October Newsletter. If you read Otaku News regulary you already know pretty much everything there already. Still it's better to read the same information twice than not at all! ^_-

Souce: ADV UK

ADV USA November 15th DVD Titles

Date: 2004 October 20 18:28 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > DVD

These days I swear ADV want to make otaku bankrupt! They've just sent us the US releases for November 16th. Here are the details:

- Neon Genesis Evangelion: Platinum:3
- Chrono Crusade: Holy War
- El Paraíso de Hello Kitty: Aprendre con Cariño
- Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda: Season Four, Collection Three
- Wedding Peach: Scarlet Tears

I suggest you get hold of the second Chrono Crusade DVD, the first one proved popular with the readers of

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ADV UK DVD Releases for November 2004

Date: 2004 October 19 18:01 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > DVD

Those nice chaps over at ADV UK have sent in their November release details. The following titles are all due to hit the shelves on the 15th November:

- Neon Genesis Evangelion: Perfect Collection - Limited Edition
- Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi volume 1
- Mazinkaiser vol.2
- Go Nagai's New Cutey Honey: Collection 2
- Rune Soldier volume 3
- Final Fantasy: Unlimited - Phase 5
- Slayers Excellent
- Conduct Zero (live-action)

With this selection we recommend picking up Neon Genesis Evangelion: Perfect Collection, after all it is Eva and it is a revolutionary series. Perhaps it'll make a great Christmas present for the otaku in your life? Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi is also worth a looking at especially since it's another Gainax title.

Read More... | Souce: ADV Films UK

Newtype USA Celebrates Its Second Anniversary

Date: 2004 October 18 18:04 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

The good folk at Newtype USA have sent us a press release regarding their second anniversary. To celebrate the popular anime magazine will bring back it's free DVD insert, which became a subscriber only bonus item. We've heard that Newtype USA stopped the free DVD due to retail issues, original store clerks removed the free DVD to pass on to friends, this in turn meant that the opened issue could not be sold. It seems that the people at Newtype have been listening to their readers. We welcome the return of the DVD since it means more free anime! ^_^

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Samurai History Papers - Quarterly Newsletter

Date: 2004 October 16 16:03 | Posted By:

Category > Culture

We've just got details in from Ridgeback Press, apparently they will be launching Samurai History Papers, a quarterly newsletter from Romulus Hillsborough (whose research on the history of the Meiji Restoration spans over twenty years). It focuses on the facts behind many samurai anime series, such as the Shinsengumi (central to Peacemaker Kurogane and Rurouni Kenshin).

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Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust To Hit The UK On DVD

Date: 2004 October 05 16:22 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > DVD

Those nice folks at Optimum Asia have sent us the press release for Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust on DVD, which will hit the shops on 18th October. This is an interesting announcement and shows Optimum branching out releasing even more anime, previously Optimum have released the Ghibli masterpiece Spirited Away and also have the cinema rights for The Cat Returns (another Ghibli feature).

Read More... | Souce: Optimum Asia

Terratag London Exhibition - 'Pornograffiti'

Date: 2004 September 29 17:49 | Posted By:

Category > Events

We've just got an e-mail from Paul over at Terratag. Terratag t-shirts have been sold at most of the UK anime conventions and Paul even had a stall at the Japanese Food Festival in London this August.

Terratag are also very naughty and as a result, I've always debated if I should add them to the Pirate Anime FAQ. The more astute otaku will know there is a range of Terratag t-shirts with Gundam designs on, Terratag have not paid for a license from Bandai to use any Gundam images, or their likeness. Technically this is a copyright violation, and that generally flags them as a bootlegger. This could land Paul in trouble with Bandai's lawyers, and he could face a hefty fine at least.

Anyway, Paul wanted to point out that he's holding an art exhibition at the Notting Hill Arts Club, his show runs until November 1st, he helpfully points out on the night of October 4th there are going to be 4 scratch DJ's from Tokyo playing live. The crew is called En and features Mc Raita with Dj's Jif Rock, Kiccio and Kaitaro. There will also be a jazz/hip-hop dance crew. So fans of the Japanese music scene will want to get over there!

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Tokyo Godfathers UK DVD Release Details

Date: 2004 September 07 13:17 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > DVD

I've just heard from the good folks at Columbia Tristar Entertainment, Satoshi Kon's brilliant movie Tokyo Godfathers will be hitting the UK shops on 13th September.

This really is an wonderful film and one of the best anime films I've seen this year. So go get it from, or any other good retailer.

Read More... | Souce: Sony Pictures

Bandai UK releases for October and November

Date: 2004 September 05 14:51 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > DVD

Bandai have decided to release the following over the next few months:

25th October:
Escaflowne Collection Box volume 1
.hack//Sign volume 5

22nd November:
Escaflowne Collection Box volume 2
Cowboy Bebop volume 1

Souce: Animejin

Mamoru Oshii to Answer Fan's Questions On-line

Date: 2004 September 03 13:57 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > Film

We've just had details in from the folks at Dreamworks.
Mamoru Oshii the director of Ghost In the Shell 2: Innocence will be answering questions posted to the offical Ghost In the Shell 2 Site's forum. Sign up and Join this thread -

Fans will already know that Oshii was behind the original Ghost in the Shell Movie, and the first two Mobile Police Patlabor Movies.

Read More... | Souce: Go Fish Pictures

ADV UK DVD Releases for October 2004

Date: 2004 September 01 15:36 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > DVD

It's that time of the month again, ADV UK have sent us their line up for October. They'll be releasing the following titles:

- Kino's Journey Volume 1: Idle Adventurer
- Mahoromatic - Automatic Maiden Volume 1
- Azumanga Daioh The Animation Volume 2: Festivals!
- Angelic Layer Volume 4: Faith, Hope & Love
- Full Metal Panic! Mission 7
- Gun Crazy: A Woman From Nowhere (live-action)

I think ADV hate my wallet. They've gone crazy and released a load of top titles all together. As always you can't go wrong with some Azumanga Daioh, but they're also releasing the last volume of Full Metal Panic! That and with Mahoromatic titles from Gainax always prove popular. They're so evil. If you've got a credit card, for crying out loud hide it!

Read More... | Souce: ADV Films UK

Manga Live! At The ICA In London

Date: 2004 August 30 14:14 | Posted By:

Category > Events

I've just found out about an event at the ICA in London. It's called Manga Live, and is divided into two events Manga Live (Fri 03 Sep) and will discuss if Manga can take off in the UK.

The second event (Sat 04 Sep) is the Manga Live! Manga Masterclass which forms a practical demonstration and workshop. The masterclass will also have a special preview screening of Rogue Farm.

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Final Transformers Series' Available On DVD in the UK

Date: 2004 August 05 17:38 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > DVD

We've just been sent the press release for the UK edition of Transformers. Seasons 3 & 4 are due out on August 30th, while Season 1 is set for October 11th. There's more than meets the eye with these titles!

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Grave of the Fireflies UK DVD Details

Date: 2004 August 04 16:00 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > DVD

We've just been sent the details for the UK release of the brilliant Grave of the Fireflies, which is due out on 23rd August. A truly distressing tale of the victims of war, if you don't shed at least a single tear when watching this, then you have no soul!

Read More... | Souce: Optimum Releasing

ADV UK DVD Releases for September 2004

Date: 2004 July 30 16:43 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > DVD

It's that time of the month again, ADV UK have sent us their press release. September looks like an interesting month with the the following titles:

- Hellsing: The Collection
- Mazinkaiser vol.1
- New Cutey Honey vol.1
- Rune Soldier vol.2
- Final Fantasy: Unlimited vol.4
- Pretear vol.4
- Slayers Gorgeous

We recommend Slayers Gorgeous and Hellsing: The Collection.

Read More... | Souce: ADV Films UK

ADV UK July Releases

Date: 2004 June 01 21:54 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > DVD

ADV keep churning out those titles in the UK, which as always is a good sign.
In July they'll be releasing:

Rune Soldier vol. 1: Enter The Klutz
Final Fantasy: Unlimited - Phase 3
Pretear Vol. 3
King of Bandit Jing Vol. 4
Slayers Great
Queen Emeraldas

Read More... | Souce: ADV UK Press Release

Ghost in the Shell: Standalone Complex on TV and DVD in 2004

Date: 2004 February 11 23:28 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

Bandai have just announced that they have joined forces with Manga Entertainment to release Ghost in the Shell Standalone Complex on DVD and TV.

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