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Final Fantasy Orchestral Performance in Chicago

Date: 2004 December 22 18:05

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The Square Enix website has recently announced news of their latest 'Dear Friends - Music From Final Fantasy' concert. The first of a series of concert performances, the event is to be held for the first time in Chicago at the classy Rosemont Theatre in Rosemont, Illinois. Exciting stuff, a definite event for diehard FF fans and orchestral-heads a-like!

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The performance is apparently to be headed by Nobuo Uematsu himself, the world-renowned composer who has many a fan for his work on the musical side of the Final Fantasy games. Being a bit of a fan myself, I admire the game design and beautiful visuals. But would the Final Fantasy games be just as enthralling or as memorable without Uematsu? Personally, I think not. His handiwork is the cherry to the cake!

"The 2-hour program produced by Uematsu, will be conducted by Grammy award winning Arnie Roth, music director and principal conductor of the Chicagoland Pops. Outstanding graphics will tie memorable moments from the video games along with the scores on massive screens during the performance." Square Enix.

Source: Square Enix
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