"We are not involved in the actual transaction between buyers and sellers. As a result, we have no control over the quality, safety or legality of the items advertised, the truth or accuracy of the listings, the ability of sellers to sell items or the ability of buyers to pay for items. We cannot ensure that a buyer or seller will actually complete a transaction." [User Agreement Section 3.1 - http://pages.ebay.com/help/policies/user-agreement.html]This is a pretty standard disclaimer, but one you should remember when purchasing things from eBay and similar auction sites.
Some examples of licensing stickers![]()
The SM logo appears on the cardboard sleeve, back of the CD case and on the CD itself. The colour varies to match the design of the CD. Older Son May CDs have a fax number and e-mail address. More recent ones have telephone number, fax number, e-mail address and their website URL.![]()
The Ever Anime logo can be found on the cardboard sleeve and on the back of the CD. The CD does not have the logo, it does have EVER ANIME written on it. Being bootleg CDs they don't have copyright information but strangely enough some do have the standard blurb about unauthorised copying, lending etc...
Note the low quality of the printing.![]()
Below is an example of the Miya Records Logo.![]()
Below are two examples of the Alion Logo. Apart from the low print quality look at the slight variations in design and colour used to match the CD packaging.
Below is a sample of the Smile Face / Smiley Face Records Logo
Here is the Yuanding / Top Cirlce Logo
Notice with the bags below they are all the same type of bag, just with a different image printed on. In most cases the images on the bags below have either been scanned from another source or taken from the internet and printed on the bags.
For one reason or another bootleg all over print T-Shirts of Multi from To Heart are common. Often Multi's hair has been changed to orange. Left is an image from the show, note how good the image quality is compared to the T-shirt right.
Episode to Disc RatioIf you do want be certain you are getting official import Anime DVDs, purchase them from reputable companies, such as CDJapan.co.jp, Amazon.co.jp and AMOTokyo.com
When buying anime DVDs, remember the episode to disc ratio.
Anime episodes are normally 25 minutes. Companies, generally put 2 to 5, 25 minute episodes on each DVD, depending on the total number of episodes in a series. So a 26 episode series is normally spread across 6 DVD to 8 DVDs and a 13 episode series (such as Hellsing and Serial Experiments Lain) is spread across 4 DVDs. 26 Episode series are never spread across 3 DVDs. If purchasing import DVDs check the US Region 1 edition too, if the Region 1 edition has 6 or 8 while the "import" edition only has 3 DVDs, then the "import" edition is not legitimate.
DVD Ani:
DVD Ani are a Korean based DVD company, they own the Korean licenses for the titles they sell. However they have some very bad habits, for example with several titles they own the Korean rights, but not the English audio or subtitle rights. For example with Galaxy Express 999 instead of purchasing the English audio track and extra features from ADV, DVD Ani just extracted them from another DVD illegally and put it on their edition. As a result we have classified DVD Ani as pirates, since they stole content they did not pay for from another company.
Archives of Studio Ghibli Bootleg DVD Set
This is the more recent edition of the bootleg Anime Cartoon International DVD set "Archives of Studio Ghibli".
Previous editions of this bootleg DVD set looked less authentic, making it easier to spot as a fake. Recently bootleggers have realised this and given their pirated goods a more official look. Anime Cartoon International has paid close attention to small detail such as the holographic sticker similar to a licensing sticker.
Pirate DVD Logos
Below are examples of Pirate DVD Company Logos. The designs do change now and again, and vary to match the packaging of the DVD.
Anime Cartoon and Video Animation Logos look remarkably similar, despite some research, I am uncertain if they are the same company or two separate ones trying to play off each others image.Below is the logo of Manga International who also produce pirate DVDs, they should not be confused with Manga Entertainment, who legally distribute titles.![]()
Here are two examples logos of pirates Anime Studio, with different colours used to match different packaging.![]()
Below is the fx company logo, this group of pirates often make DVD boxsets.![]()
Below are two examples of the MAC Logo.
This isn't always the case with pirate DVDs, but it is often true: Look for the DVD logo on the back, front and/or spine of the DVD case sleeve. They are not always on all three of these places for graphic design reasons, but offical DVDs normally have this logo appearing on the packaging as black or white or grey to match the packing design. Pirate DVDs often have the DVD logo with a printed gold effect which looks rather 1980's.![]()
Below are examples of Xinzhida bootleg figures. These are Nendoroid Hatsune Miku figures.
Here is an example of the Xinzhida logo, which is often displayed on the packaging.![]()