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Explore the East at MCM London Comic Con - JapanEx expands and rebrands as PopAsia

Date: 2014 April 25 14:19 | Posted By:

Category > Events

The big London event the MCM London Comic Con is a month away. It'll run at the Excel Centre from Friday 23rd to Sunday 25th May 2014. The good folks running the Comic Con have just got in touch to tell us that their JapanEx section is expanding to include Korean Pop hits and Indonesian films such as The Raid. As a result they're going to rebrand it to PopAsia.

They'll also have extra sections to temp people including the cute sounding Kawaii Alley. As always they'll have tasty food from the Far East on sale in PopAsia.

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Hyper Japan 2014 Event Details

Date: 2014 April 17 17:07 | Posted By:

Category > Events

UK based fans of Japanese culture will be excited to hear about the return of Hyper Japan. The popular event which celebrates everything J-Culture related, including Japanese street fashion, cosplay, anime, manga, Japanese cuisine and of course the more traditional side of Japanese culture is back at London's Earl's Court One.

The event is set to run from Friday 25th July to Sunday 27th July 2014.

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Japanese Theatre at artsdepot in North London

Date: 2014 April 14 16:53 | Posted By:

Category > Culture

Cultured readers in North London will be interested in hearing about the latest performances at the artsdepot in North Finchley. On Sunday 18th May 2014 at 11am and 2pm, there will be performances of Tales from Old Japan. The family performance has been created for children aged 5+ and their families. It focuses on 3 traditional Japanese tales.

While on Tuesday 10th & Wednesday 11th June 2014 the artsdepot will host the UK premiere of Super Premium Soft Double Vanilla Rich, a darkly humorous look at Japanese consumerism.

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MCM London Comic Con May 2014 Exclusive Pre-order T-shirt from Genki Gear

Date: 2014 April 10 16:47 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

It's almost time for the big MCM London Comic Con in May. The event is set to run from Friday 23rd to Sunday 25th May 2014. As is tradition super t-shirt company Genki Gear have produced a special exclusive design for the event. The theme this time around is a Teeny Tiny Ninja!

It's available as a limited edition pre-order only from the 7th April until the 16th May at for £16.99. There is also a subtle design change with the MCM logo on the arm this time around.

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Babymetal make UK debut at Sonisphere

Date: 2014 April 08 14:43 | Posted By:

Category > Events

UK based fans of kawaii metal group Babymetal will be pleased to hear that they'll be making their UK debut at Sonisphere. The metal festival is set to run from Friday 4th to Sunday 6th July 2014 at Knebworth Park. Headline acts at Sonisphere include The Prodigy, Iron Maiden and Metallica. Babymetal will be playing at the Bohemia tent on the Sunday.

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UK's First Cat Caf

Date: 2014 April 05 10:58 | Posted By:

Category > Culture

You may have already heard in the Metro or Guardian about London's first "cat café", elegantly named Lady Dinah's Cat Emporium. This otaku dream was originally crowdfunded through IndieGogo.

Cat cafés are a known trend in Japan, and it being brought over to the UK was such huge news, it needn't be put here on Otaku News. But here's a reminder just in case you did miss it: You'd want to book a table soon if you want to see it before Summer is over!

Lady Dinah’s Cat Emporium is open now. Book a table through their website.

Souce: Lady Dinah\'s Cat Emporium

First Free Weekend for REZtron's Retro Sega Gaming Bar Night

Date: 2014 April 05 10:37 | Posted By:

Category > Events

In case you're too busy to attend London's various gaming bars weekday events, the folks at Reztron are holding their first weekend one. Held at the award-winning cocktail bar Aquum in the increasingly trendy Clapham area.

If you grew up on the Dreamcast, Megadrive or Master Systems and want to hang out to reminisce with your mates (or mates-to-be), this event is for you! What's more, this time it's free entry.

There will be a Sonic the Hedgehog 'speed run' competition going on, with prizes to be won.

Cosplayers are also encouraged to come along!

Further details on the games available after the jump...

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The Embassy of Japan Announce Manga Jiman 2013 Winners

Date: 2014 April 02 16:03 | Posted By:

Category > Art

The Embassy of Japan in London announced on Friday 21st March 2014 the winners of the prestigious Manga Jiman Art Competition. 10 winners were selected for the main category, winning prizes ranging from gift vouchers to a return flight to Japan.

1st place winner is Katja Hammond with Oh Crumbs! This was her third time entering the competition. Having read her submission, it's clear that this was something special, it could have been easily published and enjoyed as a children's book. She joined with other artists to form the Cross#atch Manga and Comics collective.

2nd place winner is Rachel Dunn with her story The Apocalypse and Key, an imaginative sci-fi tale of a pub that forms a hub to other dimensions.

3rd place winner was Selina Dean with her story A Beautiful World, a tale of travel water and romance. Readers familiar to the UK fan scene will know her from her work at Sweatdrop Studios.

Megan Brennan-Dent deserves a special mention, she won the prize for the most impressive Manga by an entrant aged between fourteen and sixteen. She also won 6th place overall, competing against everyone! This has not happened before at the Manga Jiman. Megan is indeed an up and coming talent and one to watch.

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The Wind Rises Review

Date: 2014 March 05 03:03 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

While Hayao Miyazaki's latest offering The Wind Rises awaits it's special UK preview on Wednesday 23rd April 2014, it is currently being shown in the US and Australia. We were lucky enough to catch a screening in English recently.

Here's our review of the film.

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Patema Inverted UK Cinema Screening Details

Date: 2014 March 05 01:13 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

UK based anime fans looking for some cinema action will be pleased to hear about the up coming release of Pateman Inverted. The film debuted in the UK as part of the Scotland Loves Anime Screenings, and will be released in cinemas on Friday 2nd May 2014. Anime Limited will be bringing it to the big screen.

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Japanese Gallery Cel Sale in London

Date: 2013 November 25 15:29 | Posted By:

Category > Art

The good folks at the Japanese Gallery in London have sent us details of the cel sale, or as they call it cel sell! The event runs from Friday 6th to Sunday 8th December 2013. They'll be offering people who visit the gallery 20% off all anime products as long as you bring this voucher along. You may have seen the Japanese Gallery's anime cels being sold at events like Hyper Japan and the MCM London Comic Con. They actively welcome and encourage cosplayers at this sale.

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REZtron celebrates the Dreamcast's 15th Anniversary at Hoxton Pony on Wednesday 27th November

Date: 2013 November 19 11:07 | Posted By:

Category > Events

Another post for the Sega gaming otaku here. As if playing Megdrive classics at #vypesocial wasn't enough, REZtron are doing a second Sega event this coming week, only this time the focus is the Sega Dreamcast!

There will be the likes of House of the Dead 2,Virtua Tennis,Rez,Ikaruga,Soul Calibur, Crazy Taxi 2, Power Stones, Shenmue and even Samba De Amigo available to play.

The event is also hosted at the trendy Hoxton Pony bar in Shoreditch, London. So expect an exciting fusion of retro and modern experiences.

Entry cost £2.50, or free if you attend the #vypesocial event the previous evening.

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Hokusai Exposed in London Art Exhibition

Date: 2013 October 15 16:27 | Posted By:

Category > Art

UK based fans of Japanese art and culture will be pleased to hear about Hokusai Exposed, an immersive exhibition of Katsushika Hokusai works along with "Re-create". Set to run at The Old Truman Brewery in London from Saturday 26th October to Sunday 17th Nov 2013.

The iconic works will be presented using a process of digital remastering and state of the art printing to produce versions much closer in impact and colour to the original prints. Additionally downstairs they'll be an over 18's only section (oooooh), where visitors have to navigate their way through an old Edo street lit only be the red light of chochin lanterns, to discover re-created prints of Hokusai's manga sketches, ghost tales, and shunga. Some of the shunga have been rendered in 3D to really pop out too!

Plus there's a pop up sake bar there, which won't require an exhibition ticket.

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Konami Cosplay Challenge at the October MCM London Comic Con

Date: 2013 October 09 15:21 | Posted By:

Category > Events

The good folks from Konami UK and the MCM London Comic Con have got in touch to tell us about a cosplay competition they'll be running at the Konami UK stall. UK Cosplayers cosplaying as Konami characters have a chance of winning a Dracula statue from CLOS2.

The MCM London Comic Con is set to run from Friday 25th to Sunday 27th October 2013.

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Edo era anime - live Nishiki Kage-E animated lantern shows in London

Date: 2013 October 09 05:37 | Posted By:

Category > Events

Anyone with an interest in Japanese art and culture should consider taking the rare chance to see one of the Nishiki Kage-E performances at the Japan Foundation on October 30.

Providing insight into the origins or anime, the spooks and sprites in this phantasmagorical performance will be perfect for the lead up to Halloween!

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Sci-Fi London Anime All Nighter October 2013 Details

Date: 2013 October 01 15:48 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > Film

London based anime fans are in for a late night treat as the Sci-Fi London returns with their traditional Anime All Nighter. It's set to run at the Stratford Picture House from 11:15pm on Saturday 12th October 2013, it'll run until late into the night.

This years screening is an Eva centric one with Evangelion 1.0, Evangelion 2.0, and Evangelion 3.0, plus Wolf Children and Perfect Blue. All these films are fanastic by themselves, but so see them all together it's a rare treat. They really do need to be seen on the big screen to be enjoyed. As always, we've already added the details to the Otaku Calendar.

Souce: Sci-Fi London

Japan Matsuri in London - Saturday 5th October 2013

Date: 2013 September 29 08:17 | Posted By:

Category > Events

Every keen fan of Japanese culture will already know about the Japan Matsuri, which is set to run in London's Trafalgar Square on Saturday 5th October 2013. The Japanese festival returns with all sorts of street food, Japanese stalls and performances. There are no tickets required, just turn up. You will however need money if you want to buy things from the lovely stalls there.

To keep up to date with events like this, we suggest you always check the Otaku Calendar, your guide to upcoming events, release dates and general things for fans of Japan.

Also if you don't frequently visit London, don't forget to check our London Anime and Manga Shopping Guide.

Souce: Japan Matsuri

Studio Behind Attack On Titan to be Anime Guests of Honour at London Comic Con October 2013

Date: 2013 September 26 14:14 | Posted By:

Category > Events

It's that time of year again when the MCM London Comic Con announce their guests. Anime fans are in for a treat as they've got Studio WIT, the studio behind the anime version of Attack on Titan.

Present at the event will be producer George Wada, Katsuhiko Kitada (character designer on Hal, animation director for Attack On Titan), Tetsuya Nakatake (animation producer for Attack On Titan) and one of the studio's rising stars, Ryotaro Makihara. They'll be their to show off their latest movie Hal.

The MCM London Comic Con is set to run from Friday 25th to Sunday 27th October 2013. We don't yet know if the London ExCel centre is a suitable venue for using 3D maneuver gear or defending from hoards of man eating giants, I'm sure we'll find out in October though!

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REZtron - Otaku News Event Review - Wednesday 18th September 2013

Date: 2013 September 23 16:37 | Posted By:

Category > Events

Written by Voxie and Franki Webb.

What does a gamer look like? Today this is an impossible question to answer. It's 7:45 pm, and as we walk into REZtron, we see a crowd ranging from 20s to 40s, male and female, from a range of backgrounds. It's clear that a gamer as no specific look.

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Mamoru Hosoda's Wolf Children in cinemas from Friday 25th Oct 2013

Date: 2013 September 21 15:42 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > Film

Mamoru Hosoda's (Summer Wars, The Girl Who Left Through Time) new film Wolf Children is out in cinemas from the end of next month.

Based on a woman's relations with a man who can change into a wolf, and later, her two half-wolf children. While it may sound barking mad, what follows is a heart warming tale about being human, and loving regardless of differences.

If you're not convinced, check out Manga UK's trailer here. Convinced yet? Read the press release after the jump!

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Kitacon 2014 Announced for March 2014 - And Sells Over Half its Tickets within an Hour and a Half

Date: 2013 September 20 18:01 | Posted By:

Category > Press Releases

28th-30th March 2014 will see the 5th running of the obviously very popular Kitacon, the only anime convention in Birmingham.

Guests attending include Ellen McLain (voice actress in Pacific Rim, GLaDOS in Portal), her husband John Patrick Lowrie (voice actor in Halo: Reach, Team Fortress 2), award-winning hip hop artist Professor Elemental and cosplay sensation Leon Chiro will be flying over from Italy.

Kitacon's organisers just tweeted their surprise at selling over half of their tickets within an hour and a half of the following announcement! Our advice: Get yours quick!

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Genki Gear Reveals Exclusive London Comic Con T-Shirt for October 2013

Date: 2013 September 16 15:57 | Posted By:

Category > Retail

It's that time of year again the MCM London Comic Con returns to the Excel Centre from Friday 25th to Sunday 27th October 2013. As is tradition, t-shirt brand Genki Gear have an official and exclusive design for the event.

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MCM Belfast Comic Con To Launch In June 2014

Date: 2013 September 15 10:27 | Posted By:

Category > Events

The good folks from MCM have sent us details of a their newest event to the MCM Comic Con line-up. The MCM Belfast Comic Con, which is due to run from 7th to 8th June 2014 at Kings Hall in Belfast. This is the very first time the event will run in Northern Ireland.

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Inamo Celebrates 5th Anniversary

Date: 2013 September 07 16:14 | Posted By:

Category > Features

Standing amongst glamorous bars and restaurant in Soho is Inamo on Wardour Street, the restaurant had a special day on 3 September. Renowned for its oriental fusion cuisine, the restaurant celebrated its 5th anniversary. The occasion was marked with delicious appetisers, champagne and a tour of the premises.

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Hyper Japan on NHK World's Imagine-nation

Date: 2013 August 26 08:38 | Posted By:

Category > Anime > TV

The good folks from NHK World have sent us details of the next episode of Imagine-nation. The special episode focuses on Hyper Japan 2013 in London.

It includes NHK World's Cosplay Portrait Studio, plus the European Cosplay Gathering at the main stage and Vocaloid boom in the UK.

We've covered Hyper Japan 2013 previously.

It's due to air from Tuesday 27th August to Wednesday 28th August 2013, depending on your timezone.
UK based viewers can catch the show on the following times -
Tuesday 27th August - 16:30 and 20:30
Wednesday 28th August - 0:30/4:30/8:30/12:30

You can check the schedule here.

UK viewers can watch NHK World on :
Sky Channel 507
Freesat - Channel 209
Virgin Media Channel 625

Souce: NHK World

Hyper Japan 2013 Report

Date: 2013 August 08 15:30 | Posted By:

Category > Events

London based Japanese culture event Hyper Japan has become a regular feature the calendar for fans of all things from Japan. Since it first started in 2010, it's organically grown bigger and bigger each year. Last year due to the London Olympics booking out all the large London venues in the summer Hyper Japan decided to run two events, the first in February 2012, and the second in November 2012.

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Hyper Japan 2013 is in full swing

Date: 2013 July 27 14:09 | Posted By:

Category > Events

The good folks from Hyper Japan have sent us details from the first day of their event. The 3 day event's third and final day is Sunday 28th July 2013. There's still lots of fun to be had! Including cosplay, culture and plenty of food.

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Hyper Japan 2013 seeks volunteers

Date: 2013 July 18 15:48 | Posted By:

Category > Events

The good folks from London based Japanese Culture Festival Hyper Japan have got in touch to say that they're still looking for volunteers for the event. It's set to run from Friday 26th to Sunday 28th July 2013.

They are looking for people to help out at the Reception area. This includes queue control, ticket scan, workshop area and so on. You won't be able to choose what you do in this area, so just e-mail and mention that you'd like to help out at the reception area.

They're also looking for people to help out at the Sushi Awards as Serving staff. If you're interested contact

Souce: Hyper Japan

Win a night at Alice Cartalet's house from Kinmoza

Date: 2013 July 07 10:16 | Posted By:

Category > Anime

To celebrate the launch of Kinmoza we've teamed up with Fosse Farm who were a key location in the show. You can win a chance to spend a night in Alice's Bedroom in the show!

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VAMPS Live to be broadcast in London Sunday 7th July 2013

Date: 2013 July 06 12:50 | Posted By:

Category > Events

The good folks from Kawaii Japan have sent use details about VAMPS Live 2013, live broadcast in London.

On Sunday 7th July from 11am to 1:30pm VAMPS will have their performance screened live at Rich Mix.

Rich Mix
35 - 47 Bethnal Green Road
E1 6LA

VAMPS is formed of Hyde from L'Arc-en-Ciel and K.A.Z. from Oblivion Dust. The peformance will be screened in London live from Zepp Divercity Tokyo.

Souce: Kawaii Japan

NHK World at the Japan Expo 2013 Paris

Date: 2013 July 02 17:13 | Posted By:

Category > Events

The good folks from NHK World have sent us details of their latest European adventures.

They'll be at the Japan Expo 2013 in Paris from 4th to 7th July 2013. NHK world will have a host of events at the Expo, highlights include a Shironuri Makeup Session with leading shironuri artist Minori.

We've been told that they'll also be at Hyper Japan 2013 in London on Friday 26th to Sunday 28th July 2013.

For the latest event schedule, please visit their Japan Expo 2013 Website.

UK based readers will be pleased to hear that you can now watch NHK World on Virgin Media Channel 625, along with FreeSat Channel 209 or on Sky Channel 507.

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Hyper Japan 2013 Details

Date: 2013 June 26 15:57 | Posted By:

Category > Events

The good folks from London based Japanese culture event Hyper Japan have sent us details of their 2013 event. It's set to run at Earl's Court Two from Friday 26th to Sunday 28th July 2013.

They've got something for every fan of Japan, from Food and drink to anime and cosplay. Fashion, J-Music and lots of lovely Japanese technology.

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MCM London Comic Con October 2013 details

Date: 2013 June 11 16:23 | Posted By:

Category > Events

The good folks from the MCM London Comic Con have sent us news of the next London event. We're still recovering from this May's London Comic con which saw over 76,000 visitors.

The next MCM London Comic Con is set to run from Friday 25th to Sunday 27th October 2013. To accomdate the huge number of visitors the event will for the first time be using both sides of the huge Excel centre, increasing their capacity from 25,000 to 34,000 square metres. That's a lot more space for cosplayers with big wings!

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Cosplay at Comica MangAsia in London 18th May 2013

Date: 2013 May 09 14:58 | Posted By:

Category > Events

We've covered the Comica MangAsia details earlier. The event is set to run in London at Asia House on Saturday 18th May 2013. We've been sent more details of the cosplay workshop that'll be running there. It's an event in it's own right and is run by veteran cosplayers Emily Bastian and Adelaide Filippe as part of the fun.

Read More... | Souce: Cosplay Bookings at Eventbrite

Comica MangAsia - May 2013

Date: 2013 April 27 14:37 | Posted By:

Category > Events

The good folks from the Comica Festival have sent us details of their latest event aimed at anime and manga fans in London. The Comica MangAsia is set to run on Saturday 18th May 2013 at Asia House in London. The fun starts at 11am and ends at 4:30pm.

The event includes talks and panels with anime and manga expert and writer Helen McCarthy. Sarah Rundle introduces Kamishibai, a form of traditional Japanese paper based storytelling.

Cosplay experts Emily Bastian and Adelaide Filippe will be there running a cosplay workshop. Plus Japanese manga artist Inko will be running a manga masterclass for those aged 16+.

Throughout the day there will be a free comic fair along with a tea room.

As always with these events, we advise booking in advance to avoid disappointment.

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Letraset Announces the Manga Alley Art Competition for London Comic Con May 2013

Date: 2013 April 22 15:24 | Posted By:

Category > Events

The good folks from Letraset have sent us details of their Manga Alley Art Competition which is set to run at the MCM London Comic Con in May 2013. The theme for this art competition is Onwards and Upwards.

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Genki Gear Reveals Exclusive London Comic Con T-Shirt for May 2013

Date: 2013 April 21 11:17 | Posted By:

Category > Events

As May gets closer, so does the build up for the MCM London Comic Con, which is set to run from Friday 24th to Sunday 26th May 2013. As is tradition for the event the good folks at Genki Gear have prepared an exclusive T-shirt for the event. The theme this time around is the true meaning of emoticons!

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Japan Underground presents Night of Mind Melting Japanese Metal April 2013

Date: 2013 April 19 15:09 | Posted By:

Category > Events

London based fans of Japanese Metal music are in for a treat on Saturday 27th April 2013. Japan Underground returns for a Night of Mind Melting Japanese Metal. Brain Death Zombie will be there, so will Taigen Kawabe from Bo Ningen, along with London-based Japanese rock outfit Colors.

The fun is set to start at 7pm. Tickets are £5 in advance for £7 on the door.

As always details can be found on the Otaku Calendar.

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Shinichiro Watanabe at MCM London Comic Con May 2013

Date: 2013 April 17 14:33 | Posted By:

Category > Events

Anime fans who can get to the MCM London Comic Con on Friday 24th to Sunday 26th May will be in for a real treat. Anime director Shinichiro Watanabe will be at the event as Anime Guest of Honour. The director is the man behind Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo and Kids On The Slope. He also directed two shorts on the Animatrix - Kid's Story and A Detective Story.

Attending all three days of the show, Shinichiro Watanabe will be taking part in on-stage panels and promoting both Anime Limited's upcoming HD release of Cowboy Bebop and the UK debut of his latest series, Kids On The Slope, released by MVM Entertainment.

Kids On The Slope is currently streaming on crunchyroll and is available to pre-order from on DVD and Blu-rayand other retailers.

Cowboy Bebop Collectors Edition Part 1 is available to pre-order on Blu-ray.

Additionally, if you pre-order Cowboy Bebop from or HMV and bring proof of the pre-order to the show you can receive an exclusive A4 Bebop print to get signed (while stocks last).

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Harajuku! Valentines Ball 2013

Date: 2013 January 08 15:57 | Posted By:

Category > Events

London based otaku looking for a night of partying will want to head to Proud in Camden on Sunday 10th of February for the return of the Harajuku Ball. This time it's a Valentines Ball.

The fun is set to start at 7pm. There's lots to do at the event including Gaming, Karaoke, Manga, Art, and live bands. Entry is free.

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NHK World and JIB TV at Hyper Japan Christmas 2012

Date: 2012 December 07 16:18 | Posted By:

Category > Events

The good folks at Jib TV have sent us details of NHK Worlds recent exhibit at Hyper Japan Christmas 2012 which ran on 23rd to 25th November 2012.

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Hyper Japan 2012 Christmas a Resounding Success!

Date: 2012 December 04 15:59 | Posted By:

Category > Press Releases

The good folks from Hyper Japan have sent us details of their last event run in November 2012, and are delighted to report the event had the biggest footfall ever.

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Hyper Japan Christmas 2012 Event Report

Date: 2012 December 02 13:56 | Posted By:

Category > Events

Hyper Japan is a regular event in London's Earls Court featuring a variety of stalls, activities, events and food. I attended on the Sunday of this year's Christmas event.

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Kill Bill Theme Guitarist Tomoyasu Hotei to appear at Hyper Japan Christmas 2012

Date: 2012 November 22 12:57 | Posted By:

Category > Events

Hyper Japan Christmas 2012 is almost here! The premier Japanese Culture event will run from Friday 23rd to Sunday 25th November 2012 in Earl's Court London.

Along with a great line up of music, they've also sent us details that legendary rock guitarist Tomoyasu Hotei will appear at Hyper Japan. Tomoyasu Hotei, will pay a guest visit to the event on Friday 23rd November at 6:00pm.

This will be the first time in over a decade that he has performed in the UK. Vistors at Hyper Japan will be treated to a live rendition of Battle Without Honour or Humanity (also known as the Kill Bill Theme).

He'll also be playing a special one off gig in London in December 2012.

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MCM Scotland Comic Con - Set for August 2013 in Glasgow

Date: 2012 November 20 17:17 | Posted By:

Category > Events

Readers in Glasgow will be pleased to hear some news we've been sent from the good people at the MCM Expo who are launching their first Scottish event - MCM Scotland Comic Con a one day festival. The London event is popular with cosplayers, anime and manga fans, along with gamers. The event is set to run on 31st August 2013 at SECC Glasgow.

The Birmingham based fans will also be pleased to hear that the Birmingham MCM is set to expand too during 2013 becoming a permanent MCM event.

Read More... | Souce: MCM Expo

NHK World at Hyper Japan Christmas 2012

Date: 2012 November 19 17:42 | Posted By:

Category > Events

It's getting closer to Hyper Japan Christmas 2012, which is set to run from Friday 23rd November to Sunday 26th November 2012.

The international arm of Japanese broadcaster NHK will be there to promote their international channel NHK World.

The station broadcasts content in English and is free to access. If you have Sky you can access NHK World on Channel 507. If you've got FreeSat you can access it on channel 209.

Failing that, you can also watch the show on-line on the NHK Website, JIB TV, or on the NHK World App on iOS Devices (iPhone, iPad, etc) and Android Devices.

Fans of Kawaii will be pleased to hear that the station will be looking for people wearing Kawaii Fashion at Hyper Japan for their Kawaii International show. Some stylish attendees to Hyper Japan might be added to the show's Facebook page, or even featured on the show itself!

At the NHK World booth (C6 at Hyper Japan), they'll also be showing Itadakimasu! Dining with the Chef, so you can learn about Japanese cooking techniques.

So if you're going to Hyper Japan this weekend, swing by the NHK World World booth C6.

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Kill Bill Theme Guitarist Tomoyasu Hotei to perform in London in December 2012

Date: 2012 November 16 17:27 | Posted By:

Category > Events

We've received some exciting news about Tomoyasu Hotei the man behind the Kill Bill Theme Tune - Battle Without Honour or Humanity.

On Tuesday 18th December the guitar guru will be performing a special one off show at the London Roundhouse.

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Workshop for Japanese Language Learners - London December 2012

Date: 2012 November 04 10:33 | Posted By:

Category > Events

London based fans of Bleach looking to improve their Japanese Language proficiency will want to head over to The Japan Foundation in London on Sunday 9th December 2012. The Japan Foundation will be running a special workshop where you can get to grips with Japanese using Bleach.

The workshop costs £7 to attend and includes a copy of the original Japanese language edition of the manga Bleach. Booking deadline is Tuesday 27th November 2012.

Recommended language level is upper beginner (around JLPT N4) or above.

Read More... | Souce: The Japan Foundation

London MCM October 2012 - Most Successful Ever

Date: 2012 October 30 16:11 | Posted By:

Category > Press Releases

The good folks from the London MCM Expo have sent us the attendance figures details from the October Event. The London MCM Expo which ran from Friday 26th to Sunday 28th October 2012 smashed all previous records with more than 70,000 visitors!

Read More... | Souce: London MCM Expo

Princess Mononoke London Stage Performance - Auditions

Date: 2012 October 20 17:29 | Posted By:

Category > Culture

A few months ago, we posted some exciting news about Princess Mononoke being adapted for the stage. The Whole Hog Theatre are about to start auditions for the stage adaptation!

Auditions will be open to all, but the number of people they can see will be limited. The roles will be unpaid and voluntary (as are all roles within Whole Hog Theatre), but this is a great chance to get involved with an amazing theatrical event. People wishing to audition will need to sign up on-line from 8am on Thursday 25th October 2012.

Audition dates as follows:

Thursday 22nd November 2012 - New Diorama Theatre, London
Friday 23rd November 2012 - The Band Factory, Leamington Spa
Saturday 24th November 2012 - Warwick University Campus, Coventry

They'll also be looking for technical people too, such a Set Designer, Costume Designer, Technical Manager / Lighting Designer, Stage Manager, plus Hair and Makeup Design.

Read More... | Souce: The Whole Hog Theatre

Toshio Maeda at the London MCM Expo

Date: 2012 October 15 17:18 | Posted By:

Category > Events

Fans of hentai at the London MCM Expo have a rare opportunity to meet one of the most influential and controversial manga artists Toshio Maeda. Creator of the the renowned Urotsukidoji and La Blue Girl has his own stall at the hugely popular event. He'll be selling uncensored original artwork, including some London exclusives. We've been told by those who have seen this artwork that it is beautiful and photos / screen shots just don't do it justice. That and well, if you're going to buy hentai artwork, buy it from the most influential creators!

Visit the Tentacle Master shop at the expo to pick up your own signed and numbered limited edition digital lithographic print. Each AQ2 sized print is on sale exclusively at the London MCM Comic Con and limited to 200 prints.

Even if you don't buy anything, if you go along to his table and say that you are "Otaku News Fans", Tosho Maeda will give you a small free present!

The London MCM Expo runs from Friday 26th to Sunday 28th October 2012 at ExCel.

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