Category > Retail
Our British based readers who have been given some money to spend for the holiday season might want to take a look at the Anime DVD sale. They've got plenty of anime titles to choose from!
Including Spirited Away or Grave Of The Fireflies for for £8.99 and the Cowboy Bebop Movie or Memories for £5.99. There are many good deals to be found, so go take a look!
Otaku News have teamed up with the generous folks from ADV Films UK who are giving our readers the chance to win the complete series of Last Exile or the complete series of Divergence Eve on DVD.
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The good people from ADV Films UK have sent out the details for their January DVD releases. They really do want to start the new year with a bang quite literally by releasing the latest incarnation of Full Metal Panic!, entitled Full Metal Panic? FUMOFFU, this 12 episode spin off series focuses more on Sousuke's and Kaname's adventures at high school and is based around the FMP "light novels".
In January 2006 ADV Films UK will be releasing the following:
- Full Metal Panic? FUMOFFU: Full Metal Pandemonium! (1 of 4)
- Peacemaker: Gunning For Trouble (3 of 7)
- Chrono Crusade: Devil's Advocate (6 of 7)
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Those nice folk from ADV Films UK have sent us the details of the December DVD releases.
They'll be releasing the following:
- Divergence Eve Volume 3 (Final)
- DNAngel Volume 3
- Neon Genesis Evangelion - Platinum Edition 0:6
- Last Exile Volume 7 (Final)
Read More... | Souce: ADV Films UK
Fans of anime games should be pleased to hear about Atari and Bandai's Christmas game line up. They've got the following for PS2:
- Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi
- One Piece: Grand Battle
- Digimon World 4
Along with Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors 2 for Nintendo DS and Ghost in the Shell®: Stand Alone Complex for PSP.
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UK fans of the Ghost In The Shell Standalone Complex Series should be pleased to hear that a game based on the anime will be released on PSP this Friday. Atari have sent us the details. The game sounds really good, not only do you get to play as the main cast members, each with different abilities, but you also get to command Tachikoma, that is surely worth the price of the game alone! You even get to train and customize them (*hums Tachikoma themetune* ^_-).
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Those nice people at Optimum Releasing have sent us the details for the UK DVD release of Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind and The Cat Returns, both of which are due out on 26th September just in time to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the ground breaking Studio Ghibli and just after the 23rd September release of their brilliant cinema release of Howl's Moving Castle.
Both DVDs have their fair share of extras include storyboards, original Japanese Theatrical trailers, Studio Ghibli trailer reel, the Cat Returns DVD has a making of featurette, while Nausicaa has a birth of Studio Ghibli Featurette. Since both titles are Studio Ghibli titles, they're a must see, but if you're strapped for cash and can only get hold of one, go for Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, since it's truly epic Sci-Fi. Both movies have profiles on fansite
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Those nice people from Optimum Releasing have sent us the press release for the UK release of Appleseed the movie, the recent CGI version of Masamune Shirow's popular manga title. The DVD version will be available in a limited edition steel tin as well as conventional DVD from 19th September and also on UMD for the Sony PSP from 31st October.
The press release also mentions a cinema release from 19th of August, we suggest that our readers who can get to the UGC Shaftesbury Avenue and UGC Glasgow check the film out while they can.
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Those nice people at Optimum Releasing have sent us the press release for Barefoot Gen, which gets a UK DVD release on Monday 1st August. We delayed the publication of this press release so we could write a Barefoot Gen DVD Review for you to enjoy. Please note that since the details were sent out the BBFC gave Barefoot Gen a 12 rating.
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Category > Anime
ADV Films UK has sent us their press release concerning their September UK releases. This includes a special edition of Spriggan, which will include a soundtrack CD and new commentaries. September also sees the start of the UK release of Peacemaker. The September releases are as follows:
- Spriggan Special Edition
- Peacemaker Volume 1
- Mezzo Volume 2
- Aquarian Age Volume 2
- Chrono Crusade Volume 4
- Gad Guard Volume 5
- Get Backers Volume 5
The Otaku News Crew recommend Peacemaker if you like samurai anime (with pigs in) and Chrono Crusade since we're finding it enjoyable.
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UK gamers looking forward to the September release of the Sony PSP can also expect a blitz of UMD Movies for the handheld games console, anime titles that are going to be available so far include:
- Akira
- Ghost In The Shell
- Ghost In The Shell: On The Trail Of The Laughing Man
- Ghost In The Shell: Trouble At Home & Abroad
- La Blue Girl Returns
- Transformers The Movie
All of the above should be out on (or by) 5th September 2005 and will be priced around £10 - £15 depending on the title and the retailer.
Optimum Releasing will also be releasing Appleseed on DVD and UMD on 19th September.
It should be noted that PSP UMD Movies are region locked, so a UK PSP will only play Region 2 European and Japanese UMDs and not Region 1 US UMDs. Like DVDs UMDs can support multiple audio tracks and subtitles, so a single disc can ideally come with both the subbed and dubbed version of title.
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Category > Manga
Gollancz Manga have sent us the details for their UK Manga releases. Starting August they'll be releasing manga on the first Monday of every month. Gollancz entered into an exclusive arrangement with VIZ to publish their titles in the UK. The titles available will include Yu-Gi-Oh!, Fushigi Yugi, Dragon Ball and Case Closed.
Many UK manga fans would have already got these titles from certain retailers offering the American import versions, but since these are the official UK versions it means that they'll be more easily available. Libraries for example will be able to order manga if they so wish through their distributors. The Otaku News Crew are excited to hear about this and look forward to seeing even more manga in the UK.
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Those nice folks over at ADV UK have sent us the release details for their August titles. The following should be hitting the shelves:
- D.N.Angel 1
- Divergence Eve 1
- New Fist of the North Star 3
- Gravion 2
- Neon Genesis Evangelion Platinum Edition 4
- Last Exile 5
Hopefully we'll have reviews of the above titles soon. In the meantime, the Otaku News crew recommend Volume 4 of the Eva Platinum Series (because it is Eva after all) and also DN Angel 1.
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Category > Manga
TokyoPop has announced that they will launch a new branch of their successful Cine-Manga line. This July, they will release the first of the new Jr. Cine-Manga books that will, they predict, revolutionize the children’s book market by bringing beloved characters and storylines from the screen to an original exciting visual format.
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Category > Anime
With the London Expo this weekend, the anime village is beginning to sound more exciting the more we hear about it. Sweatdrop will be there, and ADV Films UK have just revealed that they will screening some of their titles in exclusive first showings! This includes Gravion, DNAngel and Mezzo.
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ADV UK DVD Releases For June 2005
Those nice people at ADV Films UK have sent us the details for their June DVD releases.
They've got a good selection this month with:
- Gravion: Divine Steel (1 of 3)
- New Fist Of The North Star Volume 2: The Forbidden Fist (2 of 3)
- Neon Genesis Evangelion - Platinum Edition: 03 (3 of 7)
- Last Exile: Breakthrough (4 of 7)
- Azumanga Daioh: Graduation! (6 of 6)
- Puni Puni Poemy
The Otaku News suggest you get your hands on Last Exile and the concluding volume of Azumanga Daioh. If you really liked Excel Saga, then you'll want to see Puni Puni Poemy, however we cannot be held accountable for what it does to your brain. ^_-
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Category > Manga
Following on this story, Gollancz have confirmed more details of the release of the Dragon Ball Z and the Yu-Gi-Oh series in mainstream book shops. The cartoon series of both have caught the attention of the UK audience by their showing on Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon and now it will be possible from August to buy the manga titles from all good book shops, with Ottakars especially making a push with these titles.
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Category > Freaky Things
Anime and manga fans in the UK have always dreamed of their favourite hobby becoming more mainstream, without doubt over the last year or so this has happened. What key indicators are we using for this? Sales figures in highstreet retailers? Availability of manga in bookshops? No, we're using hair products. Anime and manga characters have always been noted for having very distinct hairstyles and beauty products company Garnier have just released Fructis Style Manga Head styling putty in the UK. It seems that either their marketing department are cool and hip or Garnier have found a niche market of otaku who want to emulate their favourite characters.
Read More... | Souce: Garnier Beauty Bar
Category > Manga
Following on from our story about Viz being distributed in the UK, we now have the offical press release from Gollancz.
Read More... | Souce: Orion Books
Those nice people over at ADV Films UK have sent us the details for their May DVD releases. They plan to release the following:
- Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 Collection
- Chrono Crusade Volume 2
- Gad Guard Volume 3
- Get Backers Volume 3
- Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi Volume 4
- Rune Soldier Volume 6
The Otaku News Crew recommend the Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 Collection, since it's it's good to watch, plus it's the whole series at a reasonable price along with Chrono Crusade Volume 2, since some of us just can't get enough of Nuns and Guns. ^_-
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For our UK readers, we've got a selection of DVD release dates up until the end of April from different companies. As always release dates are liable to change for various reasons, so here's the latest details:
21-Mar-05 Chrono Crusade Volume 01
21-Mar-05 Chobits Volume 1
21-Mar-05 Gad Guard Volume 02
21-Mar-05 Get Backers Volume 02
21-Mar-05 Final Fantasy: Unlimited Volume 07
21-Mar-05 Lady Death
21-Mar-05 Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi Volume 03
21-Mar-05 Neon Genesis Evangelion (3 Disc Collection)
21-Mar-05 Rune Soldier Volume 05
With so many titles out this week alone, it seems the UK fans are spoilt for choice! Only a couple of years ago British anime fans hardly had any new titles release regularly and were lucky to get one release a month, let alone nine on the same week!
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Nintendo's new handheld has broken console sales records in the UK selling almost 87,000 units with over 3 million being sold worldwide. Super Mario 64 DS, Wario Ware: Touched! and Rayman DS were the top three selling launch titles.
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Manga Entertainment have sent us the details for the UK release of Ghost In The Shell Standalone Complex - Volume 3. It's due out on 25th April 2005 and features more fun and games from the Laughing Man.
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Our UK readers should be interested to know that the Platinum Edition of Neon Genesis Evangenlion is out on the 21st February. This is more of a friendly reminder really since we've already posted the press release for it. We don't normally post reminder stories however considering how popular Eva is it's bound to generate a lot of interest.
The Platinum edition has remastered video, with sharper colours that really do look more vibrant, a new 5.1 surround sound audio remix which to put it simply sounds great even when down sampled to standard stereo. ADV have also gone to town with the packaging, the DVD case comes in a shiny card sleeve cover features some nice artwork and also a 12 page booklet with sleeve notes on the series. If you haven't already got Evangelion this is the edition you should buy, if you've already got it on DVD and are a big fan you still might want to consider getting this remastered edition.
Souce: ADV Films UK
Midway have sent us the details for the UK PS2 release of Shadow Hearts 2. It's due out on 11th March and RPG fans will know that it's been developed by former SquareSoft employees.
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Category > Manga
We've got details from Titan Books regarding the UK release of the new edition of the groundbreaking manga Ghost In The Shell. This is Masamune Shirow's best known work and has been reprinted in a smaller format now uncensored. Titan will also be releasing the new manga Ghost In The Shell 2: Man Machine Interface. The sequel to the original manga has lots more CG art that Shirow has become known for in his popular Intron Depot artbooks.
Both books have been translated by Frederik L. Schodt and Toren Smith, which otaku know are famed for the quality of their translation work. Both books hit the shelves on 25th February and retail for £19.99, which is reasonable considering the page count and the amount of colour artwork in both books.
Read More... | Souce: Titan Books
ADV Films UK have just sent us details of upcoming UK releases for Febuary. A fantastic month of anime including:
- Lady Death: The Motion Picture
- Chrono Crusade volume 1
- Gad Guard volume 2
- Get Backers volume 2
- Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi volume 3
- Rune Soldier volume 5
- Final Fantasy: Unlimited - Phase Seven
The Otaku News Crew like the look of the next installments of the hilarious Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi and Get Backers.
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Category > Retail
Wil Overton who many of our readers will know was the artist for popular Super Nintendo Magazine SuperPlay published many moons ago (and also influenced a large amount of UK fan artists with his style), has sent us details of his latest enterprise.
Dinkybox is a shop selling you the very best in cool toys and goodies from around the world, it mainly focuses on the new wave of smaller designer group/artist toys. Why are Otaku News plugging it I hear you cry? Well Dinkybox stock anime related stuff like Dr Slump Kubrick figures, the parody show Panda-Z and also some nice Deleter Manga supplies like pads, pens and ink and also screentone.
We don't normally shamelessly plug companies here, but Wil's a nice guy and agreed to an interview when my first website Anime Digital was getting off the ground, so we owe him a favour or two. ^_-
Souce: Dinkybox
The folks over at Revolver Entertainment have sent us the details for Galerians: Rion, a CG film based on a PlayStation horror game Galerians, I've also wondered, would 3D CGI be classed as anime? Even if it is Japanese? Or is it one of those blurrily borderline questions? Anyway, it's out on the 24 of January, the same week as Cowboy Bebop Volume 1 and 2 are due to hit the stores in the UK.
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Those nice people at ADV Films UK have sent us the details for their February releases. The selection looks very promising as always with:
- Neon Genesis Evangelion: Platinum Edition vol.1
- Last Exile Volume 2
- Mahoromatic - Automatic Maiden Volume 3 (Final)
- Kino's Journey Volume 3
- Azumanga Daioh Volume 4
- Angelic Layer Volume 6
- RahXephon-The Motion Picture: Pluralitas Concentio
The Otaku News Crew feel like their spoilt for choice this month, we recommend Eva Platinum Edition Volume 1, if you haven't already got Evangelion on DVD, Last Exile Volume 2, Azumanga Daioh Volume 4 and RahXephon The Motion Picture. Normally we tend to suggest two titles a month, but it's too hard to pick this time around!
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Category > Culture
Phaidon Press have sent us details of a new book they are publishing - Japonisme: Cultural Crossings between Japan and the West, by Lionel Lambourne. It focuses on the history of Japanese of the West's extraordinary love affair with Japan. It's due out in May and sounds like an interesting read.
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Category > Fandom
David Cotterill (aka Dragon) has dropped us a line about his new book - The Anime and Electronics Shopping Guide to Tokyo, a self published using print-on-demand technology to ensure that each copy ordered is as up to date as possible, it's due for publication in February. Currently Dragon is running a competition for his book to design the front cover and inside icons for the book. The winning entry will get a free copy of the book and DVD of your choice from United Publications. More details can be found on's News Section.
The Otaku News Crew suggest the winner selects a nice DVD boxset. ^_-
Souce: David Cotterill
Category > Cuisine
Since all Otaku News readers are sophisticated and as a result eat and drink Japanese food and drink at every opportunity, we're certain that they'll be interested in some Japanese beer news for this year.
Kirin Ichiban is to become the prime focus of marketing, promotional and sales activity for the Kirin brand in the UK. In other words, the company in charge of Kirin in the UK would like you to make Kirin Ichiban your beverage of choice.
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The Otaku News Crew have been sent a review copy of the UK edition of Cowboy Bebop Volume 1. Content wise it's mainly the same as the US Edition, featuring the first five episodes on disc one, English and Japanese Stereo tracks, and English subtitles. This hit series has been in the US since the year 2000, so some UK anime fans have had to wait almost five years to get hold of this show (or of course they imported the US edition, or a bootleg three disc edition commonly found from bad on-line retailers).
UK fans who haven't already got the US edition or taped it off cable TV when it first broadcast will probably want to know is the UK edition worth buying or should they go for the US edition instead? Read On to find out!
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Category > Retail
We've just heard from Dragon, the webmaster for United Publications (a popular UK import anime and manga retailer) that they've slashed their prices by up to 20% on most US DVDs due to the strength of the Pound, our UK readers with multiregion set-ups should check it out!
Souce: United Publications
Those nice people at ADV UK have sent us details for their January releases.
The list is as follows:
- Get Backers Volume 1
- Gad Guard Volume 1
- Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi Volume 2
- Rune Soldier Volume 4
- Final Fantasy: Unlimited - Phase 6
- Slayers Premium
Interestingly Get Backers has been rumoured for UK release since AmeCon, when the dub was given an official preview screening. So for the January ADV list the Otaku News Crew recommend Get Backers and Slayers Premium since the Slayers range is always popular with fans.
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We've just heard from Bandai Europe that again some of their UK DVDs are going to be delayed.
Escaflowne Collection Box Volume 2 and Gundam Wing Box Set Volume 4 have both been put back to 13th December 2004.
Cowboy Bebop Volume 1 is now due out on 17th January 2005. Cowboy Bebop Volume 2 is set for 24th January 2005.
So if you get any money over Christmas you might want to save it for Cowboy Bebop Volumes 1 and 2! ^_^
Souce: Bandai Europe
On Friday the good folks at ADV UK sent us their press release for their December releases.
Anime wise they have the following:
- Last Exile Volume 1
- Kino's Journey Volume 2
- Mahoromatic Volume 2
- Azumanga Daioh Volume 3
- Angelic Layer Volume 5
- Generator Gawl: The Collection
They're also releasing Gun Crazy 2: Beyond The Law for fans of live action stuff. The Otaku News Crew highly recommend Last Exile, the UK edition's packaging will be similar to the Madman Entertainment's Australian release, and not the shiny US Edition from Geneon/Pioneer, which means you can clearly see the lovely artwork on the UK edition. We also recommend Azumanga Daioh since everyone needs to see the mishaps of Chiyo-chan and Osaka! ^_-
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Category > Anime
Just a quick reminder to our UK readers that the first issue of Neo Magazine is out now. The publication covers anime, manga, videogames, gadgets, and all things Japanese. It's available from WH Smith, Borders, HMV, Martins Spar, Virgin Store, Forbidden Planet and some independent newsagents, it should also be available from Diamond Comic stockists.
For more information check out our previous write up on Neo Magazine, Anime UK News also has an interview with the editor as does
Souce: Neo Magazine
Category > Manga
The Times Education Supplement (a Times newspaper for teachers and people working in the education sector) are running a story about the educational value of manga, interestingly enough they make the same common misconceptions about manga - "Mangas depict wide-eyed heroes, often in varying states of undress". The Reading Agency, an organisation that promotes literacy, is encouraging schools to buy Manga comics, it seems they want to get as many children to get into reading by introducing them to manga. They've compiled a list of 150 recommended Manga titles, deemed suitable for teenagers and are sending them to all libraries and schools. The Otaku News crew imagine that this will help TokyoPop UK's already very healthy sales figures! ^_-
Souce: TES
UK Anime fans better hold on to their cash just a bit longer. I've just heard that a few DVDs from Bandai are going to be delayed by a couple of weeks. This includes the first volume of Cowboy Bebop, which is well worth waiting for. I'm sure that those of you who already have the first Escaflowne DVD box set, can't wait to get hold of the second one. ^_^
The following titles have all be slipped back to Monday 6th December 2004
- Gundam Wing Box Set Vol. 4
- Gundam Wing Box Set Vol. 5
- Cowboy Bebop Vol 1
- Escaflowne Collection Box Vol. 2
Souce: Bandai Europe
Category > Manga
ICv2 are reporting an interesting trend with's manga best seller list. Apparently Yaoi is three of the top five, four of the top ten and six of the top fifteen manga titles. ICv2 point out that these sales are only on as the American Bookscan list doesn't not match with these sales figures, with only Del Rey's Tsubasa Volume 3 appearing at the top of both lists.
ICv2 speculate that people purchasing Yaoi prefer the privacy and relative anonymity that on-line reatilers offer and that the two main Yaoi publishers Digital Manga and CPM Manga don't have the marketing clout or number of titles compared to other publishers with titles at the top of the graphic novel lists.
Souce: ICv2
Category > Anime
Paul over at has just interviewed Stu Taylor the editor of Neo Magazine, a new UK magazine dedicated to anime, manga, Cult Asian Cinema J-Pop and other things oriental. The interview covers how the magazine got started, how hard it was getting it stocked in high street shops such as Borders as well as the possibility of future cover-discs. There are also pictures of the magazine's Ghost In the Shell cover (originally it appeared they were going to have a Dead Leaves cover).
Category > Retail
Charlie from Crazy Ninja has sent us a the details about NEO Magazine. Neo Mag's publicity states that they are the UK's only newsstand magazine dedicated to Anime, Manga, videogames, gadgets, and all things Japanese.
Their market overview text states "Anime and Manga have been popular in the UK for over 10 years now, and the market has never had a dedicated quality publication which appeals to the core fan, and also provides for the broader mainstream markets". I always thought that this was part of Manga Mania / Max's brief.
Neo Magazine is due out on 25th November, with a Dead Leaves Cover and features articles on the American remake of The Grudge, Tekken, also interviews with Chiaki Kuriyama (of Battle Royal and Kill Bill fame), and voice actress Monica Rial.
Souce: Crazy Ninja
Category > Fandom
With your support Otaku News are keen to compile a definitive survey for 2004 about what anime titles our readers would like to see released onto DVD in the UK. This can include TV series, film, OAV old and new. We are not going to do a web based poll, since that would limit the options, we are going to do an open survey to hear what you really want to be released in the UK. To take part please email your suggestions to
Your e-mail address will only be used for this survey and once the results have been collated your details will be deleted. They will not be passed on to a third party for any reason. This survey will run until the 24th of December.
Souce: Otaku News
For all you Playstation 2 owners out there, Bandai and Atari have announced the EU release of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. The game follows a similar format to the television series of the same name allowing the player to play as Motoko Kusanagi, Bateau, or the Tachikoma combat robot working for the mysterious 'Section 9' anti-terrorist division.
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UK anime fans will want to take a look at ADV UK's October Newsletter. If you read Otaku News regulary you already know pretty much everything there already. Still it's better to read the same information twice than not at all! ^_-
Souce: ADV UK
We've got the release details for Bandai's UK DVD titles for this November.
Due out on the 15th of November:
- Escaflowne Collection Box Vol 1
- Gundam Wing Box Set Vol 4
- Gundam Wing Box Vol 5
- Hack Sign Vol 5
Due out on the 22nd of November:
- Cowboy Bebop Vol 1
- Escaflowne Collection Box Vol 2
So in one month the whole of Escaflowne will be available spread across two boxsets along with the first volume of Cowboy Bebop! That's a lot of great anime to watch. I cannot recommend Cowboy Bebop highly enough, it is to put it simply a fantastic show. Escaflowne is a great too and watching lots of episodes from the boxset in one go is advisable, since most of the episodes end on a cliff hanger meaning you just have to watch more!
A few years ago many anime fans in the UK thought they would never see the release of either of these titles, but to have them both being released on the same month is great news. The timing for the release of these shows is good too, being close to Christmas it means that you should give subtle hints to Santa! ^_-
Souce: Bandai
These days I swear ADV want to make otaku bankrupt! They've just sent us the US releases for November 16th. Here are the details:
- Neon Genesis Evangelion: Platinum:3
- Chrono Crusade: Holy War
- El Paraíso de Hello Kitty: Aprendre con Cariño
- Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda: Season Four, Collection Three
- Wedding Peach: Scarlet Tears
I suggest you get hold of the second Chrono Crusade DVD, the first one proved popular with the readers of
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Those nice chaps over at ADV UK have sent in their November release details. The following titles are all due to hit the shelves on the 15th November:
- Neon Genesis Evangelion: Perfect Collection - Limited Edition
- Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi volume 1
- Mazinkaiser vol.2
- Go Nagai's New Cutey Honey: Collection 2
- Rune Soldier volume 3
- Final Fantasy: Unlimited - Phase 5
- Slayers Excellent
- Conduct Zero (live-action)
With this selection we recommend picking up Neon Genesis Evangelion: Perfect Collection, after all it is Eva and it is a revolutionary series. Perhaps it'll make a great Christmas present for the otaku in your life? Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi is also worth a looking at especially since it's another Gainax title.
Read More... | Souce: ADV Films UK
Category > Culture
We've just got details in from Ridgeback Press, apparently they will be launching Samurai History Papers, a quarterly newsletter from Romulus Hillsborough (whose research on the history of the Meiji Restoration spans over twenty years). It focuses on the facts behind many samurai anime series, such as the Shinsengumi (central to Peacemaker Kurogane and Rurouni Kenshin).
Read More... | Souce: Ridgeback Press