J-Pop Go February 2007, the lurve fest
Date: 2007 February 06 13:31
Posted by Joe
We've been sent details of this months lurve fest, which is also known as J-Pop Go, the regular J-pop night held in central London. The event is sheduled for Saturday 10th February, at the regular venue of Cafe Manga on London's South Bank next to Westminster Bridge. J-Pop Go starts at 7pm with a screening from ADV Films UK of Jinki: Extend. Please note that this event is for over 18's only.
Full Story
Details as follows:

J-Pop Go returns on Saturday February 10th with our first event of 2007 in collaboration with Cafe Manga, MVM, ADV and Self Made Hero - and it's time for a love theme!
Once again, we'll have the wonderful talents of DJs Voxie, Chococat, Take Off and GenkiBoi spinning the decks. Expect an evening of great J-Pop and J-Rock tunes from a wide range of artists including Puffy, Tommy February6, Polysics, Guitar Vader, Mika Bomb, Asian Kung Fu Generation, Utada Hikaru, Rip Slyme and much more.
The event will kick off at 7:00pm with a special anime screening courtesy of event sponsors ADV who are promoting the gripping new anime Jinki: Extend. From Director Masahiko Murata (Gilgamesh, Mazinkaiser), Jinki: Extend revitalizes the mecha genre with a gripping blend of giant robot action and soap opera intrigue.
Then it's top tunes for the rest of the night with a great prize draw along the way with some goodies from MVM, ADV and Self Made Hero - the UK manga publishers who are promoting their new Manga Shakespeare series!
As well as the best of J-Pop, Cafe Manga will also be providing Japanese food and drink: We'll have Asahi beer on tap as well as the ever-popular Pocky ^_^
Come for the ADV screening and you can get a discount entry to J-Pop Go for only £3. Tickets for everyone else are £5 (or £4 with flyer) and are available via the J-Pop Go website or on the door. Discounts are available for cosplayers and group bookings at our discretion.
Please note that this event is strictly 18+ only.
The event takes place on on Saturday February 10th and starts at 7:00pm at Cafe Manga on London's South Bank (next to Westminster Bridge).
Source: J-Pop Go