NEO Magazine Issue 99 details
Date: 2012 June 15 17:22
Posted by Joe
The good folks at Neo Magazine have sent us the details of their 99th Issue. Out now this issue is spicy to say the least, as it features Spice and Wolf, along with the usual selection of exclusive features.
The numerate among you will also notice that the next issue due out in 4 weeks is issue 100, so no doubt Neo will have something special lined up.
Full Story
Press release as follows:

Spice Up Your Month with NEO Magazine Issue 99
NEO MAGAZINE PREPARES for a sizzling summer as Manga's hit series Spice and Wolf graces the cover of issue 99.
Inside, NEO delves into the true history behind the anime's fantastical world, and offers fans a tantalising poster of its cat-girl inspired heroine, Holo! The first season boxset also goes under inspection in NEO's review section where the squad see if it's a series truly worth howling about.
Meanwhile, the news team reveal all the gossip from May's MCM Expo, including the latest, exciting anime announcements made at the comic con! Plus, a full report on all the show's shenanigans; from its stunning cosplayers, to its exhibitors and special guests – and not forgetting coverage from the NEO after party too!
Other anime featured in batch 99 of NEO include two shows currently hot in Japan; Space Brothers and Zetman. Plus the new releases of Angel Beats, Howl's Moving Castle, Roujin Z and more reviewed! Discover the heritage of Hetalia as NEO celebrates the release of the movie, Paint It, White!, and unearth the mythology behind MVM's latest action show Broken Blade with the magazine's exclusive feature.
For those mad for manga, Jonathan Clements takes a closer look at Grand Jump Premium, an anthology for salarymen; Tatsumi, Three Wolves Mountain and Yu-Gi-Oh!: Zexal receive the review treatment; and Udon Entertainment's full colour wacky action manga RandomVues is serialised inside.
NEO also nabs the UK's only interview with Japan's new century electro-rockers LM.C, as the duo hit London for the second time on tour. Da Ching, star of Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale is also quizzed on his transformation from truck driver to action star. And NEO's man in Japan, Daniel Robson, discusses the contradictions of Japan: high tech toilets versus holes in the ground, healthy sushi versus three times more McDonalds outlets than the UK!
All this, plus manga tutorials, fashion tips, artist showcases, cosplay, posters of Ah! My Goddess, Broken Blade, Clannad, and much, much more!
NEO#99 is out now at all good magazine stockists, priced at £4.25, or available digitally for £2.99.
Visit for more information, or check out its Facebook page at
Source: NEO Magazine