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Sweatdrop Studios to Attend Bristol Comics Expo

Date: 2006 April 06 17:01

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Our chum Sonia has just sent us details of Sweatdrop's appearance at the Bristol Comics Expo on May 13th - 14th.

Full Story

Press release as follows:

PRESS RELEASE: Sweatdrop Studios to attend Bristol Comics Expo

On May 13-14th this year, Bristol International Comics Expo will descend upon The British Empire & Commonwealth Exhibition Hall and The Ramada Plaza Hotel, Bristol. The manga community will be sporting an absolutely massive presence at the major comics event, and that of course means plenty of Sweatdrop!

As well as behind our own stand, we can be found on Saturday morning sitting in on a special panel hosted by lecturer in Japanese arts, Yoko Ono and again on Sunday afternoon giving a packed-full workshop on the creation of manga, with sponsorship from Letraset (link:

Not only this but Sweatdrop’s very own Tokyopop Rising Stars of Manga winners Sonia Leong and Emma Vieceli will be an attendance along with the other successful artists as RSOM 2006 is officially launched.

We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible there. For more details and developments keep an eye on the site here (link:

Source: Sweatdrop Studios
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