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Miuro The iPod Robot

Date: 2006 September 01 08:33

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For the otaku that has everything Japanese firm ZMP have developed a robot that rolls around playing music. The egg shaped robot is called Miuro which stands for - music innovation based on utility robot technology. Miuro has all sorts of interesting features such as an iPod dock, a remote control and can even use wireless signals from a PC to play music from iTunes or similar software (the article isn't clear which wireless technology is used). The robot uses a Kenwood speaker system. Camera and sensors are available as an optional extra to allow Miuro to map out it's on position and remember routes.

Miuro is available to buy on-line in Japan, with overseas availability expected in the second half of 2007. Retailing at $930 (USD), it isn't exactly at the cheap end of iPod accessories.

Source: Yahoo! News
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