Category > Events
Are you a UK based aspiring manga artist and will be in Ashburton in Devon on Sunday 21st August 2016? Well if so why not drop into Gnash Comics and Graphic Novels? They'll be hosting two manga workshops, one intro session at 1pm and another Manga Workshop at 2:30pm.
Read More... | Souce: Gnash Comics and Graphic Novels
Category > Events
UK based anime fans looking ahead for the 2017 anime convention season will be pleased to hear that Kitacon have announced their 2017 event. During the closing ceremony of AmeCon 2016 the KitaCon Team revealed that their next event is called Kita Quest and will be at the Warwick Arts Centre from Friday 18th to Sunday 20th August 2017.
The Warwick Arts Centre was used this year for AmeCon 2016, and has been used many times before by AyaCon. It's a favoured location for anime conventions.
Registration for the anime/geek convention opens on Tuesday 3rd January 2017 at 19:00.
Souce: Kitacon
Category > Events
Fans of hard core rock music played by Japanese Maids will be pleased to hear the news from JPU Records, who have sent us details of Band-Maid's first European tour.
Tour dates are as follows:
12 October 2016: The Underworld – London, UK
13 October 2016: MTC – Cologne, Germany
15 October 2016: Headcrash – Hamburg, Germany
16 October 2016: La Boule Noire – Paris, France
19 October 2016: Hydrozagadka – Warsaw, Poland
Ticket sales begin on Friday 29 July 2016.
Read More... | Souce: JPU Records
Category > Events
Just a quick reminder for UK based readers looking for something to do this weekend in London. Why not head over to Hyper Japan? It's the UK's largest celebration of Japanese pop culture. There's plenty to do for fans of Japan, from food, cosplay, anime, gaming, fashion and music.
Then event is set to run from Friday 15th July to Sunday 17th July 2016 at Olympia London.
Read More... | Souce: Hyper Japan
Category > Events
The Japan Foundation in London have just sent us some details about their up coming anime season Summer Explorers! 2, (a year after the first Summer Explorers), the event is back in 2 parts. The first set of screenings is set to run on Saturday 30th July 2016 at the BAFTA, 195 Piccadilly, London W1J 9LN from 11:30 to 17:00. The second set of screenings will run on Saturday 6th August 2016 at Rich Mix, 35 - 47 Bethnal Green Road, London E1 6LA from 12:45 to 16:30
The line up includes some anime suitable for anyone 8 and above, with some anime is suitable for 12 year olds and above, while one is suitable for adults only.
The screenings are all free to attend! As always with events like this, we advise booking early to avoid disappointment. To book a place, please visit
Read More... | Souce: The Japan Foundation London
Category > Events
Fans of Nintendo with an artistic streak will be interested to hear about Uniqlo's UTGP'17 T-shirt design competition. The grand prize is £7,000 and will be judged by Nintendo legend Shigeru Miyamoto (along with a special team of judges). The design competition is open world wide. The theme is simply Nintendo. So if you've got an idea for a Nintendo themed t-shirt you've been itching to get made, now is the time to get submitting!
The winning t-shirts will be sold through Uniqlo in Spring 2017.
The competition is due to close on Wednesday 31st August 2016.
Read More... | Souce: Uniqlo
Category > Events
The good folks from London-based space metal band Esprit D'Air have sent us news of their reformation and upcoming tour dates. The band originally split in 2013.
They'll be at the following venues:
Hyper Japan in London on Saturday 16th July 2016
Underbelly Hoxton, London on Tuesday 19th July 2016
De Montfort University, Leicester on Saturday 3rd September 2016
Read More... | Souce: Esprit D\'Air
UK anime fans will want to check cinema listings for the latest (and sadly last) Studio Ghibli Film to hit the big screen. When Marnie Was There is due for a cinema release from Friday 10th June 2016. Some cinemas will show it on a day early on Thursday 9th June 2016. Cinemas have already declared that they'll be showing both the subtitled version and the English dubbed version, so check the screening, to make sure it's the one you want.
The anime is based on Joan G. Robinson's novel, but the location has been changed from Norfolk (in the UK), to Sapporo. It's directed by Hiromasa Yonebayashi, who also directed Arrietty.
For details of a screening near you, check out the Studio Ghibli Forever Website.
As always with events like this, we can't stress enough, book early to avoid disappointment.
Souce: Studio Ghibli Forever
Category > Manga
We've already mentioned the Sotheby's auction that contained artwork from Osamu Tezuka and Akira Toriyama. What we haven't covered is how much each item went for.
The prices listed below are the hammer price with the buyer's premium.
The Tezuka artwork went mostly within the estimated prices.
Lot 231 was estimated to sell for 8,000 to 10,000 EUR. It went for 8,750.
Lot 232 was estimated to sell for 3,000 to 4,000 EUR. It went for 3,625.
Lot 233 was estimated to sell for 2,000 to 3,000 EUR. It went for 1,750.
Lot 234 was estimated to sell for 2,500 to 3,000 EUR. It went for 2,750.1
Akira Toriyama's drawing was Lot 235 with an estimated sale price of 2,000 to 3,000 EUR. It sold for 15,000. That's 5 times the original estimated price.
Souce: Sotheby\'s
Category > Events
The good folks from UK Anime company Manga Entertainment UK have sent us details for their places at the MCM London Comic Con, which is set to run from Friday 27th to Sunday 29th May 2016 at the Excel Centre in London.
As always Manga UK and their other label Animatsu will be hosting a panel with announcements at 3pm on the Saturday. They'll be making unmissable news and announcements regarding their upcoming releases. We suspect they'll be making some exciting licensing announcements. They'll also be hosting a Q&A session on the Friday, so you'll be able to ask people in the anime industry those questions you'll be dying to know.
They've also got Anime Karaoke with over 150 anime theme songs!
Along with some special offers and rare branded merchandise, they'll also be holding a Kumamoto Earthquake Relief Raffle which all proceeds will be donated to the Kumamoto Japan Earthquake Relief Fund by Global Giving.
Read More... | Souce: Manga Entertainment UK
Category > Events
It's not long until it's time again for the MCM London Comic Con. They're always a treat for anime fans having already announced that they'll be hosting hosting the EU premiere of Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin III plus Sunrise Special Guests. Keen to keep anime fans content, they've also got anime director Michael Arias who made Tekkonkinkreet and produced the Animatrix. He'll be at the Comic Con to talk about his latest film Harmony. He's CV is like an otaku's dream which includes working closely with Studio Ghibli on Miyazaki masterpieces Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away.
The MCM London Comic Con is set to run from Friday 27th to Sunday 29th May 2016 at the Excel Centre in London.
Michael Arias will also be at the BFI Southbank London - Anime Weekend 2016.
Read More... | Souce: MCM London Comic Con
Category > Events
The good folks from Hyper Japan have just sent us news that they're as happy as be to announce that Azumi Inoue will be at the event in London. The singer is best known for singing for Ghibli Movies, including the Totoro theme and Laputa, Castle in the Sky.
So hey let's go to Hyper Japan from Friday 15th to Sunday 17th July 2016 at Olympia London.
DJ Itsuka and MC Gonchi of will also be there.
Read More... | Souce: Hyper Japan
Category > Manga
Manga fans with cash to splash will want to head over to famous auctioneers Sotheby's for their bandes dessinées auction (drawn strips). The collection of sequential art is mainly European and American artists. However manga fans are in for a treat with manga master Osamu Tezuka artwork for sale with prices ranging from 2,000 to 10,000 EUR. They've also got an original Akira Toriyama drawing too, which is estimated to sell from 2,000 to 3,000 EUR.
The auction will take place on Saturday 14th May 2016 at 2pm in Paris. You can bid on-line, but note that first-time bidders must pre-register 24 hours in advance of the sale in order to be approved by Sotheby's.
Thanks to Deb Aoki for the tip off on this story.
Read More... | Souce: Sotheby\'s
Category > Anime
It's no secret we've got a soft spot for anime Kinmoza. The anime follows the adventures of English schoolgirl Alice in Japan. She lives with her friend Shino and they get up to everyday slice of life adventures. We've covered how Fosse Farm was used as the location for Alice's house in the UK.
Last week voice actresses Risa Taneda and Yuri Yamaoka paid a visit to Fosse Farm. Risa plays Aya Komichi in Kinmoza and is part of the Rhodanthe* group. You may have also heard her voicing Kaori Miyazono in Your Lie in April. Yuri has been in numerous anime titles and video games.
Read More... | Souce: Fosse Farm
London anime fans will want to head to the BFI Southbank for the return of their Anime Weekend. The screenings are held every other year. This screenings are set to run from Friday 3rd to Sunday 5th June 2016 at the BFI Southbank.
This time around they're showing the original Ghost in the Shell Movie, the new Ghost In the Shell Movie called Ghost in the Shell: The New Movie (you can read more about the naming here), Empire of the Corpses, Psycho-Pass: The Movie, The Boy and the Beast. There'll also be a special screening and QA of anime Harmony, the QA features it's director Michael Arias (who also directed Tekkonkinkreet and produced The Animatrix).
The BFI also suggest you catch their screening of the latest (and currently last) Studio Ghibli Film When Marnie Was There.
The BFI anime screenings have proved to be very popular in the past. As always we advise booking early to avoid disappointment.
Read More... | Souce: BFI Southbank
UK based fans of Studio Ghibli will want to find their nearest Picture House Cinema as from Friday 29th April 2016 they'll be running a Studio Ghibli Forever Season.
To celebrate the launch of the final Studio Ghibli Film When Marnie Was There (which hits cinemas on Friday 10th June 2016), the Picture House will be running a massive Studio Ghibli retrospective.
Ghibli films really do have to viewed on a cinema screen at least once to enjoy the full experience. There's something amazing about a Ghibli feature on a big screen. As always we suggest you book early to avoid disappointment.
Read More... | Souce: Picture House Cinemas
Category > Events
Mecha fans in the UK will want to head over the MCM London Comic Con this May. The major geek event have just announced mecha designer and producer, Mika Akitaka and Osamu Taniguchi will be guests at the Comic Con. They'll also host the EU premiere of Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin III. They'll both be signing autographs for fans and presenting a panel on the Saturday of the Excel London show.
The MCM London Comic Con is set to run from Friday 27th to Sunday 29th May 2016 at the Excel Centre in London.
Read More... | Souce: MCM London Comic Con
Category > Events
The good folks from Hyper Japan have just sent us details of their July 2016 event. It's set to run at the Olympia in London, from Friday 15th to Sunday 17th July 2016. As always there's so much to do for fans of Japan! It is after all a Japanese Culture event! There'll be cosplay with the COSTest competition, arts and crafts workshops including one where you can create your own Kokeshi dolls. There will also be plenty of Japanese food to enjoy and other fun goodies.
Read More... | Souce: Hyper Japan
Category > Retail
The May run of the MCM London Comic Con is on the horizon! It's set to run on Friday 27th to Sunday 29th May 2016. As is tradition geeky T-shirt company Genki Gear have launched the Official Exclusive t-shirt for the event. The theme this time around is Inter-Dimensional Time-Travelling Science Action Squad, or IDTTSAS for short. That's one heck of a sentai team.
The new design is priced at £16.99 and available to pre-order from Monday 11th April to Sunday 22nd May 2016. You can either pick up the shirt at the Genki Gear stall at the MCM London Comic Con, or have it posted to your home, so you can wear it to the comic con.
Read More... | Souce: Genki Gear
Category > Events
UK based cosplayers want to make their mark on the global cosplay stage will be interested in The World Cosplay Summit. The UK Qualifiers will be held at the MCM London Comic Con on Saturday 28th May 2016. There a team of two will be selected to represent their country as Britain's best cosplayers. They'll get flown to Japan for over a week of activities and attractions, including the WCS final itself.
So get making! As always, we suggest you check the rules and regulations.
Read More... | Souce: MCM London Comic Con
Category > Manga
The Embassy of Japan have been running the Manga Jiman for 9 years now. The premise of the completion is simple. Each year has a theme and the artists have to create a story around the theme. Previous themes have included "a chance encounter" and "voyages of discovery". This year's theme was "bright young things". Prizes include 2 return flights to Japan for the top prize winner, a laptop for the runner up, plus a top end digital camera.
Read More... | Souce: Embassy of Japan
Scotland's biggest animation film festival has announced its October 2016 dates as follows:
Glasgow: 14-16th 2016
Edinburgh: 17-23rd 2016
In previous years, the charity has brought many animated film premieres to Scotland, long before they are released outside of Japan. Along with an excellent selection of films, the event also welcomes Japanese guest speakers and education days which encourage artistic talent within Scotland.
Read More... | Souce: Scotland Loves Anime on Facebook
Category > Events
The good folks from House of Illustration have sent us details of their up new exhibition Shojo Manga: The World of Japanese Girls' Comics. The exhibition is set to run from Friday 18th March to Sunday 12th June 2016 in at House of Illustration, 2 Granary Square, King’s Cross, London N1C 4BH.
It's the first major UK exhibition tour of the genre, from its golden era to the present day.
The Open Tuesday-Sunday 10am-6pm. It's closed Mondays. Admission is £7.70 (with gift aid), Concessions £5.50 (with Gift Aid).
Read More... | Souce: House of Illustration
Category > Retail
The good folks from geeky T-shirt company Genki Gear have just sent us details of their new MCM Comic Con 2016 Tour T-shirt. The theme this time around is MCM Bar. The t-shirt features such delightful dishes as Robotic Ramen, Sushi Terror from the Deep! Alien Abduction Burger among others.
The shirt is exclusively available from the MCM Expo Store, the Genki Gear website and Genki Gear's stall at the MCM Comic Cons. It's priced at £16.99 in both fitted and unisex style tees.
Read More... | Souce: Genki Gear
Category > Events
The MCM London Comic Con is always good for fans of Japanese culture, with plenty of cosplay, anime, video games and manga being represented. The good folks from the event have just sent us details that will appeal to fans of the J-Music scene. Amatsuki & Band-Maid will make their UK debuts at the MCM London Comic Con.
Amatsuki started out on popular Japanese video service NicoNico Douga. He became internet famous racking up over over 35 million views, and made the transition to the mainstream with his debut album Hello World, which reached number four in Japan’s national chart.
Band-Maid combine cute Japanese maid aesthetics with powerful, skilled musicianship. Forged from founder Miku's epxeriences in the maid cafes in otaku capital Akihabara, the combine geek culture with a passion for rock music.
Both acts will be performing live, signing autographs and taking part in on-stage Q&As at the MCM London Comic Con.
The May edition of event is set to run from Friday 27th to Sunday 29th May 2016 at the ExCel Centre in London.
Read More... | Souce: MCM London Comic Con
Category > Events
London based readers of Japanese Noir will be very interested in an up coming event Japanese Noir: Author Fuminori Nakamura in conversation. The event is set to run on Sunday 28th February 2016 from 2:30pm at Foyles Bookshop (107 Charing Cross Road, London WC2H 0D).
Fuminori Nakamura is part of younger generation of Japanese Noir authors following in the footsteps of Haruki Murakami and gaining more recognition internationally. The event is free to attend, but booking in advance is required. As always with events like this, we advise booking early to avoid disappointment.
Read More... | Souce: The Japan Foundation London
Category > Events
As 2016 has just started it's time to plan ahead for those geek events. We've got a list of the MCM Comic Cons for 2016.
The MCM Event Calendar kicks off on 13th February with the MCM Midlands Comic Con. There's plenty more to follow throughout the year. The events always have something good to offer for anime fans too and often feature a guest or two from the anime and manga industry. The schedule is as follows:
13 February: MCM Midlands Comic Con
12-13 March: MCM Liverpool Comic Con
19-20 March: MCM Birmingham Comic Con
27-29 May: MCM London Comic Con
25-26 June: MCM Belfast Comic Con
2-3 July: MCM Ireland Comic Con (Dublin)
30-31 July: MCM Manchester Comic Con
23-24 September: MCM Scotland Comic Con (Glasgow)
28-30 October: MCM London Comic Con
19-20 November: MCM Birmingham Comic Con
The folks at MCM have also sent us details of two new events in Germany and Brussels. MCM Hannover Comic Con coming to Hannover Messe on 4-5 June 2016 and MCM Belgium Comic Con taking place at Brussels Expo on 11-12 June.
Also don't forget Comic Con Copenhagen 24-25 September 2016 and Comic Con Stockholm on 4-6 November 2016,
As always we've also updated the Otaku Calendar with details of these events.
Read More... | Souce: MCM Comic Con
Category > Cuisine
London based readers who like Ramen will be pleased to hear that pop-up Monohon Ramen is returning at the end of January to Stoke Newington High Street's Rogue.
They'll be running two per day on Sunday 31st January 2016 and Saturday 6th February 2016.
Tickets are £10 each and it's a bring your own bottle set up.
You can book on-line or by visiting Rouge.
Read More... | Souce: Monohon Ramen
UK anime fans will be pleased to hear about the Japan Foundation Touring Film Programme.
It's set to run around the UK from Friday 5th February to Saturday 26th March 2016. Everything kicks off at the ICA in London, and then will tour a further 12 venues. All the films look interesting, but if we really, really had to pick one, we'd say Miss Hokusai, we've already seen it and can confirm it's one of those rare must see anime films. It shows you that there's so much more to anime. It's lavishly animated and tells the tale of Hokusai's daughter.
If you can't catch it in the cinema Miss Hokusai will be released on 31st March 2016 on DVD, Blu-ray and Collector's Edition Blu-ray by Anime Limited.
Anime Anthem of the Heart also forms part of the film tour. It's a story about a girl who can no longer speak and bottles up her emotions following a magical encounter with an "Egg Fairy".
The festival also has plenty of other very interesting Japanese films that would be worth your attention.
With all screenings like this, we strongly advise booking early to avoid disappointment. It's always good to see anime on a big cinema screen.
Souce: Japan Foundation Touring Film Programme
Category > Events
Fans of J-Rock will want to tune into NHK World on Friday 8th or Saturday 9th January 2016 to catch a special show called Japan Night in London. The free to air channel (that shows content in English), will be broadcasting the performances by VAMPS, [Alexandros], OKAMOTO's and Ling tosite sigure.
The show will be broadcast several times this weekend (all times in UTC).
Friday 8th January 2016:
Saturday 9th January 2016:
5:10, 10:10, 17:10
NHK World is available in the UK on the following
Sky Channel 507
Freestat Channel 209
Virgin Media Channel 625
It's also widely available around the world, so could be available in your region.
Read More... | Souce: NHK World
Category > Events
Just a quick reminder to those UK readers out there who like going to geeky conventions. Kitacon Karnival 2016 registration opens on Sunday 3rd January 2016 at midday. So get your fingers at the ready to register! There will be 1,000 places, and we expect them to sell out quickly.
Each website can register up to 5 people (which is handy for booking friends). Once all 1,000 places are filled, people will get added to a wait-list.
As always with such events we advise booking early. In August this year when AmeCon 2016 opened for registration they sold out in under an hour.
Souce: Kitacon Karnival 2016
Category > Events
The good folks from UK Anime convention Kitacon have just sent us details for their next event. Kitacon Karnival 2016. They've already revealed that it'll run from Friday 1st to Sunday 3rd April 2016 at the Birmingham Hilton Metropole NEC.
Now they've unleashed details about registration, which will open on midday on Sunday 3rd January 2016. The even is limited to 1,000 attendees (100 of which will be premium VIP memberships).
As always with such events we advise booking early. In August this year when AmeCon 2016 opened for registration they sold out in under an hour.
Read More... | Souce: Kitacon
Category > Events
UK based readers looking for something fun to do this weekend will want to head over Tobacco Dock in London for the Hyper Japan Christmas Market. It's set to run from Friday 27th to Sunday 29th November 2015. We've already mentioned what's going to happen over the weekend.
We've been sent news of a special performance by IA a virtual idol based on Vocaloid technology. She'll be making her UK debut on Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th November 2015 at Hyper Japan.
Read More... | Souce: IA Offical Website
Category > Events
London based fans of Shojo Manga will want to head over to a talk run by the Japan Foundation. What Girls Want - The World of Shojo Manga (Girls' Comics) is set to run on Monday 14th December 2015 at Foyles on Charing Cross Road from 6:30pm.
"In this talk Nozomi Masuda, Associate Professor, Konan Women’s University, Japan, will trace the origins of Shojo Manga from its beginnings in girls’ magazine through to its more recent transformations today, questioning what significance the genre has in Japanese society, and what it has been expressing over its diverse and complex themes."
Manga artist Eiko Hanamura will also be there to talk to Paul Gravett and Nozomi Masuda about Shojo Manga.
The talk is free to attend, but as always we advise booking early to avoid disappointment.
Read More... | Souce: The Japan Foundation London
Category > Events
London based fans of Japanese cinema will be interested in the Japan Foundation's screening and discussion of Samurai Warrior Queens. The event is set to run on Saturday 21st November 2015 from 2pm at the Courthouse Cinema in London.
The event is free to attend book is required. To reserve a place, please email your name and the title of the event you would like to attend to As always we advise booking early to avoid disappointment.
Read More... | Souce: The Japan Foundation London
Category > Events
Fans of Japanese culture looking for something fun to do near Christmas will be interested in Hyper Japan Christmas Market. It's set to run from Friday 27th to Sunday 29th November 2015 at Tobacco Dock in London.
There's a ton of things to do at this event. They'll be lots of Japanese food, plenty of stalls with things to buy. Along with a whole host of musical performances from the virtual artist IA to the the cute and rather strange Lady Baby.
Cosplayers and fashion fans will be well represented too.
Anime fans will be pleased to hear that anime studio Production I.G will be represented too with anime director Naoyoshi Shiotani (who directed the Psycho-Pass TV series and movie) and producer Rui Kuroki, who will be giving talks throughout the event.
Read More... | Souce: Hyper Japan Christmas Market
Category > Events
The huge event that was MCM London Comic Con October 2015 has just finished. The good folks running it have sent us details of the attendance figures. They tell us that the three day show saw 130,560 pass through the doors of Excel London, eclipsing the record-breaking 122,600 attendees at May's MCM London Comic Con and the 110,200 at last October's event.
They've also announced that May's event will return to the London ExCel Centre from Friday 27th to Sunday 29th May 2016.
Read More... | Souce: MCM London Comic Con
Category > Events
The good folks at MCM London Comic Con have just sent use details about an anime panel running at the Cominc Con on Sunday. It'll be presented by Eri Suziki from Sunrise's international department and it'll focus on the Gundam franchise and the next phase of their partnership with UK anime firm Anime Limited.
Sunrise are best known for being the studio behind Gundam, they've also created the anime versions of Cowboy Bebop, Love Live, Code Geass and Tiger & Bunny to name a few.
Anime Limited are also running the MCM Loves Anime Event on the Saturday.
The MCM London Comic Con is set to run from Friday 23rd to Sunday 25th October 2015.
Read More... | Souce: MCM London Comic Con
Category > Events
The good folks from geeky t-shirt vendor Genki Gear have sent us details of their new line up, which conveniently will be available at the MCM London Comic Con. The MCM London Comic Con is set to run from Friday 23rd to Sunday 25th October 2015.
Madness available in Unisex and Women's in Charcoal and Indigo. Fluffy Cat available in Unisex and Women's in Sapphire, Black and Chestnut plus a hoodie and ladies vest top. Octopus Head available in Unisex and Women's in Charcoal, Indigo and Kiwi. All t-shirts in the new range are priced at £15.99.
They've also got a Japan range of 5 shirts - Hentai, Sugoi , Senpai, Kawaii and Yaoi. These shirts are £10 each.
You can find Genki Gear at the MCM London Comic Con on the main walkway in the middle of the show so keep an eye out for their Panda Banner.
Read More... | Souce: Genki Gear
Category > Events
Do you like Ramen? Oh nom nom nom. Londoners who do are in for a treat as they can visit some of the up coming ramen pop ups being run by Monohon Ramen. The first appears at 7:15pm on Saturday 17th October 2015 in a traditional pie and mash cafe F. Cooke on Broadway Market.
They'll also be running two sittings at Rouge one at 5:30pm and the second at 7:00pm on Sunday 1st November 2015. Where they'll be serving a lesser known Japanese ramen dish Abura soba. During this event, they will give a demonstration of the dish and customers will get a chance to assemble their own bowl.
All the pop-ups require booking in advance and cost £10 a head, which includes the ramen, plus a side dish. All events are bring your own bottle.
Read More... | Souce: Monohon Ramen
Category > Events
We keep saying that the MCM Comic Con keep having interesting anime guests at their events. The October run of the MCM London Comic Con is no different. This time around Shigeto Koyama will be the anime guest of honour. He's been responsible for the design of Big Hero 6's robot Baymax, and been involved with Kill la Kill and Hideaki Anno's Rebuild of Evangelion movies. He's got a whole host of credits to his name for A-list anime titles including Gurren Lagann, Space Dandy and Ghost in the Shell SAC: Solid State Society.
The MCM London Comic Con is set to run from Friday 23rd to Sunday 25th October 2015. Anime fans will also be interested in the MCM Loves Anime side event.
Read More... | Souce: MCM London Comic Con
Category > Events
The virtual singing sensation Hatsune Miku is well known to fans of Japan. The Japan Foundation have arranged a collection of events to London on Saturday 24th October 2015. The events will be held at Rich Mix in Shoreditch. The events are free and some require booking. As always we advise booking early to avoid disappointment.
They've got the following events:
2pm: Lecture by Hatsune Miku creator, Hiroyuki Itoh.
4pm: Hatsune Miku Live Concert Screening
1:30pm - 5:30pm Hatsune Miku Workshops for Everyone!
No booking required – please feel free just to drop in any time between 1:30pm and 5:30pm.
Read More... | Souce: The Japan Foundation London
It's October! Which means the MCM London Comic Con is almost upon us. It's set to run from Friday 23rd to Sunday 25th October 2015. The good folks at Anime Limited will be running a special standalone event, MCM Loves Anime, which has 4 special anime screenings at The Crystal. They'll be screening thee world premiere of Gundam The Origin II: Artesia's Sorrow, along with 3 other mystery anime films. Anime Limited are being tight lipped about what they'll be, but they are letting on they've got a mix of shows that consists of hits from Scotland Loves Anime - most importantly they are all English premieres!
The event is ticketed separately from the MCM London Comic con, as it's a side event, day pass ticket will be at early-bird pricing of £20 until 12th October. From 13th October tickets will be priced at £25. As always with events like this we suggest booking early to avoid disappoint.
Souce: Anime Limited
Category > Events
Ramen in on trend for foodies at the moment, which is why the good folks at Monohon are currently popping up over London. They've been running a couple of ramen pop ups in Hackney since August 2015, and are going for another London pop up on Thursday 1st October 2015. It'll be held at Japanese cafe Toconoco near Haggerston Overground.
They'll be open from 6.45pm with last orders 9.15pm. The event requires a ticket, which costs £10 per head, this includes the ramen and some edamame too. It's a bring your own bottle event. So if you fancy a drink you'll need to bring one.
Read More... | Souce: Monohon Ramen
Category > Events
Fans of Japanese culture who can get to London on Saturday 19th September 2015, will want to head to Trafalgar Square for the Japan Matsuri. The event free to attend and is set to run from 10am to 8pm with events running pretty much constantly on the main stage, while there are many stalls to interest anyone who's a fan of Japan. They've got a wide selection of food stalls, stalls selling Japanese related merchandise, plus a range of travel agents if you're ever interested in going to Japan, along with a few Japanese cultural organisations and societies.
As always this event is also listed on our sister site the Otaku Calendar.
Souce: Japan Matsuri 2015
Category > Events
Anime fans in Glasgow are in for a treat, we've already mentioned Scotland Loves Anime 2015, however just before that the MCM Scotland Comic Con is set to run on Saturday 26th to Sunday 27th September 2015. The anime guests this time around are are WIT Studio's Kotomi Deai and Hiroshi Shimizu. WIT Studio are best known for the megahit anime Attack on Titan.
Both are experienced in the anime industry, and have been involved in titles such as The Rolling Girls, Silver Spoon, Kids on the Slope, Sword Art Online, Samurai Champloo and Space Dandy.
They'll be presenting panels, meeting fans and signing autographs at the Comic Con.
This is not first time WIT Studio staff have appeared at an MCM Event, we caught up with WIT Studio at the October 2013 MCM London Comic Con. The next MCM London Comic Con set set to run from Friday 23rd to Sunday 25th October 2015.
Read More... | Souce: MCM Scotland Comic Con
Fans of Japanese cinema in London will be keen to go to the Shinya Tsukamoto: Filmmaker Talk on Saturday 26th September 2015 at 2:30pm at the Impact Hub Westminster. The talk is hosted by the Japan Foundation London and is free to attend, but booking is essential to avoid disappointment.
Read More... | Souce: The Japan Foundation London
UK Ghibli fans will want to head to London in October to catch screenings of When Marnie Was There at the BFI London Film Festival.
The Film will be screened at the Haymarket Cineworld at 14:30 on Saturday 10th October 2015 and 18:15 on Wednesday 14th October 2015 at the BFI Southbank.
This is Studio Ghibli's final film.
The BFI London Film Festival 2015 also has other films of interest, including Mamoru Hosoda's The Boy and the Beast. If you like Summer Wars, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time and Wolf Children, you'll want to catch this feature.
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Category > Fandom
We've already mentioned earlier that AmeCon registration went live today. The fan run anime convention's registration was filled in under 40 minutes, with all 1,000 spaces booked by 19:38.
Anyone wanting to attend the 2016 event now will have to be added to the wait list and hope that someone else gives up their space for the ever popular event.
Souce: AmeCon
Category > Anime
Anime fans in Scotland are in for a treat this October as popular anime film festival Scotland Loves Anime returns to Edinburgh and Glasgow for it's 6th consecutive year. They'll also have some screenings in Aberdeen too.
Scotland Loves Anime have just announced the event is set to run in Glasgow from Friday 9th to Sunday 11th October 2015 and Edinburgh from Monday 12th to Sunday 18th October 2015. The line up as always is awesome. They've got all sorts of anime, plus the new live action Attack on Titan movies. Guest wise anime director Keiichi Hara who recently directed Sarusuberi: Miss Hokusai, will be at Glasgow, along with renowned anime expert Jonathan Clements (saying he's an expert is a bit of an understament, as) he's written tons about anime in books and magazines, plus is the co-author of the The Anime Encyclopedia.
Scotland Loves Anime 2015: Edinburgh Line-Up
Monday 12th to Sunday 18th October 2015
Sarusuberi: Miss Hokusai
Empire Of Corpses
Expelled From Paradise
The Case Of Alice & Hana
Dragonball Z: Resurrection ‘F’
Attack On Titan – Live Action Film 1
The Last: Naruto The Movie
Boruto: Naruto The Movie
Love Live! The Movie
Madoka Magica – Film 3: Rebellion
Attack On Titan – Part 1
Attack On Titan Part 2 – Jiyuu No Tsubasa
Ghost In The Shell: The New Movie (2015)
Scotland Loves Anime 2015: Glasgow Line-Up
Friday 9th to Sunday 11th October 2015
Sarusuberi: Miss Hokusai
Empire Of Corpses
The Case Of Alice & Hana
Dragonball Z: Resurrection ‘F’
Attack On Titan – Live Action Film 1
Attack On Titan – Live Action Film 2
Boruto: Naruto The Movie
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Category > Events
UK Anime fans planning ahead for the big fan run summer convention in 2016 will already be aware of AmeCon. The event is set to return from Friday 29th to Sunday 31st July 2016. AmeCon will be running for the first time at the Warwick Arts Centre, the venue favoured by AyaCon.
Registrations for Amecon 2016 will be opening on Bank Holiday Monday 31st August at 7pm. This year the convention are introducing two tiers of membership. Standard that costs £48, and premium that costs £85, this gives you many bonus items in your conpack, plus earlier access to the dealers, plus reserved seating at keynote events (along with other privileges).
Generally with fan run events like this, once they're booked out, that's it. They don't sell tickets on the door. So make some time on Monday evening to register.
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