Category > Retail
The May London MCM Expo is almost here it starts on Friday 27th May and will run until Sunday 29th May 2011. As tradition demands T-shirt company Genki Gear will be releasing a new range for the season.
They've got 5 new designs in ready for the Expo.
Read More... | Souce: Genki Gear
Category > Events
London based fans of Japanese culture, gaming and clubbing will want to head over to Japan Underground at The Kingpin Suite, Bloomsbury Lanes, Bedford Way, WC1H 9EU. Near Euston / Russell Square. The event is set to run on Saturday 28th May 2011 from 7pm onwards.
They've got Bentley Jones a British artist signed to a major Japanese Record Label. Japanese violinist Masa Futagami will be performing a very special video game-themed live session. You can buy tickets on-line.
Nintendisco the retro gaming club will also be there. Plus the regular selection of rock, punk, metal, visual kei and electronic tunes that Japan has to offer, as well as live music and karaoke.
Read More... | Souce: Japan Underground
Category > Events
Everyone's revving up for the London MCM Expo at the end of the month from the 27th to 29th May 2011. The good folks at the event have sent us details about their latest guest, Beckii Cruel, the schoolgirl from the Isle of Man who became an internet sensation and then a Japanese Pop Idol. She was also the subject of a BBC Three TV documentary. She'll be appearing on the indoor and outdoor stages of the Expo on Saturday 28th May 2011.
Read More... | Souce: London MCM Expo
Category > Anime
London anime fans have got a lot to look forward over at the Barbican. They'll be showing the latest Ghibli movie - Arrietty on Wednesday 6th July 2011 at 7pm which is the UK Premier and on Saturday 9th July 2011 at 11 am (all adults must be accompanied by a child to this screening).
On Thursday 7th July 2011 the Barbican will be showing -
Laputa: Castle in the Sky at 6pm. It'll be introduced by anime expert and Ghibli fan Helen McCarthy.
Trigun: Badlands Rumble will be shown at 8:45pm. Both films are part of the We Love Anime Tour.
More lovely Ghibli features can be seen at the Barbican throughout July -
Saturday 9th July 2011 - 2pm - Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
Sunday 10th July 2011 - 4pm - Princess Mononoke
Saturday 16th July 2011 - 11am - Laputa: Castle in the Sky (all adults must be accompanied by a child to this screening).
Saturday 23rd July 2011 - 11am Kiki's Delivery Service (all adults must be accompanied by a child to this screening).
Saturday 30th July 2011 - 2pm - My Neighbour Totoro
Sunday 31st July 2011 - 2pm - My Neighbours the Yamadas
Sunday 31st July 2011 - 2pm - Spirited Away
I've you've never seen any of these films before, or never seen a Ghibli feature on a proper cinema screen, then now's your chance. These movies are special and always deserve watching in the cinema.
The Barbican have a full listing of all the Ghibli features this July here.
As always with such features, we advise booking early to avoid disappointment.
Souce: Barbican
Category > Events
London Lolitas are in for a treat on Saturday 14th May 2011, where they should head over to the Resistance Gallery, 265 Poyser St, Bethnal Green, E2 9RF from 1pm until late for the Lolita Through the Looking Glass Exhibition
The event will celebrate Lolita fashion and its offshoots. Artwork from our very own Wing Yun Man will be on display too (she does the Otaku News Post Cards and wallpaper).
They'll also have other events such as a swap and buy sale, along with DJs throughout the day, a photo booth, plus a fashion show and a panel discussion.
Read More... | Souce: Lolita Through the Looking Glass Exhibition Facebook Page
Category > Events
Are you in London on Sunday 22nd May 2011 and are looking to be served by Maids in a Maid Cafe? Well, head over to the Jetlag Bar on 125 Cleveland Street W1T 6QB, from 2pm until 7pm for where Oh My Lord! will offer a relaxing Sunday afternoon to eat and drink. Buy tickets on-line.
Souce: Oh My Lord!
Category > Events
We've been sent details about Aid for Japan an up coming charity event in London on Sunday 15th May 2011. It's to raise funds for the victims of the recent earthquake.
It'll be at -
Conway Hall
25 Red Lion Square
Nearest Tube station is Holborn.
They'll be holding a selection of workshops focusing on Japanese culture, including the Tea Ceremony, performances a Kimono Fashion show, a cosplay show, along with with a Shibuya and Harajuku fashion show. There'll be a manga drawing workshop too.
Japanese food and drink will also be available for attendees to buy on the day.
Souce: Aid for Japan
Category > Events
We've been sent details from the good folks at Hyper Japan, who tell us that tickets are now on sale for their 2011 event. It's set to run from Friday 22nd to Sunday 24th July 2011 at Olympia Two in London.
10% of all net ticket revenue will be donated to charities working to support the regions and peoples affected by the Tohoku Pacific Earthquake of 11 March 2011.
You can read a report of the first Hyper Japan in 2010 here.
Read More... | Souce: Hyper Japan
Category > Events
In London on Saturday 14th May 2011 and looking for something educational to do? Well why not head over to the At Home in Japan - Beyond the minimal house symposium at the The Geffrye Museum. It's set to start at 10 am and run to 4:30pm. coffee, light lunch and an exhibition tour is included in the ticket price. This forms part of the At Home in Japan - Beyond the Minimal House special exhibition.
£40 (£30 concessions) in advance.
Bookings - 020 7739 9893 /
Read More... | Souce: The Geffrye Museum
London based Cinema fans are in for a treat at start of May as that's when the Terracotta Far East Film Festival is set to start. Scheduled from Thursday 5th to Sunday 8th May 2011, it has a great selection of films at the Prince Charles Cinema.
They'll be showing a mix of Chinese, Japanese and South Korean movies many of which are either the European or UK Premieres.
Thanks to Helen McCarthy for reminding us about this festival.
Souce: Terracotta Far East Film Festival
Category > Events
Looking to have some fun in Cosplay in Manchester on Friday 6th May 2011? The Manchester University Japanimation Society (MUJS) will be holding their 10th Cosplay Party. It's set to run from 9pm until 2am at The Zoo, 126 Grosvenor Street, Manchester, M1 7HL.
This party isn't just open to Manchester University Students, but to everyone aged over 18.
Discount entry for cosplayers and those with MUJS cards.
Read More... | Souce: Manchester University Japanimation Society
Category > Events
London based fans of Japan looking to have fun and raise money for charity should keep Wednesday 20th April 2011 free for Heart Japan. The event is set to run from 6:30pm until 11pm at Vibe Bar on Brick Lane.
It's to raise money for the Japan Society Tohoku Earthquake Fund.
There'll be live bands, DJs playing the best Japanese music, plus a chance to win some original artwork by Bryan Lee O'Malley the creator of Scott Pilgrim in their charity auction.
Read More... | Souce: Heart Japan
Category > Events
Saturday 2nd April 2011 is when you should head to London for the We Love Japan Tohoku Earthquake Relief Concert. It'll be held at The Relentless Garage from 7pm. They'll have a wide selection of live music, comedy and karaoke, plus some of the most promising London-based Japanese musicians.
Tickets are £10 if booked in advance on-line or £12 on the door.
All proceeds from the evening will go to the Japan Society Tohoku Earthquake Relief Fund.
Read More... | Souce: We Love Japan
Category > Events
We've been impressed with the UK Zipangu Fest line up so far. But we believe that this latest screening is something special.
Londoners will be treated to Beyond Anime: CALF Animation, at 6pm, Sunday 3rd April 2011 at the ROXY Bar and Screen.
Apart from a rare chance to see an alternative side to anime, what makes the event so special is the ticket pricing. There is no set price for admission, you pay what you want with all proceeds going toward the Japan Society Tohoku Earthquake Relief Fund.
ROXY Bar and Screen
128-132 Borough High Street
Nearest Tubes Borough and London Bridge.
Read More... | Souce: Zipangu Fest
Category > Events
Looking for something to do in London this weekend? Well Sunday 27th March 2011 seems to be London Maids day, with not one, but two separate Maid Cafes running on the same day. Both events will have Japanese Maids.
We have Oh My Lord! set to run from 2.00pm to 7.00pm. We've covered them before. Cosplay is actively encouraged, but not compulsory.
They'll be at Jetlag
125 Cleveland Street
You can book tickets here.
The nearest Tube is Great Portland Street.
Then at Sofra in Covent Garden we have Japanese Maid's Cafe London. They'll have 4 sittings, 12pm, 2pm, 4pm or 6pm. WOTA London VJ namimo will be there to provide some simulation to the eyes and ears. The new comers claim to be the first of it's kind in London, even though Oh My Lord started 4 months before.
36 Tavistock Street
Covent Garden
The nearest Tube is Covent Garden.
Both events promise to donate proceeds to Japan's Earthquake and Tsunami relief.
Correction - Since posting this article, the people behind the Japanese Maids Cafe have confirmed the reasoning behind being called the first of it's kind in London. They'd like to emphasise that they are the first Japanese Maid Cafe in London. They highlight that all their maids, VJ namimo and the owner of the event are all Japanese. While in comparison Oh My Lord! has maids of different nationalities.
Read More... | Souce: Japanese Maid\'s Cafe London
Category > Events
In London, like clubbing? Looking for something to do this Wednesday 16th March 2011? Then head on over to Harajuku Night at Proud at Camden.
They'll be having a collection and selling CDs for the Japanese Red Cross.
Souce: Criminal Records
Category > Events
Although it's just over 2 months away, things have started to rev up for the May Edition of the London MCM Expo, which is set to run on 27th to 29th May 2011 at the ExCel London.
The creative t-shirt people Genki Gear have just unveiled the official exclusive designs for the May MCM Expo. This time instead of one design there are two differet designs available both in Unisex and Women's fitted tee styles and both available as limited editions on Pre-order only. The theme this time around is super heroes and zombies! The Pre-order is on the Genki Gear Site only until the 31st April 2011.
Read More... | Souce: Genki Gear
Category > Events
For those looking for something to do in London this weekend, otaku are spoilt for choice with the Bunkasai Japanese Festival near Holborn, along with Hibiki: Resonances from Japan at Kings Place near Kings Cross.
Scheduled as a 1000-year journey through the rich heritage of Japanese music, there's 3 events.
Tsugaru-Shamisen: Sheer Wind from the North
Friday, 4 March 2011 - 7:30pm
Talk: Music in Manga
Saturday, 5 March 2011 - 5:00pm
Tradition & Exploration: The Koto of Michiyo Yagi
Saturday, 5 March 2011 - 7:30pm
Manga fans should note that Helen McCarthy will be running the manga talk, so we can expect to see her normal expert insights into the subject.
Souce: Kings Place
Category > Culture
If you can get to London between 22nd March 2011 to 29th August 2011 you should try and swing over to the The Geffrye Museum, which has an interesting exhibition At Home in Japan - Beyond the Minimal House. To see a Special Exhibition on what Japanese homes are really like.
Read More... | Souce: The Geffrye Museum
Category > Events
UK readers looking for something to do in Leeds on Saturday 19th March 2011? Well, head over the Leeds Central Library from 12 Midday to 3pm where the talented Kate Brown will be running the Otaku Attack Manga Art Workshop.
It's free to all, you'll be treated to anime screenings, Japanese food and lots of other treats too.
Read More... | Souce: Leeds Central Library
Category > Fandom
The great folks at UK convention AmeCon have sent us details of a volunteer role that needs filling. They're looking for a new Events Officer.
Apart from being able to pay something back to anime fandom, this is a great opportunity to participate in a large UK convention, see it's inner workings and meet others who are passionate about anime, manga and all other things otaku love.
Read More... | Souce: AmeCon
Category > Events
The good folks from Hyper Japan have sent us the details for their 2011 event in London. It's set to run from Friday 22nd July to Sunday 24th July 2011 at Olympia Two.
Read More... | Souce: Hyper Japan
Category > Events
At the Hamiltons Gallery in London from Thursday 27th January to Saturday 5th March 2011, runs the Manga Dreams exhibition. It's heavily manga-induced photography, brought to you by Jonathan Anderson and Edwin Low.
Highly recommend this to anyone into manga and/or Scott Pilgrim!
Souce: Hamiltons Gallery
Category > Events
London based fans of Japanese themed clubbing are in for a treat when WOTA London will return. It's set for Saturday 26th February 2011 Juno@Shoreditch, near Old Street and Liverpool Street Tube stations.
The fun's set to start at 7pm and will go onto midnight. Highlights include Karaoke, along with a Paper, Rock Scissors competition (Remember, paper, rock, rock, scissors, paper, paper, scissors is the winning combination).
Tickets are £4 on-line or £6 at the door.
Read More... | Souce: WOTA London
The good folks at Uniqlo and Manga Entertainment have teamed up to sponsor the We Love Anime Film Festival across the UK. Appropriately the festival was launched on the 14th of February.
Screenings will be held across the following locations in 2011.
Edinburgh: Filmhouse (March 26th-27th)
Birmingham: Appearing at The Electric Cinema as part of Flatpack Film Festival (March 26th)
Leeds: Appearing at The Hyde Park Cinema as part of Leeds Young People’s Film Festival (April 2nd)
Bexley: Appearing as part of BAM 2011
Dublin: Appearing at Cineworld as a part of Cinemagic (May 13th-15th)
Dumfries: Robert Burns Centre Film Theatre (June)
Newcastle: Tyneside Cinema (Date TBC)
London: The Barbican (July)
The films being screened will vary at each location. They do have a great line up including:
Summer Wars
King of Thorn
Laputa Castle in the Sky
Sword of the Stranger
The Disappeance of Haruhi Suzumiya
Additionally, if you're keen to see Redline in London, you can catch it at the Barbican on Tuesday 22nd February 2011 as part of the centre's regular Japanimation season.
Read More... | Souce: We Love Anime
Category > Events
UK based Cosplayers looking to be part of the European Cosplay scene will be pleased to hear about the European Cosplay Gathering. Known as ECG for short, this new cosplay competition will have it's finals at the Japan Expo in Paris. What makes the ECG a bit different is that cosplay performance is just as important as the costume.
The UK selection of the Competition will be held at the Bunkasai Japanese Festival on Saturday 5th March 2011 at Conway Hall Red Lion Square, Holborn London. Near Holborn tube station.
Bunkasai has an interesting selection of events, including Martial Arts demonstrations, Taiko Drumming workshops, Japanese Language lessons, a lecture on the Tea Ceremony, Food Tasting, Sake Tasting and much more.
Tickets are £5 on the door (with Children under 10 free). Or you can buy a single ticket for £3.50, or 4 tickets for £10 on their website.
Read More... | Souce: Bunkasai
Category > Events
London based? Enjoy Japanese themed clubbing? Well head over to Proud at Camden on Wednesday 16th March 2011 for the return of Harajuku.
This time around they've got 8 different themed rooms, each offering something for different kinds of fans including games, movies, karaoke, comics, art, live music and DJs.
Other fun at the 800 capacity venue includes face painting, hand held and big screen gaming! It's set to be a great night out.
Dressing up is welcome and actively encouraged, with a reduced door fee for those in themed dress.
The Nocturnals are the featured performance for this event.
Read More... | Souce: Criminal Records
Category > Events
Japanese culture fans in Leeds might be interested to know that a Tanabata Festival is being held at Leeds University Student's Union 11-12th February 2011.
Festival Events will include 1000 crane origami challenge, calligraphy and putting on Kimono. Entry is free.
Read More... | Souce: Leeds Tanabata
London's ICA will be showing a season of Japanese cinema since the Mid 1990's. They've called the season Back to the Future: Japanese Cinema Since the Mid-90s. It's set to run from the 4th to 13th February 2011.
Read More... | Souce: ICA
Category > Events
UK fans of Japanese music will be pleased to hear that the good people at Japan Underground have announced the February 2011 tour dates for their club nights. London, Birmingham, Brighton and Nottingham are all set to for nights fun, music karaoke and Harajuku fashion.
They've also got a pre-tour party in London on Tuesday 11th January 2011.
Read More... | Souce: Japan Underground
Category > Events
Fans of the music from Final Fantasy are in for a treat next year as the venues and dates for The Distant World music from Final Fantasy have been announced.
Returning to Chicago! First Ever Distant Worlds
"Marathon Final Fantasy Concert" June 26, 2011!
Tickets on sale now!
Distant Worlds in London!
November 5, 2011 at Royal Albert Hall!
Tickets on sale Dec 17, 2010!
Distant Worlds in Australia!
April 15 & 16, 2011 at Sydney Opera House!
Concert Tickets on sale now!
Meet and greet tickets on sale Dec. 17, 2010!
Souce: Distant Worlds
Category > Events
Every now and again at Otaku News we get e-mails from our readers with questions. Normally we can answer these questions (or at least point them in the right direction). Today we got one that we couldn't answer straight away.
The reader was a 13 year old searching for a manga drawing course in London. We couldn't think of any that were coming up, so we turned to Twitter. Luckily someone out there does know. Anna Fitzpatrick who draws the great comic Between Worlds came to the rescue pointing out that the Victoria and Albert Museum will be holding Get Creative! on Saturday 20th November 2010.
The event is for 13 to 19 year olds and is set to run from 11:30am to 4:30pm. The free workshops include manga drawing, stage make-up music, VJing, talks on the fashion industry and theatre.
Souce: Victoria and Albert Museum
Category > Events
London based fans of cosplay and maids will be pleased to hear about a new Maid Cafe event in London. It's set to run on Sunday 5th December 2010, from 2pm until 8pm at the Jetlag Bar and Restaurant.
Nearest Tube is Great Portland Street.
Over 18's only.
Tickets are £5.
They'll be serving Japanese dishes, such as curry with rice, Japanese omelet with rice and Japanese Hamburger. Plus teas, coffee and cakes.
This is the first event Oh My Lord are running, they plan to run more in future if it proves popular.
Read More... | Souce: Dear My Lord
Category > Events
London based cosplayers will be excited to hear about the Grand Cosplay Ball which returns for it's third year. This years theme is Arabian Nights and it's set to run on Sunday, 28th November at Clapham Grand Hotel. The fun starts at 7pm until 1am. Expect lots of belly dancing, sword swallowing and even an Arabian Bazaar.
The Guest of Honour is Metroid cosplayer Jenni Kallberg (aka Pixelninja) from Sweden.
Over 18's only. Tickets are £18 from their website, or in-store at Tokyo Toys London branch at the Trocadero in Picadilly Circus.
Read More... | Souce: Grand Cosplay Ball
Anime fans who can get to Leeds from 18th to 21st November 2010 are in a for a real treat. Thought Bubble and Leeds International Film Festival have some great anime features to enjoy. Including some European Premieres such as Mardock Scramble: The First Compression (review here), Gintama The Movie, along with some great anime titles you should see if you haven't already. -
Mardock Scramble: The First Compression
Gintama The Movie
One Piece: Strong World
Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance
Interstella 5555: The 5tory Of The 5ecret 5tar 5ystem
Normally at this stage we'd cherry pick a title or two for suggestion as to what to watch, but they're all good, Interstella 5555 is always worth watching one more time too. ^_-
There's also some live action adventures with - Zebraman 2: Attack on Zebra City.
The Thought Bubble Festival are offering £20 passes for a day, or Individual tickets for £6.50/£5.00.
Read More... | Souce: Thought Bubble
Category > Events
For Japanese culture fans, October began with a bang at Hyper Japan, a new and highly anticipated event on the UK otaku calendar for 2010. Hosted by Eat-Japan (the number one site for Japanese food, sushi and sake), the show was a sensational success, drawing in excess of 15,000 visitors over the 3 days, a remarkable feat for what was the debut of this cultural festival. The event was located in the heart of London's Shoreditch at Brick Lane, an area well known for its offbeat character and for the eclectic, hip and chic. Standing in the line with the eager attendees, the atmosphere was alive with the building excitement as cosplayers, anime fans and the culturally curious all assembled to enjoy a different class of convention. The preshow campaign, organised and delivered by a Japanese enterprise was loaded with ample incentive for any fan of Japan to take a look at what the exhibitors had to offer. I, in my cosplay guise as Queen's Blade's spectral maid Airi, lined up with the happy crowds all eager to meet and greet, eat and shop! After conquering the queue and ascending the staircase in my heels, a veritable treasure trove was to be found, serving the many delights of Japanese culture and cuisine.
Read More... | Souce: Otaku News
UK based fans of Japanese cinema are in for a treat as the Zipangu Fest programme has been announced.
Those in Bethnal Green should keep Tuesday 23rd November 2010 free for a special event - Nippon Year Zero: Japanese Experimental Film from the 1960s‐1970s at Bethnal Green Working Men's Club.
Things then kick off on Wednesday 24th November 2010 on Brick Lane at Cafe 1001 along with the UK premiere of Pyuupiru 2001 - 2008, plus a selection of shorts and a screening of Rackgaki: Japanese Graffiti.
Read More... | Souce: Zipangu Fest
Category > Events
While cosplays in London will be busy gearing up for the London MCM Expo this weekend, you shouldn't forget that there's more fun to be had in London the weekend after. On Saturday 6th November 2010 The Barbican will be having a special late night event - the Cosplay Extravaganza.
They'll be a Cosplay Parade, workshops, a Goth Loli Fashion Show, Video Game Tournaments, some live J-Pop and Japanese Punk. Resident anime expert Helen McCarthy will be there to give a talk on Cosplay: A Short History (as well as being an anime expert Helen's also the author of Manga Cross-Stitch and is knowledgeable about cosplay to say the least).
The event is set to run from 6pm until 1am.
Entry to all the Foyer Events is free. This does not cover entry to exhibition, theatre or Kamikaze Girls screening.
Read More... | Souce: Barbican
Category > Events
The good folks at the London MCM Expo have sent us details about the Euro Cosplay Finals, which will be held at the London MCM Expo on Saturday 20th October 2010. The judges have now been announced. They've picked a selection of expert cosplayers to reside over the finalists.
Additionally the Expo launches a new cosplay zone - Totally Cosplay, dedicated to everything a cosplayer would be interested in, including competitions, panels, workshops and a cosplay stage.
Read More... | Souce: London MCM Expo
Category > Retail
Everyone's getting ready for the London MCM Expo this weekend and T-shirt Company Genki Gear are no exception. They'll be launching 6 new designs at the London Expo.
Read More... | Souce: Genki Gear
Category > Events
UK fans of Japanese cinema will be pleased to hear about Zipangu Fest. A UK-wide festival devoted to Japanese Cinema. It's set to start from Tuesday 23rd to Thursday 28th November 2010 in London's East End, before touring the country.
Highlights include some spooky horror movies as part of the Barbican's Japanese Halloween Schlockfest.
There's also a tie in with the 24th Leeds International Film Festival with a rare screening of Children of the Beehive (1948).
There'll be lots more exciting things for UK readers to enjoy at Zipangu Fest.
Read More... | Souce: Zipangu Fest
Category > Events
London based fans of Japanese themed clubbing are in for a treat on Wednesday 17th November 2010. A new club night is set to launch at the King Pin Suite in Bloomsbury. It'll start at 7pm and run until 2 am. Called Japan Underground the first club night will have a samurai theme to tie in with the launch of Sengoku Basara.
There'll be a nice selection of live music, karaoke rooms and much more fun and games too.
Read More... | Souce: Japan Underground
London based anime fans are in for a special treat thanks to the good folks at The Embassy of Japan. The Girl Who Leapt Through Time will be screened on Wednesday 10th November 2010 at The Embassy of Japan (101-104 Piccadilly, London W1J 7JT). The screening will begin at 6:30pm, doors open at 5:45pm. There will be no admittance after 7pm. Admission is free, but prior registration is essential.
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time is a real delight to watch, if you haven't seen it already it's worth making the effort of going to see it. As always with popular events we suggest booking early to avoid disappointment.
Souce: The Embassy of Japan
Category > Events
The London J-Culture scene is an interesting one, with new events popping up every year. October 2010 marked the first run of a 3 day Japanese cultural event called Hyper Japan.
Read More... | Souce: Otaku News
Category > Events
London based cosplayers who like BlazBlue are in luck this month, PQube and Zen United (the good folks behind BlazBlue's European release) have teamed up to offer free entry to BlazBlue cosplayers at this the 2010 October MCM Expo in London.
Read More... | Souce: BlazBlue Offical Website
Category > Gaming
London's the place to be this October, with Hyper Japan this weekend (Friday 1st to Sunday 3rd October 2010), Sci-Fi-London Oktoberfest (from Thursday 14th October and ends early in the morning of Sunday 17th October 2010), the Barbican Aspects of Japanese Cinema Season kicks off too (from Tuesday 19th October 2010) and last but by no means least the London MCM Expo is set to run from Friday 29th to Sunday 31st October 2010.
Anime companies, cosplay and other geeky entertainment will be well represented at the London MCM Expo. They've just sent us details that'll interest gamers too, PQube in conjunction with Zen United will be at the expo and will give gamers a hands on chance to try out BlazBlue: Continuum Shift.
In the past we've been lucky enough to interview Daisuke Ishiwatari and Toshimichi Mori the creators of the Guilty Gear and BlazBlue series.
Read More... | Souce: London MCM Expo
As is tradition in October Sci-Fi-London will be screening a great selection of anime as part of their Oktoberfest. The festival starts on Thursday 14th October and ends early in the morning of Sunday 17th October 2010 (this is because of their great Saturday all nighters).
Friday 15th at 7:30pm they'll be screening Technotise: Edit & I, which is billed as Serbia's first animated feature film crossing Ghost in the Shell with Waltz with Bashir.
On Saturday 16th October at 3pm they'll be screening Time Traveller: The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, the live action take of the Sci-Fi novel that inspired an anime feature film version along with a TV drama, manga and other feature films.
Saturday night from 10:30pm is when the fun starts for Studio Ghibli fans, with an all-nighter with the following features -
Spirited Away
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
The Cat Returns
Howl's Moving Castle
At the same time at 10:30pm there is an anime all-nighter as an alternative, screening 2 Ghibli features plus Eden of the East -
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
The Cat Returns
Eden of the East
As always with great events we suggest you book early to avoid disappointment.
Souce: Sci-Fi-London Oktoberfest 2010
We've mentioned it before, but it's always worth being reminded about from Tuesday 19th October to Sunday 19th December 2010 the Barbican in London will be running an Aspects of Japanese Cinema season. It's also worth noting that the screening of Kenji Mizoguchi’s The Water Magician is accompanied, for the first time in the UK, with traditional benshi narration and live music on a koto.
Benshi narration is the traditional form of Japanese silent film story-telling: the performer, or benshi, stands beside the screen and reads the intertitles as well as voicing the characters and commenting on the action.
The koto is the traditional 13-stringed zither of Japan whose shape has been likened to a crouching dragon. The history of the instrument spans at least twelve centuries during which time its form has changed little. It is made from the wood of the paulownia tree (or ‘Royal Empress tree’) and generally plucked with plectra worn on the right hand.
For those interested in the season, we suggest you look at our previous post, about the highlights (which is pretty much the whole season)!
Read More... | Souce: Barbican
Category > Retail
The London MCM Expo is on it's way. Everyone's getting revved up for the weekend of 29th to 31st October 2010, and Genki Gear are no exception. They've just launched the official London MCM Expo October 2010 T-shirt. The exclusive design is available to pre-order now on the Genki Gear Website.
Read More... | Souce: Genki Gear
Category > Events
The good folks at Hyper Japan have sent us more details about their London based event on Friday 1st October until Sunday 3rd October 2010. Square Enix will be there selling goodies. They've got a cosplay competition too, with a chance to win a trip to Japan. Plus lots of lovely food! Soy sauce experts Kikkoman will be there too, issuing a sushi challenge.
Read More... | Souce: Hyper Japan
Category > Events
We've already covered details about Japan Matsuri in London at Spitalfields on Saturday 18th September 2010. We've just been sent a reminder that they'll also be hosting a cosplay competition on the canopy stage at 2:30pm.