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Howl's Moving Castle Set For March 2006 DVD Release

Date: 2005 December 05 16:54

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UK on-line retailer's and have started to take pre-orders for Howl's Moving Castle, they both listing the release date as 13th March 2006. Otaku News had heard rumours about Optimum wanting to release Howl earlier, however in order to qualify for an Academy Award, they had to delay the release. What's interesting to note that the boxshots from Amazon and Play are different, which leads us to believe that both sites have produced mock-ups as they are missing vital details on the packaging such as the BBFC rating logo.

A quick check on reveals that they're taking pre-orders for two different versions of Howl's Moving Castle, which are priced the same, we suspect that Amazon will remove one edition nearer the launch date.

If Optimum and Buena Vista can release Howl's Moving Castle in March, they should be highly commended, since the Japanese DVD has just been released this November and Ghibli titles have been traditonally very slow to get US and UK DVD releases.

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