International Manga and Anime Festival Launches and Calls For Entrants
Date: 2005 July 25 15:49
Posted by Joe
This years IMAF has just launched. They're looking for international talent in the form of artists and animators to identify the best. Entrants have a chance to win some of the $75,000 prize fund which is divided between the categories. The best overall entry will win a generous $30,000!
The Otaku News Crew advise that our talented readers get to work, you've got until the 30th September 2005 to get your entries in!
Full Story
Press release as follows:

The launch of the second International Manga & Anime Festival (IMAF) competition was announced today, and animators around the world are invited to get started on their entries for this exciting competition to identify the best in Manga and Anime talent.
They have until the end of September 2005 to work on their characters, storyboards or animations for a chance to win some of the $75,000 prize fund which will be split amongst new, original and talented animators, both professional and amateur.
This year the competition categories have been revamped to offer twelve category prizes, and there will be $30,000 for the best overall entry:
Closing date for entries is 30 September 2005, and a panel of experts will judge the competition entries.
This year, for the first time, a new award has been set up so that visitors to the competition website and the Festival will be able to vote in the People’s Prize.
Entry forms can be downloaded from the IMAF website on which has full terms and conditions of the competition.
According to Dr Andre Singer of IMAF, the 2004 competition attracted a very high standard of entries. "Entrants responded brilliantly last year. We were struck with the diversity of their work, showing traditional influences and extraordinary innovation. We hope to attract even more entries this year, to reflect the widening scope of Manga and Anime."
Some of the best entries will be exhibited at the International Manga and Anime Festival which is to be held at London’s County Hall in October.
- ends –
Open: The "Open" competition is open to entries from anyone. If you are an industry professional, a production team, an amateur, a student, or even just a fan, you are free to submit your designs and films to this competition. The prize money for all the categories in this section is $5,000.
Student: If you are in full-time education you can enter our student competition. You can also enter the same designs in the "Open" competition as well. The prize money for each of the student categories is $3,000
Source: IMAF